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So that RE2 Classic Rebirth PC Mod got people interested in using Machine learning to up-res the backgrounds

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So people are taking the backgrounds and running them through a deep learning algorithm to increase detail and resolution...  This shit is fucking incredible.  Leaves some interesting possibilities open for REmake on PC. :face: 










A lot of games could possibly benefit from this.  And these deep learning inference super computers keep getting better and better at it as well. :whew: 

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So it looks like modders are starting to take notice of this stuff and are going to town with it.  A new DOOM sprite/texture mod is in the works using Neural Network upsampling to create higher res sprites and textures from the old assets.  It essentially keeps the old art style intact (which is usually a problem with "hi res" texture pack mods) and requires very little (in comparison) manual work to fix alpha channels and slight oddities.  It's much faster than redrawing all the sprites manually.. and more accurate to the original. 



It's kind of ridiculous... but man is there a lot of potential for this stuff in the future. 

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That's awesome. One of the problem with PS1 games using CGI backgrounds is that their ports always looks like shit due to the lower resolution.


REmake HD was the best effort I ever seen at porting a game with CG backgrounds, but they had to rework entire assets to make it work and it still looked nowhere near as good as this.

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15 minutes ago, Ramza said:

That's awesome. One of the problem with PS1 games using CGI backgrounds is that their ports always looks like shit due to the lower resolution.


REmake HD was the best effort I ever seen at porting a game with CG backgrounds, but they had to rework entire assets to make it work and it still looked nowhere near as good as this.

What I would love to see Capcom do is go back to REmake, and just take a look and see what can be done.  There's been a lot of advancement in this field in the last 3 years.. It's not just taking the low res image and upscaling it... the neural network can actually add new information and detail never before possible... based on the fact that it can actually discern what objects are.  The Nvidia presentation on this shit was fascinating.


If they were to go back and run the backgrounds through the neural network and potentially fix them up quite a bit, that would be amazing.  The shark area always stood out as fairly bad compared to other areas.. because it was fairly monochrome-ish and there wasn't enough high frequency information so things just kinda blurred together with the filtering they used.  




With machine learning though, they could add a lot of detail in that wasn't ever there because the network knows what the door is, it knows what the railing is.. it knows the lights and walls.  It would reconstruct the image to look exactly the same but fill in the missing data of how it SHOULD look, with it's millions upon millions of references it has in it's database.  They could then update the game with the high quality renders and then patch it to all of the versions of the game :whew: 


Take a look at these people...




NONE of those people exist... they were all created by an AI.  Watch this video:




Fucking crazy shit.  

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So someone released an image of a REmake background enhanced using a type of AI upscaling.  Of course there are multiple algorithms and things aren't perfect.. but the increase in detail and sharpness is undeniable.  For fun I took a pic of the same background in-game and wanted to see how they compared.  There's slight color differences because I think the person who made the upscale would have taken the actual file and processed it, so that's what the background looks like before the color filtering and bloom and effects are added to it.




It's only going to get better as well. :whew: 

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