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Red Dead Online is gonna be like GTA V - Rife w/ Microtransaction

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Loot is extremely basic online compared to singleplayer - the player get's pennies, compared to dollars when looting corpses.


 I should add you need the loot if you intend to stay alive (health) and keep your horse alive - because you can't fast travel until level 65 which takes hundreds of hours, or money.


Seems to be a lot of fun, since the action  - and by extension; the missions are more direct (not having to worry about your character's standing for the entirety of the campaign like you did in singleplayer.


Not much has been made of what exactly things will cost, but the assumption is that Rockstar wants its fair share of loot as well.

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56 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:


Yeah because as the video explained from his experience in the Beta; it was very enjoyable not having the weight of your decisions impacting you and the main storyline; just do missions, and kill people - even the choice to do it sadistically or honorably is voted on the team members who have joined the mission.

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