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post some of your favorite gaming memories (fanboy free :-* )

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1. getting my nes. this system literally made me love video games. i spent dozens of hours beating super mario bros over and over.


2. the first water level in donkey country. it was magical. the music and graphics = amazing


3. playing resident evil in like 1998  (it's the game that got me back into the hobby - took 3 year hiatus); and the pscho mantis boss fight from mgs  (you like castlevania). mind = blown. 


4. playing zelda oot. i was really sick for several months. the game kept my sanity intact, further cementing my love for video games. 


5. buying the dreamcast. it was the first system i ever bought at launch. i spent money i earned, legitimately, for it. it meant a lot to me. also, i loved the system. 


6. playing gta 3, drunk and stoned, with friends. that may be the most fun i've ever had with gaming. we all took turns with it. 


7. phendrana drifts in metroid prime.  i was in utter awe of the atmosphere


8. playing resident evil remake. it was awesome seeing the game that got me back into the hobby - look so amazing! 


9. javier getting his xbox 360. it was fun waiting in line with him and xjammz at best buy. we had a blast, later, when we played it at his house. 


10. taking a day off to beat uncharted 2 in one day. i did the same with gow 3. 


11. nsmb, wii sports and kinect around the holidays. they were perfect with the family


12. playing persona 4 golden on my vita. i HATED jrpgs until playing this masterpiece. i beat it numerous times. it led me to play p3p and p5. 


13. finally giving wrpgs a chance. i loved the mass effect trilogy and  witcher 2 and 3 (3 >  2 imo, though).


14. spending 100+ hours on forza horizon 2. 


15. getting a plat in detroit. i was obsessed! 

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Waiting for my friend to fall asleep after he played FF7 all morning, afternoon & night, so that I could play Resident Evil 2 throughout the night, until he woke up the next morning when we were kids.


Paying $40 for a 'broken'  disc read error (just had dust on the lens) PS1 off one kid, so I could parlay that into trading these two brothers for Shadowrun on the Sega Genesis, since I never beat it, but loved playing it as a kid when I had rented it.


Buying PC magazines to learn about the multiplayer levels, and enemies in Half-Life so I was 'ready' when the game launched in 1998.


Playing BF1942 & Vietnam with a dozen or so friends at a netcafe, or some of the students from work after hours in the game lab.


Playing Halo: CE on Legendary co-op with my buddy until the break of dawn.


Conquering every piece of land in Rome Total War.


Playing Day of Defeat Source with Handsome Horse.


Playing Team Fortress 2 with the guys here when the Orange Box dropped and watching us take over an entire server :D  (Pat, Hotsauce, Snakey, Rusty Shackleford, Clearacell, Cycloptis, Infernal, Taos, probably a bunch of other people I forget too mention as well!)

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My brothers friend bringing around his master system and being blown away by wonderboy in monster land and loving hang on, Astro warriors and world soccer.


getting my own master system for Christmas with Alex Kidd and wonderboy 3 and playing both all over the holiday.


Playing Mario 3 the week it come out


Playing street fighter 2 on the SNES the week it was released at my cousins


The  Nintendo 64 being the first console I bought with my own money when I was 16


Gaming as a whole between the end of 1998 to the end of 2001. There will never a period in gaming like it ever again for me personally it was the golden age.


Getting my Dreamcast and using it to go online for the first time, not just to play games but to use the internet as a whole.

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I’ll never forget the first time I played Mario 64 at the demo station in a Sears. 


Finally beating Mike Tyson 


Getting all 121 stars in Mario Galaxy in 2 days 


The Welcome to Rapture scene in Bioshock


Playing Portal in one playthrough the day The Orange Box released


Experiencing RE4 for the first time and surpassing the hype I had for it


Countless hours on SSBM


The ending to Uncharted 4 


The entire story of Detroit 



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3 minutes ago, Ike said:

I’ll never forget the first time I played Mario 64 at the demo station in a Sears. 


Finally beating Mike Tyson 


Getting all 121 stars in Mario Galaxy in 2 days 


The Welcome to Rapture scene in Bioshock


Playing Portal in one playthrough the day The Orange Box released


Experiencing RE4 for the first time and surpassing the hype I had for it


Countless hours on SSBM


The ending to Uncharted 4 


The entire story of Detroit 



still, one of the best scenes ever. chills! 

