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Project CARS 3 announced in development :)

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pCARS 3 is coming.. but it's a long ways away yet.  Will likely be fully PC/next gen.. so I'm guessing 2021 at the earliest.



“You heard it here first. There will be a new pCARS, it’s signed. I can’t tell you anything but don’t hold your breath on timings. We plan to blow anything else, planned by anyone else, out of the water… That will take a while.”

Bring it on.  Next gen racing games are going to be better than real-life  :blessed: 

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The first one got a free pass because it had a promising concept but everything went to shit the moment they were asking for money while still ironing out the first one, which was full of flaws.


The second one was a shitty game.

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@MalaXmaS I can feel ya there.  I have a bit of an attachment to the series from partially funding it and participating in the forums giving feedback.  It's really interesting to be able to see and observe the actual development team speak openly and candidly about the game as they are developing it, and what they have to do.  Not to mention watching how it all comes together.


The first one was flawed, but it was a first effort.  There was some really good, mixed with some pretty meh.  The main problem was that it just wasn't very good as a game.  It felt like things were just tacked together.  The second was quite a bit better overall, but it's more of a simulation game.. still not super accessible and fun to play.  The competition had bigger and more fun games with gfx that were either as good or better in some ways.


So, I'm interested in seeing where we go with number 3.  Saying they want to blow the competition out of the water is a good mindset to have.  I know this team is capable of nice visuals.  But they are going to need to bring it... because Turn10 and Playground are going to bring it next gen.. probably by 2021..  And I pretty much guarantee PD are working on a GTS upgrade for PS5 which is going to make things look stupidly good.  So it's going to be tough.

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