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Discord store changing to 90/10 Dev Split in 2019

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Discord already has a store. They've even been doing the timed exclusives thing for a few months and have a Gamepass style service. This is just a change to the revenue split and adding self-publishing.

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6 hours ago, Team 2019 said:

The issue is that years down the line with so many stores, at least one or two will shutdown. Its inevitable, and you're going to lose your games.


6 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

This shit is getting absolutely out of control @Remij_ do you still think I'm being ridiculous? This slippery slope is slipping.


You guys are so dumb :D 


The big stores like Steam have contingency plans in place... if Steam were to ever "go down"... it would be sold off... not shut off.  Valve already stated even if that wasn't the case and the worst was to happen, we wont lose our games.  Other stores have the same contingency in place.  It's funny how you talk like this is some PC specific problem.  Durr... what happens if Sony went bankrupt and Playstation shut down? :lemming: 


I hope MORE stores come...  It's absolutely NOT out of control.  There's Steam... and there's Epic.  Those are the two MAIN contenders who actually are attempting to control the larger market.  Others are just eking out a little portion for themselves.  And Epic's store is DRM free.. unlike Steam.  These stores also.... cost fuck all to maintain in the grand scheme of things.  There are stores that take NOTHING or barely anything of revenue and are perfectly sustainable..   The point is...  more competition is better for consumers.  The more options people have, the better.  And not everything is going to be exclusive to every store..  AND chances are that if a bigger store closed down, the publishers of these games would move their games to Steam or whichever.  They aren't just going away.


People aren't losing their libraries of hundreds of games...  idiots :D 


@DynamiteCop! You've got a hard lesson coming ahead of you man.. cut out the retarded fear mongering. Soon on Xbox you're not even going to have a digital copy of your games, let alone a physical one ROFL


Aza, I edited your title to actually reflect what is happening here.  NOTHING new changed with regards to "more stores"  This particular store is simply giving more of the revenue to developers to be more competitive with other stores.

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