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David Jaffe speaking some realness (Ramza watch this)

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He must get tired of people asking him about God of War and to make AAA games again, but the dude doesn't want any more of it.  You gotta give it to Jaffe.. he's certainly opinionated, but he's true to himself and doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks.  I certainly love my character driven story games, but it's true what he says.  It's a lot of the same shit over and over again, just executed better each time.   It's easy to say "yea but Jaffe hasn't made a great game in x years and whatever" but you have to admit, he creates something, and then moves on to creating something new each time.  You gotta respect that.  It's true what he says about VR and the immersion..  it's a crazy difference actually being inside the game world and not just looking at it on a screen. 

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I watch "thejaffestream" occasionally. He's a funny dude, but at the same time it's made me think about him differently than I did before knowing he was the God of War creator. He's an interesting character and will tell you what he thinks, no bullshit. After Calling All Cars the dude straight up fell off into the deep end creatively, but I do love his passion for video games. Funny thing is he doesn't even know if his own studio is defunct because he talked about it a bit on the stream. Check him out... he even takes calls to discuss with his viewers.

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8 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

I watch "thejaffestream" occasionally. He's a funny dude, but at the same time it's made me think about him differently than I did before knowing he was the God of War creator. He's an interesting character and will tell you what he thinks, no bullshit. After Calling All Cars the dude straight up fell off into the deep end creatively, but I do love his passion for video games. Funny thing is he doesn't even know if his own studio is defunct because he talked about it a bit on the stream. Check him out... he even takes calls to discuss with his viewers.

Yea I didn't even know that he had a stream. He's got tons of vids out and I'm checking some of them out now.  I agree with everything you said though.  I always like hearing the insight from veterans in the industry.. it gives you a bit of a different view on things.  He's just at a different stage in his life where he cuts through the bullshit and can say things without fear of retribution from anyone.   It's refreshing.. in a industry where the fans want to desperately believe that their hero creators must feel the same way about games and gaming as they do.


I'm watching the one where Cory calls in right now lmao.  It's good stuff.

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If you enjoyed that I'd highly recommend listening to him when he was on Colin Moriarty's Fireside chats podcast (Ep 57). Basically goes full Jaffe and calls out a lot of things including games journalism and some reviews against his games and so on. Plus you get his idea on gaming atm.

I'm a big fan of his but I do think there is a bit of saltiness in his words. He is definitely upset that his recent games (since GoW) just haven't been successful in any critical or commercial way and it does influence his perspective. Still such an awesome person to listen to to get inside the industry type of talks without the usual bullshit of having to try be careful with your words. 

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I definitely feel a similar way since I've experienced VR games. It's why something like RDR2 don't impress me so much, you can push graphics details as much as you want but you still aren't in the game.


Even old, ugly ass Skyrim is a surreal experience at times. Random dragons attacking me in the wild made me jump out of my seat, meanwhile dragons in GoW was just another boss fight with obvious patterns. lol

Edited by Ramza
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Regarding his feelings with current story driven games; I can agree for the most part because that was actually a giant issue I had with RDR2 that I constantly complained about in the OT. The fact that the way I'm feeling or the story being told to me in cutscenes is so different to the gameplay of me doing whatever I want. However that is also why I love God of War so much, because it doesn't do that. Never has a game incorporated narrative into a game like that. Everything about it from that perspective was perfect to me. The fact the story is literally just about taking your wife's ashes to a mountain, an intentional lack of a sense of urgency and the game through converstaion constantly tells you that you have time to explore and discover stuff (as opposed to a lot of other games where the world is ending and you're running off doing some pointless side quest). The one camera take and the most amazing blend of gameplay and cinematic where it never feels like you're just sitting back and watching a cut scene. The stranger fight is the most amazing cinematic gameplay section in a game ever. Then most importantly the fact that it's emotion just seeps through the game and then the game gives you the exact gameplay elements you want with the emotion it is trying to portrayed. Best example I can give is:


(MAJOR God of War spoiler)


That insanely amazing scene of Kratos carrying his son after he is sick and the anger on his face and the silence, the boat ride back home and the reveal of the Blades of Chaos, all that anger and rage from Kratos was definitely made to make the player feel that way and the second you get the Blades the next gameplay section is literally Kratos decimating the largest number of standard enemies with the blades as there is in the game. A full unleash of the rage which is told through gameplay for both the character on screen and the player. God of War was fucking perfect.


What I'm saying is that Jaffe loses a bit of credibility because he hasn't played them so he is still basing narrative games on what they were last gen. GoW is a literal game changer in that regard. 


In the Colin podcast he refers to other reasons for not playing GoW which I think hit a little closer to reality imo

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God of War 2018 is way more gameplay focused and better paced than something like Uncharted 4, imo.


So was Horizon Zero Dawn. I spent way more time hunting robots, exploring and completing objectives than I did watching cutscenes, or forced to go through linear/scripted setpieces and what not.


I bet Spiderman balances gameplay/story pretty well too.


Naughty Dogs should take notes... other Sony's devs are doing a better job. I usually despise cinematic games but I have no issue when devs finds the right balance.

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4 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

is this guy even employed anywhere? IIRC, his last game was that multiplayer TPS that bombed critically and commercially. Haven't heard anything about him making any games since then.

The studio he was working (Bartlet Jones) for is all but defunct. They were working on a project that suddenly got canceled.

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1 minute ago, Twinblade said:

is this guy even employed anywhere? IIRC, his last game was that multiplayer TPS that bombed critically and commercially. Haven't heard anything about him making any games since then.

He's not making games atm. Having a go at being a streamer/youtube personality.


4 minutes ago, Ramza said:

God of War 2018 is way more gameplay focused and better paced than something like Uncharted 4, imo.


So was Horizon Zero Dawn. I spent way more time hunting robots, exploring and completing objectives than I did watching cutscenes, or forced to go through linear/scripted setpieces and what not.


I bet Spiderman balances gameplay/story pretty well too.


Naughty Dogs should take notes... other Sony's devs are doing a better job. I usually despise cinematic games but I have no issue when devs finds the right balance.

Yeah it feels like most ppl that complain about 'movie games' or cinematic games are really just talking about Naughty Dog and most definitely haven't played the others.


Horizon has no more cutscenes than any normal open world game (and much much much less than RDR2) and God of War's biggest complaint from fans of the franchise was how it wasn't cinematic enough and had too much gameplay. GoW is closer to a metroidvania Dark Souls than anything ND does.

Spiderman is even a more pure open world game than even Horizon.


The only developer truly making pure story driven cinematic games are Naughty Dog (which I love but I get it's not for everyone). (Obviously not talking about Quantam Dream games or Until Dawn cause I think that's a whole other genre)

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8 minutes ago, Ramza said:

God of War 2018 is way more gameplay focused and better paced than something like Uncharted 4, imo.


So was Horizon Zero Dawn. I spent way more time hunting robots, exploring and completing objectives than I did watching cutscenes, or forced to go through linear/scripted setpieces and what not.


I bet Spiderman balances gameplay/story pretty well too.


Naughty Dogs should take notes... other Sony's devs are doing a better job. I usually despise cinematic games but I have no issue when devs finds the right balance.

Spider-Man was a big surprise for me. It was probably the best mix of gameplay/story I’ve played this year. 

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