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How is Veganism duping people into Converting?

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First of all let's get this out of the way, if Veganism worked, I would be a vegan. I have no diet bias, what works is what I would do.


It's insane how many diets are trying to pass fruits as one of the ultimate health foods, when modern fruits are highly modified to be even more sugar packed. Everything is just one glorified candy bar marketed as something healthy. Basically no essential fruits exist, contrary to most believes they aren't really packed with vitamins either.


It's basically a sugar addict diet, fruitarian being the most comical and unhealthy branch of the diet. Grains honestly are also for the most part just another sugar addiction trip, even the holy grail of grains buckwheat isn't that great either.

Edited by Team 2019
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Why do you make these threads 3x a week.  Go ahead and eat meat for every meal. No one cares.  

When I changed my diet to a primarily meat diet I felt better than ever. I recovered from my work/training days far more easily, I lost a ton of weight and had far more energy than usual.


Vegan for a man is insanity. I mean, a 100 pounds woman can probably live on a vegan diet, but a nearly 200 pounds of muscles can't sustain on that. I'd have to consume all sorts of supplements to make up for the lack of fatty acids and fats in my diet.


Grains and sugar are slowly killing people by turning them into flat slobs overtime. 

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36 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

Whatever asshole approved this needs to die.



That was created by the Canadian Government by the way a long time ago (that shit was so enforced at school when I was young). Who produced grains at the time more than anything. They had an economic agenda when they made this.


11 servings of grains. :kaz: That's a whole loaf of bread per day. It should be the other way around. Meat/fish and dairy products should be the pillar, then veggies/fruits, then fats and at the very last grains products.

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By the way, breads and pastas without added vitamins has nearly no nutritional values of it's own. It's all carbs and a bit of iron. Look at the insane number of added vitamins/minerals in bread and you'll know something is wrong.

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6 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

Only poor people would eat pasta, bread, ghetto grains, potatoes over a good piece of meat. Actually fuck that even those cheap sausages are better than the crap listed above.

I used to eat T-bone steaks for breakfast during my diet. I ate sausages every week too. (moderately) Everyone at my job was telling me how I was going to get fat. Then I lost 20-25 pounds and they all look at me with the same stupefied look. :tom: 


Keep eating those cereals for breakfast, retards. With added sugar/vitamins and milk (more sugar). That's more carbs than I used to eat in 5-7 days. :pavarotti:


Seriously the concept that proteins and fats are what makes people fat is the biggest lie ever told.



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5 minutes ago, teh_4th said:

Retard level debating.


Veganism =/= only eating fruit.

Who ever said that. Even legumes are basically starch/sugar filled with barely any digestable protein. They are considered a holy staple alongside whole grains, basically more sugar.

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most vegans are vegans because they feel it's a way of protesting against animal cruelty. 


as for "diets", they all suck. 


why? there's no "one size fits all" meal plan. we all have different body types, hormone levels, activity levels.


the best diet is one that works for YOU. 

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1 hour ago, Team 2019 said:

Who ever said that. Even legumes are basically starch/sugar filled with barely any digestable protein. They are considered a holy staple alongside whole grains, basically more sugar.

Lol? Legumes have a decent amount of proteins and fat. Granted carbs are high but it's not the same as grains.

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2 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Lol? Legumes have a decent amount of proteins and fat. Granted carbs are high but it's not the same as grains.

Yes. In numbers.


Plant based proteins have 20% of the bioaviability of meat protein in the best case scenario. 100 grams of plant based protein gives you less than 20 grams of meat equivalent protein.

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