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Digital Foundry - Tech Focus: Variable Rate Shading (Wolfenstein 2)

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Alex with another video, this time about the VRS.  He does a good job at demonstrating what the technology is actually doing... since if you don't adjust the sliders, it's pretty much impossible to see any difference.  It's very impressive stuff.  I'm pretty much 100% certain that next gen consoles will have this technology as well.  AMD was supposed to have some kind of support for this with VEGA but it never materialized.


It reminds me of GT5 and how something like this could have really helped that game.  Remember how the alpha effects were at like half or quarter resolution making these really obvious stair stepping artifacts against the full res geometry





With this tech they could basically shade it at quarter resolution and where the effect and geometry intersect they could shade it at full resolution.  You'd never be able to tell the difference.


I'll say it again.. next gen is going to be crazy.  Mesh shaders (new shader model) and VRS along with improved methods of rendering and inference... we're in for a fucking treat :whew: 

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