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5 minutes ago, -GD- said:

still, one of the best scenes ever. chills! 

Yeah when I read that I immediately thought: :omg: I recall that!



In fact I went back into Bioschock remastered after having completed Bioshock Infinite, and was still blown away.

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2 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

Playing Midtown Madness, guilty Gear  and Project Gotham on XBL . Online was new to me and everyone  talked back then . It wasn't retarded how it is now .

man...pgr2 and crimson skies were amazing on xbl. 

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- when I found out Samus is a women


- most snes/ps1 games  (mgs killing raven with nikitas, what a nightmare).


- broken Sword 1&2 absolute fav point and click adventures (george stobbart is a funny asshole). 


- pokemon blue/red and silver/gold. Good times 


- OoT


- Planescape: Torment. 


- and Neverwinter Nights. 


- playing golden eye and mario kart with my siblings and friends.


- same with tekken and medal of honor and C&C red alert on ps1. There was a time me and my older brother did nothing but play C&C against each other with 2 tvs in the same room. 


- playing the 3 silent hill games and getting confused and angry at the 4th. but it was still ok in my opinion. Everyone I know hates the game, but I just can't because the ost is still amazing.


- half Life the entire beginning scared the shit out of me with the experiment and the first jump into another dimension when these alien shits stand right in front of you. 


- half Life every guard and scientist falling to their death in broken elevators and their screams + "the laser guy" getting cut in half after the breakout.


- half Life first time seeing the tentacle monster. And later on  Xen dimension (lot of people shit on it but I liked it).


- first time playing counter strike as a kid (probably version 1.3, where the awp still had a crosshair and cs_assault was a night map). I was so bad at the controls. strafing with A and D broke my brain

  so I ran forward with W only for like a month or so until I was ready to try something new :dead: 


- almost all ps2 games. 


- MGS2 raiden's gay vaulting instead of a manly roll like snake


- MGS3 raiden's absense (thank god)


-MGS4 turns out raiden was actually gay with his cyborg break dancing superhuman powers


- WC3 and frozen throne. Didn't expect what happened to Arthas 


- followed by first time playing dota


- WoW vanilla. raiding with 39 random people for over 2 years. All the way to AQ40. One of my favourite memories, I still play occasionally with some people. 


- killing ugly gremlins in uncharted 1 (weirdest plot twist yet).


- same with the narnia civilization alien blue shits in 2 (stopped playing right there, it looked beautiful though).


- avoiding playing uncharted 3 onwards


- surviving FFXIII I was so hyped for the game. This was announced like when? 10 years prior to release? and then it's mostly a fancy graphics demo. I still liked the game though kinda....


- Demon's souls Valley of Defilement walking through the swamps. Feeling the dread in this place. Then the maiden astraea boss fight.


  either walking through the swamp with AIDS babies and dying a horrible a death, or facing Garl Vinland on that cliff and taking 2 steps back so he can attack then just murk his ass :D 


   then crying because of the sad music and you find out why she sits there. Always killed her though, I don't even know what happens if you forgive her??


  also the spider boss and the deaf monk boss fights. and Adjudicator that boss was weird as shit.




the screeching bird on top the pile of meat. :|  


Bildergebnis für demons souls adjudicator


- Recently starting playing Divinity: Original Sin and this game is amazing. Great moments so far.  one thing I like is talking to animals with the pet pal talent. 


- I need a PS4/PS5


- Dota 2








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-In 2005, Playing Smackdown vs. Raw 2006 online all day and night. Rejoicing one day when school was cancelled due to snow because I could  just stay in  playing this game all day. SEVERELY underrated 5th gen game. Got like 8.5 - 8.8 but was really worth like a 9.5 imo. 


-My dad randomly deciding to play Ocarina of Time with me (he has 0 game knowledge at all) because of the fishing minigame :ben: 

-The very first moments of gameplay in GTA 3.  Game was utterly revolutionary. 


-Loading up the Call of Duty PC demo as a kid, to play the D-Day mission, while literally not knowing a single thing about what WW2 was or having heard of it before. Totally blew my mind.  

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We convinced my dad to buy oot and after we got home he started playing. (he didnt play much n64) up until like half of the deku tree in the same night, while we watched. Good times.


I'm saying OoT has that kind of effect because the game was something else. And the fishing game was fucking awesome. 


also i'm pretty sure I learned about ww2 from saving private ryan first because my dad loves that movie.

