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Nvidia confirms 2080tis FAIL and CATCH FIRE

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2 minutes ago, roflpwnedz said:

We really do spend most of our time configuring shit, checking frame rates, benchmarks, mods, fixes, patches,  and noticing the most stupid details instead of playing the games. Then they end up crashing anyway. :cries:

It's the same as it's always been in terms of testing and tinkering but the difference is there's no actual PC games now, it's just trying to make the best of console games. It's an abysmal fate for what used to be something special. 

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3 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

It's the same as it's always been in terms of testing and tinkering but the difference is there's no actual PC games now, it's just trying to make the best of console games. It's an abysmal fate for what used to be something special. 

There really isn't. All we have left are the best versions of all the OLD games. 

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21 minutes ago, roflpwnedz said:

There really isn't. All we have left are the best versions of all the OLD games. 

Remij is delusional about all this shit and thinks PC is in its prime, he's equating mainstream popularity with importance and viability which is pure psychosis. It's why I stopped upgrading my PC and shifted back into consoles. Why the hell would anyone invest all that money for something that expensive which completely lost its identity? It's not an interesting platform anymore, it's more expensive than its ever been, there's zero top tier games for it anymore. There's no Far Cry's or Half-Life's, or Quake's anymore, no Battlefield 2's, it's just console games that look marginally better than they do on consoles and in some instances identical and then a bunch of indie stuff that makes no use of the hardware.  


"Bu..bu...but 100+ FPS!"


Who fucking cares? That's always been a PC reality and was never something that needed to be brought up because games and graphics could be lorded over everything else. They don't fucking exist anymore and graphics look so marginally different it's not even worth mentioning so this faggot has to default to performance, it's pathetic. 


Modern PC gaming is fucking garbage, my game count on Steam has been at 600'something for like the past three years. It's a waste of money. Oh and don't even get me started on platform scattering, publishers left and right are deciding to do their own things and you now need like 8 different accounts and clients just to play modern games. It's ridiculous. 

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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I said it before but without consoles and Xbox/Microsoft PC is literally nothing, the parasitic creature dies when there's no host :tom: 

You don't mean anything to the game world if your latest $1200 card only runs ugly indie trash and old strategy games. And no RDR2 :pavarotti: 


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I joined the hermits out kf a necessity because of the work that I do. But im fine holding off and getting a PS4. Mainly because if RDR2 and Spiderman.


but I am enjoying games I nissed out on before thanks to PC. But I feel like in terms of gaming, I joined a bit late. 

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5 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Remij is delusional about all this shit and thinks PC is in its prime, he's equating mainstream popularity with importance and viability which is pure psychosis. It's why I stopped upgrading my PC and shifted back into consoles. Why the hell would anyone invest all that money for something that expensive which completely lost its identity? It's not an interesting platform anymore, it's more expensive than its ever been, there's zero top tier games for it anymore. There's no Far Cry's or Half-Life's, or Quake's anymore, no Battlefield 2's, it's just console games that look marginally better than they do on consoles and in some instances identical and then a bunch of indie stuff that makes no use of the hardware.  


"Bu..bu...but 100+ FPS!"


Who fucking cares? That's always been a PC reality and was never something that needed to be brought up because games and graphics could be lorded over everything else. They don't fucking exist anymore and graphics look so marginally different it's not even worth mentioning so this faggot has to default to performance, it's pathetic. 


Modern PC gaming is fucking garbage, my game count on Steam has been at 600'something for like the past three years. It's a waste of money. Oh and don't even get me started on platform scattering, publishers left and right are deciding to do their own things and you now need like 8 different accounts and clients just to play modern games. It's ridiculous. 

When did I ever say PC was in its prime?  What I say, and will continue to say... is that it's better than console gaming, dipshit.  Do you think consoles are in their prime? :rofl: 


Nobody gives a shit why you stopped upgrading your PC and shifted into consoles, dude get over yourself. :rofl:   It's hilarious how you whine about PC losing it's identity... BUT STILL DICKRIDE XBOX... WHICH COMPLETELY LOST IT'S ENTIRE IDENTITY THIS GEN, idiot shithead :rofl: Then to add to that fact, that consoles have simply aped everything from PC and now even run on the same hardware architecture... :rofl: 




"Bu..but 100+ FPS!" ....... Uh... yea?  And no, it hasn't always been a PC reality... monitors weren't able to display those FPS before like they can now... and it makes a HUGE fucking difference.  You see dipshit... there's a reason why I don't give a fuck that PC doesn't get these games with MASSIVE increases in graphics fidelity over console anymore... and that's because... it's unrealistic to expect.  These things cost money and huge teams... which most companies can't compete with.  Notice how most 3rd parties don't make exclusive games anymore?  Shit mostly comes out for every platform because it's simply not feasible to deny one half of the market over the other this day in age where games cost too much to produce.  I'm also no longer as concerned with games needing to look incredible... because most already do.  What I do care about is performance and features, and not needing to own multiple boxes that all do the same basic shit.


It's how something like Ray-tracing can come along, and I'll talk about how great the tech is and that it will be important in the future and dipshits like you say "meh" hardly any better.... like ROFL.. ok then.  I've been about 5 years ahead of the curve on this fucking forum about future technologies.  I remember talking about playing games 4K in 2013 and shitheads like Jon were saying it was a gimmick that would never catch on and wasn't necessary.  Bu but now it's XBOX 4K omahagawd!!!:rofl: 


It's hilarious how you continue to speak about performance like it doesn't matter... purposefully downplaying it because you know consoles will never match it :rofl: Your set top box console future is STREAMING ffs:rofl: 


Yea, PC gaming is a waste of money... as he sits in his game room typing his posts on his PC completely ignoring all the thousands of console games that he has.  LMAO I saw that shit on GAF... where you admitted that you don't touch 99% of the shit you have and it's just there for show and internet points... you mostly just argue on forums these days.  Fucking clown.. get real. :rofl: 


Upset because Xbox got fucked this gen.. turned you into a salty bitch.. or maybe you were always this way?  Ah well, who cares :kaz: 


Check the sig bitch and suck it :hehe: 

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