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The yellow vests movement in France is amazing.

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This is a guy who was laughing at the idea of knowing anything about politics 3 months ago and then went and red pilled himself on YouTube conspiracy channels   dont bother 

Macron flopped harder than State of Decay 2.   Remember when the left were cheering this guy?

I remember he was sold to the French people as a center pariah in the political spectrum that came out of nowhere during the elections or some stupid shit like that.   But turned out he's ju

9 minutes ago, bhytre said:

Pretty funny to see someone just getting into politics also destroying Jederpey :D



LOL I love how this guy is always a dingleberry........and never a dingle. LOL


You know its bad, when you have to live vicariously behind jonb and DavidP.:tom:

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10 hours ago, Ramza said:

I can't watch Twitter videos on my browser.


Everything is an alt-right conspiracy to you guys, yet it's having real life repercussion everywhere in European politics. :D This isn't Alex Jones lizard people type conspiracies. 

What kinda shit browser are you using? 


I'll tell you what it said. 


The vid said the claims about Soros are false and unsubstantiated and cannot be confirmed true by Fox business. 


Can your browser display text? or will you not see this too? :cmpunk1:

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26 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

What kinda shit browser are you using? 


I'll tell you what it said. 


The vid said the claims about Soros are false and unsubstantiated and cannot be confirmed true by Fox business. 


Can your browser display text? or will you not see this too? :cmpunk1:

You gotta love conspiracy theorists.  First time in history they have a bona-fide, out in the open conspiracy theory involving the President of the United States and they decide to go after the billionaire jew who invests in democracies.  Wonder why that is? :mjgrin:

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1 hour ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

You gotta love conspiracy theorists.  First time in history they have a bona-fide, out in the open conspiracy theory involving the President of the United States and they decide to go after the billionaire jew who invests in democracies.  Wonder why that is? :mjgrin:

Its like Scientology........they don't tell you ALL of the crazy shit, until you've reached a certain level of commitment with them.


With the alt-right'ers, these are the levels:


-Surface level: Immigration. Those Muslims, they could be terrorists, they probably do have terrorists within them. They also want to impose Sharia Law and take over entire cities.


-Next level: "Violent" Blacks. They're behind Antifa, "after all, the vast majority of crimes committed against black people come FROM black people" "They are actually the real racists, if you think about it!"


-Deepest level, this is where they have been aiming towards this entire time: "Zionists" aka Globalists. The people who control World Leaders in the EU and in America.



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So he keeps on posting right-wing videos from obvious right-wingers.


He just dumps them and says he's "too tired" to answer the other things said in the thread (he won't answer them).


Are people calling Macron, a center-right politician "the beacon for progressives"???????? LOLOLOLOLOL


Here is an explaination of the French riots from a French poster on reddit..............and NOT some right-wing video blogger who isn't from france.



Copying it from another comment of mine, as I feel this deserves explaining/visibility.

I'm French, living near Lyon. A lot of people are mistaken :


We're not protesting for a few cents off the fuel bill. We're not protesting because we want to pay less taxes.

We're protesting to be able to live decently.

We're protesting because we want the taxes to be applied equally to everyone.

We're protesting because 10 years ago we put ~€ 400 billion to save banks, and last year the government voted a "pact" with big companies saying "we reduce your charges by 40 billion, but you hire 1 million". They cashed in and didn't hire a single person.

We're protesting because for 20 years the govt told us to "buy diesel cars, it's safer, cheaper to use,..." and now diesel is more expensive than gasoline (~€1,5/L).

We're protesting because nurses have to take care of more than 50 patients at once, for less than €1200/month.

We're protesting because every single law that is voted is voted in favor of the 1%.

We're protesting because we're being told that "we people don't know what's good for us, but that's normal, after all we're the people, we can't understand" (govt deputy)

We're protesting because mass medias are lying to our face ("did you know that there were only 120k people protesting maximum?" That's at least three times less than the real figures).

We're protesting because the only measure the govt has taken until now is to freeze the fuel tax for 6 months and imprison protesters (up to 6 months of jail).

We're protesting because we want to stop being fucked all day long by bosses/investors/taxes/prices/state agencies.

We're protesting because we are tired of being enslaved.

I could go on and on about this. Just remember: "When the government violates the rights of the people, insurrection is, for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of rights and the most indispensable of duties" (Declaration of rights of man and citizen, 1793)


EDIT: Wow! Platinum! Gold! Silver! Thank you very much, kind strangers :)

Hmmmmmmmmm, does that sound like a LEFT-wing government in France is doing that? Engaging in trickle-down economics by giving bailouts, tax cuts, and subsidies to the rich?


