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7th day into my "water fast"

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17 hours ago, jehurey said:

Wait a minute, are you saying you're eating 2000+ calories a day? So, are we to assume you are BURNING more than 2000+ calories a day, like at least 2500 calories?


For starters, you checking your ketones with this piss sticks may not be that useful if you are on the diet for a long time.  If you are underneath a threshold of 40-50g of carbs per day, you are in ketosis. Those measuring sticks have an expiration date for their usefulness.


Intermittent fasting is useful. It keeps your metabolism up, because as you lose weight, your metabolism slows down. If you workout alot, do alot of cardio, your body becomes adaptive to the exercise and burns less calories doing the same activities.  Fasting helps keep the metabolism up (gaining muscle also helps, I think I remember reading that 1 pound in muscle gain results in 3 additional calories being burned every hour).


There are keto plateaus, every hits them. And the common catchphrase is "Keep Calm and Keto On"


When I'm in the keto diet and doing well, I have the advantage of never eating breakfast for most of my life, so I only have two meals. ANd its usually a 600-800 calorie lunch. And then for dinner I can splurge with about 800-1000 calories on a nice-ass steak smothered in butter and some buttered steamed veggies. Lot of times I am within 1800 calories a day. When you are doing Keto correctly, it works as an appetite suppressant. Those two meals are more than enough for me.

Intermittenet fasting is great, but prolonged fasting has it's own benefits.


And trust me you don't stall on prolonged fasting, your fat turns soft and mushy temporary, that means the fat cells are filling with water. After that you just piss them out, it's called the whoosh effect, and I can attest to it being real even though I was sceptical it existed at first.


72 hours of prolonged fasting increases your human growth hormone by 300%, which makes weight lose of prolonged much much better than intermittent. It's why you can eat like a pig once on a refeed after a prolonged fast, and lose weight at the same time. You can pig out at 4000 calories after long fasting period, and gain zero weight.


It's never as simple as calories in and calories out. It's why those low calorie diets are pure garbage. 


Exercise + Low calorie is the best way to fuck your metabolism that exists for example. It's fucking stupid, it's better to eat maintence and just work out than lower calories AND workout.

Edited by Team 2019
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Let's assume my maintenence is 2000 calories if I eat 6 times a day spiking my insulin like a retard and not allowing my body to produce more human growth hormone.


If I eat once a day my maintenence because of the lack of insulin spikes, and increase in human growth hormone can up my caloric maintenence to 2500.


Calories in calories out is for clueless vegans, and women on juice fasts, and other mentally handicapped demographics who read cosmopolitan.

Edited by Team 2019
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