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Epic Games store will be giving away a free game every two weeks, Subnautica and Supermeat Boy first to be featured starting Dec 14

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Epic bringing some challenge to Steam :bow: 


I have no qualms with this at all.  Bring'em on :smoke: 


The more games they steal from Steam, the more Valve are likely to start funding their own shit and curating some actual fucking relationships with bigger developers.


You notice that with Epic now, and Bethesda (lmao) and others.. all these announcements.. I get the sense that there's sort of an assault against Steam going on.  It's like they all decided to start making moves at once.   But of course the reality of it is these are just a few games, and Epic has to money hat some stuff to build up a little library.  People are upset because Epic is actively picking up games that were supposed to release on Steam, and making them exclusive.  I get that... except.. Epic has to make their store desirable to use in the first place... you don't have that when most of your games are ALSO on Steam lmao..  Why people don't seem to understand that is beyond me.  With games like Journey, and who knows.. potentially other unlikely games... it's a plus to have these stores competing against each other like this. 


If Epic is rewarding developers to support their platform... then fuck it.  Good on them.  I was always of the mindset that Valve should have been doing the same thing.. Giving more incentive to bring games to the platform instead of just "hey we're steam"


Hopefully these stubborn people start to chance their mindset a bit and realize that PC is one device with many outlets...these stores competing and fighting to bring games to their respective platforms means more games, and better games, and potentially cheaper prices.

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2 hours ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

But Deeno said this was fracturing the PC market, so we shouldn't do it. :grimaceright:

Why did I build this Windows PC that allows me to have multiple "pro-grams" on it?  Its fracturing my miiiiiiiind.:mindblown:

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The Epic Store is also DRM free, unless developers specifically want to incorporate 3rd party DRM.   People are saying they can download Ashen and play it without the Epic Launcher.


That'll make some people happy.

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