Oh, and I forgot................did he type the word "immigrant" or "open border" anywhere in that post???????

Edited by jehurey
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I will get back on topics soon don't you worry, fool. I'm working all weekend. 


What are you trying to prove really? No one is arguing that. That doesn't change Macron openly advocated for globalism, was a EU bitch, and socially he was very much on the left. His corrupted economic policies are a whole other thing.


Everyone is against him anyway. Lowest ratings for a French President ever, did I hear that right?  lmfao Left parties asked for a vote of no confidence twice so far, stfu Jerry. lol

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Jesus where to begin with Jerry's usual train wreck of ignorance and sophistry?


"Macron is center-right."


Macron explicitly labels himself as a progressive, and he and Marche are considered straight centrists on the French political spectrum. Macron explicitly founded the party to try and unite the center-left, Parti Socialiste, and the center-right, Les Republicains. 




"People are calling Macron a beacon for progressives?!? *phony laughter*"


Remember when the left was heralding Macron as the progressive savior of the free world? You know, before his ratings tanked. Jerry doesn't.






"David posts right-wing sources." 


Dude you post left-wing sources and you just cited a random Reddit poster as your expert on the Yellow Vests LOL



Useful facts about France's economy:


- 57% of households in France don't pay income tax, an increase of 9% in just four years. 

- 70% of income tax in France is paid by 10% of tax payers.

- France's overall tax-to-GDP ratio is 48.4% compared to the EU average of 40.5%.

- France's production tax is 16.4%, which is 2.8% higher than the EU average, and businesses' social welfare contributions are are 18.8%, which is 5.5% than the EU average.

- France has a lower wealth inequality rate than countries like Germany and Sweden. 


The French are finding out that they can't have their cake and eat it too in the current climate of rapid globalization and automation. Jerry's dream of having the tax payers give him a GMI so he can continue to be a lazy parasite until his dying day is going out the window. :awww:



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33 minutes ago, Tulsi & Nikki 2020 said:

*all that bullshit

1. He was going up against La Pen, who is basically Trump with a vagina.  Anyone would look progressive in comparison.


2. 2016-10-30t230209z_256443668_s1beukambha


Saying a thing doesn't mean shit until you do a thing.

Edited by McWickedSmawt85
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4 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

1. He was going up against La Pen, who is basically Trump with a vagina.  Anyone would look progressive in comparison.


2. 2016-10-30t230209z_256443668_s1beukambha


Saying a thing doesn't mean shit until you do a thing.


You mean like imposing a carbon tax on gas and pledging to kill off gas-powered cars by 2040?


How did that progressive position work out for Macron? :biggrin:


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Saucer: Here's everyone from The Economist to The Guardian to Politico characterizing Macron as a progressive. Here's Macron characterizing himself as a progressive. And the Yellow Vest protests broke out as a direct result of Macron imposing a progressive carbon tax on gas.


WickedSlow: But he ran against LePen! That means he's not progressive!


How did you people get this dumb? It's mind-blowing. :smilecry:

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12 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Unrelated but still related.



The Withdrawal Agreement vote is on Tuesday in the House of Commons and it looks set to be voted down which raises the prospect of a no deal scenario.  I can't imagine the French would react well to tariffs on their Cheese and Wine. 

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13 hours ago, Ramza said:

I will get back on topics soon don't you worry, fool. I'm working all weekend. 


What are you trying to prove really? No one is arguing that. That doesn't change Macron openly advocated for globalism, was a EU bitch, and socially he was very much on the left. His corrupted economic policies are a whole other thing.


Everyone is against him anyway. Lowest ratings for a French President ever, did I hear that right?  lmfao Left parties asked for a vote of no confidence twice so far, stfu Jerry. lol

I love how he keeps on ADMITTING that it has nothing to do with leftist................and the protestor is clearly not talking about immigration and open borders.


And then DavidP just resets the argument and hides behind the word GLOBALISM............which is starting to lose its meaning.


he's CLEARLY trying to blame this on leftism and pro-immigration policies...........that the logical endpoint behind him trying to talk about "globalism."

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2 hours ago, Ramza said:

Unrelated but still related.



No its not related.


Besides you just trying to promote xenophobic agendas and trying to RE-APPROPRIATE everything to prove that "SEE............people don't like Leftism" narrative.


You're just lazy at this point.

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