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Anyone get anything or plan to get anything for Black Friday?

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4 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

Just because people buy something doesn't mean it's worth it .

I mean that's kind of your expertise lol

Then take it up with those PEOPLE.


Uh oh................guess we're real-life people fanboys, then.:shrug:lol

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Another 4K TV for my third X.

cant think of nothing I want.  if i was prepared, upgrading my mobo/graphics card, but honestly pointless.  (very pointless).    

knack 2 

6 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Kind of like a $1,500 video card that's been nothing but a operational disaster...

I've noticed you use words like "operational" and "function" so liberally.  Do you think it makes your sentences sound smarter? :D 

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1 minute ago, Remij_ said:



In your post you explain what you think Sony should do......  That's where the corporate angle is coming from.  You're proceeding to say you're surprised, and that Sony should do this and that, when it's completely unnecessary for them to accomplish their goal... which is selling the console.


Is it sinking in yet? :wonder: 

As previously stated, none of us should care about this corporate angularity because none of it benefits us. I know what you're saying, there's no misunderstanding there but as a consumer it's a retarded position to stand behind which is exactly why I said it reads like bonafide PR.  What a console is selling unless it's absolutely abysmal numbers doesn't matter and doesn't have an effect on the consumer. What a system is worth selling for to Sony has no bearing on its intrinsic value and worth as a product. People buy things even if they're too expensive, they just do, it happens regardless of the systems subjective worth to them. That has no bearing on its objective worth as a device, as a performative piece of hardware whose goal is rendering abilities, those abilities and the systems features are not in line with what the system costs, they haven't been since it launched. 


The PlayStation 4 Pro is objectively not worth its $400 price tag, it's a poorly designed system thats practical functions fall way below what is acceptable for its cost. 

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7 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

I've noticed you use words like "operational" and "function" so liberally.  Do you think it makes your sentences sound smarter? :D 

The card can barely handle 1080p with RTX and it only averages about a 20-25% performance advantage over the 1080 Ti at double its cost. On top of this cards have been failing.


It's been an operational disaster.




Pick up a dictionary dip shit. 

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10 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

As previously stated, none of us should care about this corporate angularity because none of it benefits us.


Ah, so we shouldn't have free-market capitalism in America.


Uh............you do know that you just insinuated some form of hardcore socialist consumer economy.


I got a feeling that Dynocrap is going to be so desperate to find reasons to defend Xbox through this winter, he will probably denounce Judeo-Christinity, The Periodic Table of Elements, and basic Algebra just to get through these next couple of months.

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Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

The card can barely handle 1080p with RTX and it only averages about a 20-25% performance advantage over the 1080 Ti at double its cost. On top of this cards have been failing.


It's been an operational disaster.




Pick up a dictionary dip shit. 

I wasn't referring to just that post specifically.  I'm referring to how you speak in general.  In almost every discussion about technology you overuse the shit out of those words to try to make your posts sound smarter.  Whatever though.


And the card easily handles 1080p with RTX.  60fps with ray tracing at HD resolution is not anything to laugh about.  Are you really going to laugh at 30fps at 4K?  I mean, we're in top of the line console performance with the latest, most demanding graphical advancement in the last 10 years...    It also averages about 30-35% over the 1080Ti...  and all technology has it's birthing pains.  Xbox had RRoD... X1X's were failing in the beginning as well.  Tons of reports.  Don't act like this shit doesn't happen with mass consumer electronics.


And there's going to be big performance improvements for BF5 coming... as I said way before.  It's NEW technology... and the first game released to support the technology...  The same thing happened with programmable shaders, tessellation, ect ect.


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1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

I wasn't referring to just that post specifically.  I'm referring to how you speak in general.  In almost every discussion about technology you overuse the shit out of those words to try to make your posts sound smarter.  Whatever though.


And the card easily handles 1080p with RTX.  60fps with ray tracing at HD resolution is not anything to laugh about.  Are you really going to laugh at 30fps at 4K?  I mean, we're in top of the line console performance with the latest, most demanding graphical advancement in the last 10 years...    It also averages about 30-35% over the 1080Ti...  and all technology has it's birthing pains.  Xbox had RRoD... X1X's were failing in the beginning as well.  Tons of reports.  Don't act like this shit doesn't happen with mass consumer electronics.


