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remij, what is wrong with BFV's performance?

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I was convinced Frostbite was the most efficient and well optimized engine out there until this game. Seriously. I've dropped the settings to medium and I still get frequent frame rate drops in MP, that actually affect my in-game performance. So many times when I engage 1-2 enemies at close range the game will slow down to the point where I miss shots and end up dying as a result. The graphical improvements over BF1 are also extremely minor and marginal at best, but that game ran way better for me...

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1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

I was convinced Frostbite was the most efficient and well optimized engine out there until this game. Seriously. I've dropped the settings to medium and I still get frequent frame rate drops in MP, that actually affect my in-game performance. So many times when I engage 1-2 enemies at close range the game will slow down to the point where I miss shots and end up dying as a result. The graphical improvements over BF1 are also extremely minor and marginal at best, but that game ran way better for me...

What resolution are you running at.. and what is your fps like?  DX11 or 12?  


Also, make sure you keep Render future frames on.


With a 1070, at 1440p Ultra preset, you should pretty much never go below 60fps.  Considering the amount of shit that can be happening, I'd say that's pretty well optimized.

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7 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

It looks the same tho

There's certain aspects that are much MUCH better in BF5... and others that aren't.  :shrug: 


Regardless...  he should still be getting more than 60fps at ultra.  He hasn't really given much information.

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39 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

What resolution are you running at.. and what is your fps like?  DX11 or 12?  


Also, make sure you keep Render future frames on.


With a 1070, at 1440p Ultra preset, you should pretty much never go below 60fps.  Considering the amount of shit that can be happening, I'd say that's pretty well optimized.

I have a 980 and am playing a 1440p with that render frames feature on. I also have DX12 enabled, maybe I should turn off. The performance is just all over the place, and is worse on some maps. Walking through the water on twisted steel for example is one of the many things that likes to drop my framerate. Its just all over the place.

Edited by Twinblade
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5 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

I have a 980 and am playing a 1440p with that render frames feature on. I also have DX12 enabled, maybe I should turn off. The performance is just all over the place, and is worse on some maps. Walking through the water on twisted steel for example is one of the many things that likes to drop my framerate. Its just all over the place.

Oh ffs.. a 980 at 1440p... and you're playing in DX12? Dude... turn that shit off and watch your fps go up by 10-20...  900 series is garbage with DX12.  Not to mention DICE's DX12 implementation has always been pretty shoddy.

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