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Battlefield 5 DXR performance improved by 50% in incoming update

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damn ray-tracing is sweet! 

True, couple that with the fact that we're getting great stories and narrative based games that sell very well, indie developers making wonderful experiences, and the ability to push the graphics with

Yeah, but then we'll just be crashing like rubber neckers do IRL while we stare at the reflections and god rays that will appear. 

60 FPS achieved; and that nasty explosion bug that dropped FPS by 15%-25% (which is kinda brutal for a Battlefield game). ConsolePlebsHBO!






Now we'll just wait until BF:V is a complete game.  :feelsbadman:

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New Battlefield V Update and GeForce Game Ready Driver Improve DXR Ray Tracing Performance By Up To 50%

By Andrew Burnes on December 03, 2018 | Featured Stories Battlefield V GeForce RTX GPUs NVIDIA GameWorks NVIDIA RTX Ray Tracing Turing

On December 4th, EA and DICE will deploy the BattlefieldTM V: Tides of War Chapter 1: Overture update, bringing gamers a new single-player War Story called The Last Tiger, a new multiplayer map called Panzerstorm, a Practice Range for players to hone their skills on, and a number of other gameplay enhancements.

In addition, Chapter 1 also includes DXR Ray Tracing optimizations, improving performance up to 50%, enabling GeForce RTX gamers to enjoy Battlefield V’s immersive real-time ray-traced reflections at over 60 FPS.




  • GeForce RTX 2080 Ti users will now be able to play at over 60 FPS at 2560x1440 with DXR Raytraced Reflections set to Ultra.
  • GeForce RTX 2080 users will be able to play at over 60 FPS at 2560x1440 with Medium DXR Raytraced Reflections.
  • GeForce RTX 2070 users will be able to play at over 60 FPS at 1920x1080 with Medium DXR Raytraced Reflections.


To learn more, check out our developer video filmed in Sweden at DICE, which walks through the different DXR performance optimizations in Battlefield V: Tides of War Chapter 1: Overture:

This is only the beginning and we will continue to work closely with EA and DICE to improve this new technology, so stay tuned, and be sure to keep your GeForce Game Ready drivers updated using GeForce Experience.


And don’t forget, for a limited time when you purchase eligible GeForce RTX graphics cards or systems, you also get a copy of Battlefield V.



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To be honest, I was fully expecting this to take until March 2019, or (worst case scenario) the 3xxx series until this became a reality; the fact that it was done within a few months from the release of these cards gives me hope that they're not a flash in the pan, nor is this a hopeless technology upgrade.



 it's been 11 years since Crysis was released (November 2007), and frankly we (as gamers) need some stuff like Ray-Tracing, and games like Cyberpunk.



Meanwhile, the typical AAA titles are becoming very stale, rife with microtransactions, or just downright shitty.

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2 minutes ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

To be honest, I was fully expecting this to take until March 2019, or (worst case scenario) the 3xxx series until this became a reality; the fact that it was done within a few months from the release of these cards gives me hope that they're not a flash in the pan, nor is this a hopeless technology upgrade.



 it's been 11 years since Crysis was released (November 2007), and frankly we (as gamers) need some stuff like Ray-Tracing, and games like Cyberpunk.



Meanwhile, the typical AAA titles are becoming very stale, rife with microtransactions, or just downright shitty.

Dude, any new technology which fundamentally changes the way games are rendered is going to have a learning curve and will take time for developers to adapt.  People should know this by now.. I was watching all the info leading up to the launch of the RTX cards and following certain threads on various forums and stuff, and it was easy to see that the potential of these cards was amazing... and that it was so new that the games we had been seeing up until then, like Metro, BF5, Tomb Raider.. ect ... were all very "first effort" prototypes, and that things would improve drastically.  DICE even said they only had 2 weeks with these cards before their demonstration, and before that they were using Titan Vs which didn't even have the RT cores.. 


I remember when programmable shaders were first brought onto the scene as well and many devs faced the exact same challenge.  Even with this update this is still early shit, and developers will get better and probably more selective on how they approach it. 


New hardware, new drivers, new API, new games....  That's a recipe for unoptimization... and technology which can/will be greatly improved upon.  It's why I laughed at the 1080p 30fps bullshit.  Consoles have learning curves, and so do new GPUs with a completely new shader pipeline and new core technologies.


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On 2018-11-25 at 9:30 PM, Remij_ said:



I said it's "pretty much" confirmed (and yes it is).... and it's far faster than the 1060 and 590.... AMD lmao:rofl:  


RTX doesn't mean JUST Ray Tracing Jon... there's plenty of architectural improvements to the SMs and huge improvements to the memory interface... as well as new technologies that are only possible on the new architecture.. such as the new Mesh shader pipeline and mixed precision FP.  DLSS will also help the lower end cards punch above their weight.