And there's going to be big performance improvements for BF5 coming... as I said way before.  It's NEW technology... and the first game released to support the technology...  The same thing happened with programmable shaders, tessellation, ect ect.


Give me better words that fit what's being discussed than operation or function, by all means please enlighten me oh great thesaurus man. It's proper diction bud, those words have strict application in these kinds of discussions because you're indeed discussing.... you guessed it, functions and operations of technology...


Oh does it now? Yeah? You're kind of leaving out the settings it needs to operate at to achieve those metrics. It's not Ultra and that's for damn sure, it's a half baked product that should have never of been released. They should have delayed until what will now be the next-generation of graphics hardware to debut this tech. Even then the card itself in non-RTX application is laughable, it's nearly a 100% cost increase for a performance increase that's maybe 1/3 of that... It's a beta level device released as a retail product, and you actually paid $1,500 for that, but please tell me it's worth it... :tom:



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22 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Give me better words that fit what's being discussed than operation or function, by all means please enlighten me oh great thesaurus man. It's proper diction bud, those words have strict application in these kinds of discussions because you're indeed discussing.... you guessed it, functions and operations of technology...


Oh does it now? Yeah? You're kind of leaving out the settings it needs to operate at to achieve those metrics. It's not Ultra and that's for damn sure, it's a half baked product that should have never of been released. They should have delayed until what will now be the next-generation of graphics hardware to debut this tech. Even then the card itself in non-RTX application is laughable, it's nearly a 100% cost increase for a performance increase that's maybe 1/3 of that... It's a beta level device released as a retail product, and you actually paid $1,500 for that, but please tell me it's worth it... :tom:



Ok, in the future I'll point them out to you. lmao


And yea, it does.  I'm glad you brought up the fact that I'm leaving out the settings... because that IS at Ultra settings... which is FAR beyond console settings.  I guess I should try the game at Medium (X1X settings) with RTX and see how it fares?  I mean, that would be the logical comparison right?


They should have delayed it?  Do you even understand how Nvidia's business works?   These GPUs exist because the enterprise markets demands they exist.  These GPUs are already EXTREMELY successful for their intended markets.  Now is precisely the right time for them to bring it to the gaming market.  Their competition is generations behind in almost every respect... and they are capitalizing on that.  They can afford to stumble with the product now while their "competition" has nothing to even respond to their LAST GEN gpus.. lmao.


Ray tracing is ONE component of RTX...  there's been tons of architectural improvements that aren't yet being utilized... and guess what.... when you introduce NEW technologies that FUNDAMENTALLY change how graphics are rendered... you can't just release it with tons of support out of the gate...  These things take time because developers need actual working hardware to program for....  I mean, again... this is the SAME EXACT thing that happened with programmable shaders.  


And is the card worth it?  Sure, to me.  I've spent more for dual GPUs before... so it's nothing to me.  I use my PC every day, and it's the fastest consumer GPU in existence regardless of the application.  I'll get plenty of use out of it.  It's that price because people will pay it.   (acting like you haven't spend $1000 on GPUs :tom: )

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2018-11-23 at 10:30 PM, DynamiteCop! said:

Give me better words that fit what's being discussed than operation or function, by all means please enlighten me oh great thesaurus man. It's proper diction bud, those words have strict application in these kinds of discussions because you're indeed discussing.... you guessed it, functions and operations of technology...


Oh does it now? Yeah? You're kind of leaving out the settings it needs to operate at to achieve those metrics. It's not Ultra and that's for damn sure, it's a half baked product that should have never of been released. They should have delayed until what will now be the next-generation of graphics hardware to debut this tech. Even then the card itself in non-RTX application is laughable, it's nearly a 100% cost increase for a performance increase that's maybe 1/3 of that... It's a beta level device released as a retail product, and you actually paid $1,500 for that, but please tell me it's worth it... :tom:







Is Deeno ever right about anything? :freeman: 


Deeno and Jon getting fucked :juggle: 

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