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Microsoft wants to make Xbox Game Pass available on every platform

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"When you think about reaching a customer with this content where their only compute device could be an Android phone, you think about, 'What are all the ways that person pays for content today'?" Spencer said. "So we need to make sure that we're world-class at free-to-play content, but we also look at subscription as a much lower barrier way for a customer to build a library of content.

"So we built Xbox Game Pass -- it started on console, it will come to PC, and eventually it will come to every device -- we use the flywheel that we have with customers on an Xbox to start the growth in Xbox Game Pass. But as somebody sitting back and taking a longer-term view of where our business is going, you should look at that as a business model that we think scales to billions of people not hundreds of millions of people like retail does."


However, the most interesting implication is that Microsoft might seek to bring its Game Pass service to PlayStation and Nintendo devices. Spencer's comments weren't limited to "console, then PC, then mobile" -- he instead said "every device".

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Cooke/Alphonse, so how about that clock to midnight on the main page where we can remove the Lemming faction? I'd say we just went from 5 mins to about 2 mins to midnight. :haloben:





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1 hour ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

Cooke/Alphonse, so how about that clock to midnight on the main page where we can remove the Lemming faction? I'd say we just went from 5 mins to about 2 mins to midnight. :haloben:





When it's official I will delete the lemmings 

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10 hours ago, Goukosan said:

bbbut lemmings said when MS said every device that they didn't mean every device :grimaceleft:



Xbox has very ambitious 3rd party aspersions. 

I'll accept this ownage... but I do remember saying that the main reason why I assumed MS wouldn't push for it so quickly is partially due to the fact that I didn't/don't think Nintendo and Sony will want it.  It's obvious MS would want to reach as many devices as possible, but whether Sony and Nintendo allow them is the question.

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8 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

Would be awesome if it was on Playstation but Sony would never allow it (they don't even allow EA Access), but by the sounds of it it won't matter cause this thing will be everywhere.

Who even knows anymore?  rofl... Let's say MS releases hit after hit and Gamepass turns into a huge deal that every wants a part of... Sony and Nintendo would only hold out for so long I guess?


But yea.. I see this as more MS is open to every platform that wants them, but Sony and Nintendo will do everything they can to hold off.  I wouldn't even be surprised at this point if (for Nintendo especially) MS ported some of their games natively to the console and just branded them "Gamepass".  I could totally see Nintendo wanting SPECIFIC games... but not this "Stream 500 games" thing..

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1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

Who even knows anymore?  rofl... Let's say MS releases hit after hit and Gamepass turns into a huge deal that every wants a part of... Sony and Nintendo would only hold out for so long I guess?


But yea.. I see this as more MS is open to every platform that wants them, but Sony and Nintendo will do everything they can to hold off.  I wouldn't even be surprised at this point if (for Nintendo especially) MS ported some of their games natively to the console and just branded them "Gamepass".  I could totally see Nintendo wanting SPECIFIC games... but not this "Stream 500 games" thing..

Sony is stubborn af and the only way I see them every relenting on allowing a MS based service on their console is if they fall behind again, while they hold this much market share of the industry and are clear no.1 they will never allow a MS GP on a Sony console because it takes away royalties from them. It's the same reason they don't allow EA Access, cause not only does it create a competitor to PS Plus but also means that it provides a way for Sony to get 0 cut from an EA game sold on PS4 (cause ppl will just sub to that instead of buying the game).


Nintendo I could see allowing it but their issues will be more if they are technically capable of it. They are the least I would trust with anything online or streaming related.


This seriously sounds like it could even just be on phones and tablets. MS specifically speak about Google and Amazon as long term competitors so they are defs talking streaming here. Google already successful streamed ACO through Chrome, going to be a race to see who can release a product first and best. 

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46 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

I'll accept this ownage... but I do remember saying that the main reason why I assumed MS wouldn't push for it so quickly is partially due to the fact that I didn't/don't think Nintendo and Sony will want it.  It's obvious MS would want to reach as many devices as possible, but whether Sony and Nintendo allow them is the question.

I don't expect Sony to play ball until MS stop making hardware... as long as there is a competing Xbox console... Sony won't do it..... 


Nintendo is another story, they may allow it on Switch with no problem.   Let's see what happens. 



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GamePass wouldn't be GamePass on PS4. It would also compete with PSNow. Never would happen.

All I could see happening with Sony is allowing MS to put MS exclusive games on there, so never gonna happen.


Ditch misses so many 3rd party games. It would be a  win on Ditch, and probably very popular IF the streaming is adequate. 

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1 minute ago, Jon2B said:

GamePass wouldn't be GamePass on PS4. It would also compete with PSNow. Never would happen.

All I could see happening with Sony is allowing MS to put MS exclusive games on there, so never gonna happen.


Ditch misses so many 3rd party games. It would be a  win on Ditch, and probably very popular IF the streaming is adequate. 

ya, i could see switch, not sony, especially since both share like 95+% of the multplats out there. 

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