And dude.. I'm telling you... Ray tracing performance is going to improve over time.  It's like comparing console games from the start of a generation to the games at the end of the generation....  You're just so eager to hate on anything you can.  Anything NEW that Xbox isn't doing... you hate on it until they do... lmfao.



And yes, it will improve on current hardware.  By LOTS.  I guarantee it. I've been there done this befo breh :reg: 



Sorry man... but that's completely false.  Think about what you are saying... like honestly.  60fps at 1080p is not barely handling it... and 30fps at 4K is certainly not barely handling it.  That's literally current gen console quality... with the most taxing effects rendering out there.


And that's exactly right... were back at a time where there's actually been a fundamental graphics rendering advancement.. which is punishing on cards... and people are freaking out because their FPSs dropped...


This type of rendering is extremely taxing... not just on the GPU, but the CPU as well..  This is brand new tech... and developers are still learning.  Its exactly what I said before... During console generations there's a learning curve and developers learn best practices and how to really improve performance.  This shit is horribly unoptimized at the driver level and the game engine level.  Sorry, but despite the fact of there being only one game currently... the developers have already gone on record saying that they didn't have too long with the actual hardware and many of the optimizations they had planned weren't able to make it into the first build.


This is standard shit for new hardware and architectures... I don't know why you guys are being so fucking jaded.. especially you.. as someone who I would expect to know better.  But you're a PC hater these days anyway, so I don't take much of what you say serious.


Jon :hehe: 

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1 minute ago, -GD- said:

damn ray-tracing is sweet! 

Yeah, it's effectively the tech demo shit we've seen for a decade now in real-time. Now however, it's not just limited to CGI films, and 3DMark. :juggle: :killzone:


It's going to be the standard expectation of games (and gamers) going forward; certainly for the next gen consoles, and future PC titles...

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Just now, Teh_Diplomat said:

Yeah, it's effectively the tech demo shit we've seen for a decade now in real-time. Now however, it's not just limited to CGI films, and 3DMark. :juggle: :killzone:


It's going to be the standard expectation of games (and gamers) going forward; certainly for the next gen consoles, and future PC titles...

it's crazy where visuals are going. 

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10 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

But it was fine before ? Lmao SHEEP 


scamC lol 

It WAS fine before.. considering the complexity of the technology... which is what I was telling you.... lmao don't give me that bullshit.  It was fine before.. and it's better now.  Deal with it  :tom: 

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3 minutes ago, -GD- said:

it's crazy where visuals are going. 

True, couple that with the fact that we're getting great stories and narrative based games that sell very well, indie developers making wonderful experiences, and the ability to push the graphics with new technology and being a gamer is looking pretty damn sweet.



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I can't wait to see racing games with this technology.  Honestly, the biggest flaw with racing games are the reflections and the complete lack of proper reflecting cars and lighting.  With DXR, the cars will absolutely feel more grounded in the game world and connected to the road.  The reflections being correct is absolutely essential for a 3d space to feel cohesive and logical.  It's not easy at all to demonstrate with pictures, but when you're running around in a game world and things reflect properly.. like windows showing the transparency as well as the reflection of the street behind you and what's going on... it just is that much more immersive.  SSR are a relic of the past now.  They're good for certain situations, and definitely preferable to no reflections... but ray traced reflections are next tier.


The real impressive shit is yet to come though... with global illumination and shadowing.  Things are going to get crazy :whew:  

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Just now, Remij_ said:

I can't wait to see racing games with this technology.  Honestly, the biggest flaw with racing games are the reflections and the complete lack of proper reflecting cars and lighting.  With DXR, the cars will absolutely feel more grounded in the game world and connected to the road.  The reflections being correct is absolutely essential for a 3d space to feel cohesive and logical.  It's not easy at all to demonstrate with pictures, but when you're running around in a game world and things reflect properly.. like windows showing the transparency as well as the reflection of the street behind you and what's going on... it just is that much more immersive.  SSR are a relic of the past now.  They're good for certain situations, and definitely preferable to no reflections... but ray traced reflections are next tier.


The real impressive shit is yet to come though... with global illumination and shadowing.  Things are going to get crazy :whew:  

Yeah, but then we'll just be crashing like rubber neckers do IRL while we stare at the reflections and god rays that will appear. :pavarotti:

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9 hours ago, Remij_ said:

It WAS fine before.. considering the complexity of the technology... which is what I was telling you.... lmao don't give me that bullshit.  It was fine before.. and it's better now.  Deal with it  :tom: 

STill bad lmfao 1800 for PS4PRO resolution HAHA

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Just now, Jon2B said:


Nope.  That's at Ultra... drop to med or low and 4K 60 is likely possible now.  RTX at low >>> the best SSR (which X1X doesn't even have heh)  TLHBFR:vince: 



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