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Rocksteady game possibly leaked via gamesystemrequirements.com?

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Superman: World's Finest (Didn't post it in the title just in case someone doesn't want to know)


Apparently this place had DMCV a month before it got announced too. 

The Game Awards less than 2 weeks to go....






The  interesting part is that this Superman rumour has come up previously and was shot down as false. 


One way or another hopefully we find out at TGA. 


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Can I get a 3D X-Men game where we can choose the character for the mission like the SNES/Sega games had? :happysad:



Make it akin to the Arkham series, let me fight other mutants, sentinels, etc.





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5 hours ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

Weren't they supposedly making Harry Potter, or was that someone else?

That was the rumor along with that wicked good looking footage. They denied it though. 

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