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Damn, Far Cry 5 on the X is one of the most visually clean games I've ever seen

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The IQ is incredible, barely a shred of aliasing anywhere, the textures look extremely sharp and the foliage is top notch. From personal use I'm really doubting dynamic resolution anything. The game looks pinpoint pixel accurate at all times and from what I can tell nothing changes. I'm still holding fast by the guy at VG Tech fucking up with the TAA and misreading the situation.





Also lol at this AI fucking up sometimes :mj:




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1 minute ago, madmaltese said:

Yup, it's an amazing game visually. Ubisoft manage some amazing things graphically in their open worlds with AC being even more impressive. 

I have Origin's, that's also a looker but it's not as sharp as this. 

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1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

I have Origin's, that's also a looker but it's not as sharp as this. 

Odyssey has set the standard for me. Which makes sense anyway given each game is newer than the one before it (odyysey their most recent game, FC early this year, origins late last year).

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On 2018-12-08 at 5:15 PM, DynamiteCop! said:

Glad I didn't read this, and I'm glad they were. 

Beat it at the right time cause Far Cry New Dawn is a huge FCV spoiler lol


But yeah the ending was legitimately surprising and I actually liked the direction they went.

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