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Sooo many.


-Playing our Atari 2600 with my older brother (he was playing and I just watched... but you know :happysad:)

-Getting the NES for Christmas with Super Mario Bros. 1 and 2... and playing it taking turns with my brothers at my Grandmas house (in Saskatchewan where we had Christmas that year)

-Getting Final Fantasy for NES for Christmas the following year.  My parents picked this game up for me simply based on the cover.  It's my most cherished gaming possession I have.

-Playing FF with my older brother, and then later with my best friend.  We spent weekends playing the game non-stop.  My friends parents were really laid back and almost never around, so it was like our own party house where we could stay up late and play games.

-Getting our old Tandy 1000 RSX computer and playing games like Gorilla and Wolfenstein 3d.

-Playing SNES at my friends place for the first time.  SMW was like a revelation.  The gfx the sound the size of the world... it was just amazing.

-Getting an SNES and playing so many awesome games.  Zelda ALttP, FF2, FF3, and Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG.. all magical moments.

-Friend had a Sega Genesis and CD and 32x.. lmao Sewer Shark, Virtua Fighter, Snatcher... It was awesome.  We weren't thinking about how stupid SEGA was at the time, we were just playing games.  Good times.

-RE1 on PS1.  The first time I ever saw Resident Evil was when a friend who already had a PS1 made me a VHS tape of various PS1 games so I could see what the gfx looked like and how awesome it was.  RE left a lasting impression...especially with that intro B) 

-Getting Final Fantasy 7 for PS and playing it with the same best friend that I played the original FF and others with.  My favorite game of all time and favorite memory of gaming I have.  We lived and breathed this game... and the subsequent FF PS1 releases.  Amazing time.

-Seeing SM64 for the first time at a friends place.  His sisters older boyfriend got one and they were playing it in the living room and my friend and I were playing in another room, but I saw them playing the game and all I wanted to do was watch them play that fucking stunning amazing looking game that I couldn't believe was real.

-Getting Zelda OoT.  We were so hyped about this game.. I got it a bit before my friends who had to wait until Christmas.. but we got it and played the shit out of it and were enamored with the size and awesomeness of everything.  Gaming bliss.

-Playing Soul Blade on PS1

-Diablo 1 and 2 on PC with another friend of mine, over LAN

-DOA3 on Xbox was insane... as well as Halo

-Getting the Dreamcast with RE:CV.  I was at my bros place in the city and hadn't realized it was released yet.. I saw it on the shelf and immediately bought it and was so psyched to be hanging with my big bro and playing this awesome new RE game on the DC.  

-Soul Caliber on Dreamcast..  My friends and I played this so much it's unreasonable.. lmao. 

-Getting a PS2 at launch.  I had a friend who lived in the city while I was finishing up school in the country, and I wasn't able to get a PS2 as they were all pre-sold out and backordered.  I really wanted one since I saved up money for it, then was talking to my friend about being disappointed that I couldn't get one... and little did I know that he went out and stood HOURS in line on launch day and got me one with his own money.. which I obviously paid back.  But I was able to get it, and I'll never forget that shit.  Him and I are amazing friends to this day.

-MGS2 on PS2.  I was one of the first people in my school to actually have the system, and when ZOE release with the MGS2 demo, I took that shit to school one day in which we had a couple of spares, and we hooked it up and I let people play it.  We were all quite amazed at the gfx and AI and physics of everything.  That was awesome.

-FFX... there was such buildup for this game.  Was just awesome all around.

-Gamecube with REmake and Eternal Darkness


Plenty of others that I'm forgetting as well..


Really the PS2 era was when the console magic started to dwindle.  After I moved away from home and could play games and do anything that I wanted, I bought a PC because I wanted the internet and I started playing more PC games than ever before.  Bought a pre-built from a place called CompuSmart which had a Geforce 4 Ti4200 and an Athlon processor, and played games like Jedi Knight 2 religiously, as well as Unreal Tournament 3 and started caring less about consoles.  


I loved the 360 and PS3, but it was that generation where it was more just buying it to have it instead of being really interested in what they were all about.  It was awesome at the beginning of the gen with the 360, and better at the end of the gen with the PS3.  Demon's Souls is the standout for me, obviously.. but yea.. now here we are.  Most of us are jaded as fuck and imo have lost the feeling of the magic that comes with it. 

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