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Observations from when I used to work as a mover a few years back

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The job can be quite hard when you're moving things up and down stairs but you're also often on the road so the breaks make it fairly easy. The money is good too and you get tips.

Colleagues are often on juice or plain crazy,  fun to work with as long as you don't act like a complete beta bitch.



-People have an insane amount of useless cheap clutter, it's seriously unbelievable what you see sometimes. Then they want you to drag all these things to their new residence, often a completely new home where all that junk sticks out like a sore thumb.

Many times we barely had any room to put down all the furniture, boxes and bags. It's usually then that they start to realize how much crap they have.


-Most homes are dirty as hell, dust and filth everywhere.

-A lot of people call in their family and friends for help, but they're just useless and weak af. They're good to carry the small trinkets around that aren't in bags or boxes lol.

-Young couples are the most annoying and demanding despite nearly always picking out the cheapest formulas with the least movers. They also have a lot of junk too, it's always extra work with them.

-Old people are a mixed bag, but they're usually the most chill to work for, but usually don't have much people helping them.

-9/10 if someone's being annoying, has an attitude or is very demanding it's one of the women of the house, and they don't help for shit.

-Something that surprised me is how rich people often have  large families, I dunno why it surprised me so much but their homes are usually packed with close relatives and they all seem chill and happy

-Most annoying thing to drag around are bed mattresses, they're difficult to get through windows and small gaps and they're dusty and dirty.

-Most people do offer something to drink or a small snack to eat.

-Fuck pianos :jonb:

-Sometimes we'd damage stuff and it's inevitable with all the stuff we pick up. If it happened when no one saw it we'd superglue anything we could or hide it somewhere so they won't notice before we leave

-Most memorable client was an old couple, their house was nothing but old antique paintings and furniture, quite outdated in looks but there was like zero clutter to spot.

-Worst was some fat nurse that smelled like shit and her furniture smelled like shit, and her new place already managed to smell like shit :puke:



Biggest tip I got was from a woman whose husband was ill and in the hospital, she gave me and my colleague 100 Euro each. I also broke a a large table glass once and nearly killed my boss with something that fell from the 3rd floor and almost hit his head :TJ:


All in all a fun and varied job, time flies when doing it. It also made me HATE clutter and cheap shit.




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41 minutes ago, dakur said:

Did you bang a housewife on the back of the moving truck? If not, why not?

Nah, most average people are ugly or uninteresting. But some you can tell they're horny af, the way they act, talk and look. And they do that shit right in front of their boyfriend or husband. We also kept things professional, except when breaking stuff then we'd try to weasel out of it by any means so we wouldn't have to deal the customer annoying us or with our insurance lol.

33 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

You're still doing this job aren't you? 

Nah, was like 4 years ago now I think. I miss it sometimes though, it's not as hard as you'd think it is.

Best part like I mentioned is how fast time goes. Every route, location and people are different with each move and every day so it all feels different enough that no real routine sets in like on other jobs. The only routine is how we always deploy the ladder lift  and pack in goods in the truck the same way.

Edited by bhytre
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Interesting. I like the idea of going around and getting to see new locations and meet new people on a frequent basis. I definitely don't think I would be cut out for the job though, or anything involving manual labor for that matter. I already get annoyed just carrying around some of the printers and larger PCs at my workplace.

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12 minutes ago, Hot Sauce said:

Are moving scams big over there?

Not really, most do an honest job. Never heard of any companies pulling that shit here anyway. But you do have plenty who try to stretch time a bit by taking a small break when en route with the furniture or they'll just carry a small toolbox with simple screwdrivers so that taking something apart takes much longer.

9 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Interesting. I like the idea of going around and getting to see new locations and meet new people on a frequent basis. I definitely don't think I would be cut out for the job though, or anything involving manual labor for that matter. I already get annoyed just carrying around some of the printers and larger PCs at my workplace.

It's not perfect but as always it's quid pro quo, something for something. You might have to carry a lot of shit but you get some good things too that you won't necessarily find in other jobs. Going everywhere and being outside all day when it's not winter is  pleasant considering you're still working. Winter is tough though there's no sugarcoating that.

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