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New RE2 details from recently conducted interviews in Japan

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The tldr version from Dusk Golem:


I've highlighted some points that I think are interesting..




-Game focuses a lot more on Adventure game elements than action. Far more puzzles and exploration and the like, and if you try to kill everything you'll run out of resources quickly and end up in a tight spot.
-They think the zombies being easily killable and easy to manage would reduce the game's fear in half, they think enemies being a hurdle rather than an easily overcomable obstacle is important.
-The last point said, if having difficulty or want to play closer to the original RE2, there's an optional "auto-aim" mode in REmake 2 (that is off by default) which locks onto enemies weakpoints when aiming at them to make zombies take more a certain number of bullets to take out rather than based on your own ability. There's also big differences in the game based on what difficulty you select.
-On remaking Leon and Claire, they wanted Leon to come off as courageous and with a sense of justice, but incapable and unprepared for the nightmare he came into. For Claire she's spunkier and came here to find her brother, but has a maternal side but a bit more of a wild spirit.
-They knew HUNK & Tofu were needed in the remake.
-Elza's costume is in the game since Hirabayashi really likes Elza.

-There is a "final scene" you only unlock once you complete both Leon and Claire's campaigns.

-Mention for additional modes past Tofu and HUNK, they are still "undecided", which is ambiguous in its meaning.
-There is no new enemies, but the enemies have a lot more to them and some appear in drastically different ways, like the G-Mutant they mention is completely different than in the original. They also tease William Birkin has some surprises up his sleeves with his mutations, and hope people look forward to that.
-The RE2 logo highlights the "R" and the "E" to stand for "REmake" or "RE: Resident Evil 2".
-On potential future remakes, they say REmake 2 at this point is sure to make back its whole cost and they hear the enthusiasm of the fans



First is the confirmation that HUNK and Tofu have their own respective modes again.  People weren't sure what they were going to do with them and we know now that they are included.  Then there's the "final scene" which is fucking AWESOME.  Glad they decided to do something like this that requires a playthrough of both characters to see the full story.  Then they mention that additional modes past HUNK and Tofu are undecided... I'm pretty sure they are going to have an Ada specific mode as well.


Also, judging by the last point, they seem confident that the game is going to recoup back it's development cost.  I'm guessing that pre-orders are looking really good and we've already heard 3 is in development. 


So things are looking quite good for Capcom.  They have both this and DMC in the beginning of the year, and Monster Hunter World expansion and DLC in the fall... among other stuff they are sure to announce next year.  They've got all the hype going with them.

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