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Word is that Ubisoft is giving AC: Odyssey to those who participated in the Google Project Stream test

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You'll get the game added to your Uplay client and progress will carry over so you can just continue playing the game.  That's pretty cool of them.  I think @jehurey got in, so if you tested that shit out and didn't have the game... you do now.


I think you also get some of the in-game currency as well, but I'm to lazy to confirm that right now. ~~

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^ I Just saw that you have to put 1 hour into testing the game.  So not sure if you've met that requirement yet, but you have until January 15th anyway.  Also you get $10 in in-game currency.


Turns out I'm not that lazy :danylol:

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you have to play for an hour between now and Jan 15


If you sign up for and participate in Project Stream — Google’s foray into a streaming video game service, which launched a test back in October — you can get a free copy of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey to keep, on PC.

Ubisoft is dangling the freebie, and some free Helix Credits (the series’ in-game currency) to get folks to participate. Project Stream is currently only compatible with Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, which testers can already fool around with at will just by launching the service. But if they spend at least an hour playing Odyssey in Project Stream before Jan. 15, 2019, they get a free copy on PC, linked to their Uplay account. (Uplay and Google accounts are necessary to participate.)

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1 hour ago, kaz said:

asscreed sucks, the last one I enjoyed was AC2. Venice owns. It's a shame the series got gutted for monee

You owe it to yourself to play Brotherhood.


AC2 still has plenty of flaws.


Brotherhood is just right. And they have some fun side missions.


I still need to play Black Flag, Unity, Rogue, Syndicate, Origins, and Odyssey. And I think there's a Freedom Cry expansion somewhere between Rogue and Black Flag that I hear is also good.

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I will play them all at some point (maybe) but this 


11 hours ago, jehurey said:



I still need to play Black Flag, Unity, Rogue, Syndicate, Origins, and Odyssey. 


is why it's hard to even get started. :pavarotti: There are simply way too many of these games. I played 3 halfway, but never tried brotherhood or the other one idk

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2 minutes ago, kokujin said:

Can you still do this? I'll link it to my brother. 

Yea, you have until Jan 15th.  Of course, you have to be selected by Google to participate, which isn't guaranteed.

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4 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Yea, you have until Jan 15th.  Of course, you have to be selected by Google to participate, which isn't guaranteed.

you try it? any last minute takers? I sent a link to me bro. I'm too bus on GOD to play anything else.  Off to work now. and ordering Break$$fast. Hopefully a cook hooks me up.  I want bacon,  sausage patties +2 like I fun-size-forged them bitches. 

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Just now, kokujin said:

you try it? any last minute takers? I sent a link to me bro. I'm too bus on GOD to play anything else.  Off to work now. and ordering Break$$fast. Hopefully a cook hooks me up.  I want bacon,  sausage patties +2 like I fun-size-forged them bitches. 

It's only for the US, otherwise I definitely would have tried to get in on it.

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I recently got selected.   Tested it out on my Surface Pro 6 over WiFi at my house... ran much better than I expected.   :whoo:



Mainstream and the casual crowd wouldn't not know the difference or care that it was streamed.


For a stationary system (LAN) or for in home wifi use, it works great.   


For on the move outside the home use... the public wifi networks in the US currently suck donkey balls. 


Google should do a follow up Beta but this time for a multi-player game.... curious to see how a streamed 16 player or a 100 player death match would run.. lol :lupe:


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I couldn't craft a good breakfast. wasted $5. 


Gouk, I don't know exactly what it means for the game to be streamed. Explain the goodies.


I got 1 more hours of painting to do, then lift some weights, then sleep on a train ride to the grocerie store, then make some dinner. then try not to Zzzz and go out briefly again tonight w ma company. Is this possible, or is this death?? :grimaceright:

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