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Finished GRIS.. a few thoughts

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I got over 3h on my clock as well, though it's likely closer to 4h.


First of all.  WOW.


Seriously, it's one of the most beautiful games of the generation.  The art and design are simply STUNNING.  I think I actually liked each level more than the previous.  It just kept getting better and better for me.  The music.. is simply PERFECT for this game.  Just brilliant stuff all around.


So this game has the looks, it has the sounds... but what about the gameplay?  Well, here's where I was surprised.  Because I honestly expected this to be dead simple.  And.... it IS.  But what's surprising about that is just how much they manage to get you to do despite that.  From the beginning, I was worried in all honesty.. I thought it was too much walking between things that were supposed to be interesting, and that since there was only jumping, it was going to get old quick. 


The beginning is like that.. to it's detriment.  However, DO NOT write the game off from the very first part.  Because after each level introduces a new concept which the team intelligently incorporates into everything that follows.  It doesn't over abuse each concept.. it's not going to test your dexterity, that's for sure.. but it beautifully brings those simple elements together, and guides you effortlessly through it's ABSOLUTELY beautiful world, driving you to keep on pushing ahead.  Subtly training you to not forget to test out your new abilities in the main area because there's more there than you realized at first glance.  (trust me.. I found a secret which I'm not even sure most people would know about.. but it has me wanting to find all the orbs, that's for sure)


There's multiple parts in this game where I was stunned.  I REALLY REALLY suggest playing this game with a good sound system with nice bass... because there's points where I just kinda welled up with emotion because of how powerful the sound/music was.  I kinda just looked at my wife like WTF.. this is crazy lmao.


About the puzzles... nothing here particularly difficult, although there was once or twice where I had to think a bit after failing a few times.. But here's the thing... Some of the puzzles integrated into the environment were really great.  Same with the level design in general.  You're guided along a quite linear path.. it's not like a Metroidvania imo.  Each of the levels is fairly linear, but some of the environmental designs to gather the orbs you need in particular areas were REALLY good.  And to me, they just demonstrate that this team has the ability to do great stuff in the future.


And that's what it leads up to.  This game has convinced me that this team is destined for success.  I feel like it shows so much potential, but they purposefully (and smartly) hold back on really thoroughly pushing all their concepts as to give themselves a proper chance to grow as a studio, with a bigger budget for the future.


I'm definitely looking forward to whatever they do next. 9/10 :whew:  

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1 minute ago, kokujin said:

take a pause. yeesh. y'all play games on max.  impressive but damn. I'll be playing dq11 for months, then kh3 for 2 months.  Maybe I'll throw in a GRIS playthrough, as my bro has a switch. 

I played DQXI for over 2 months.. It's an easy game to get back to while playing other bite sized games.


Next up is Below... I think.  I still haven't bought it yet, but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna grab it soon.  I hear some people complaining about certain aspects, but it looks up my alley.


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