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Deeno posted this while singing the praises of the 1X.  Why do none of the lemmings have any self awareness at all?

Edited by McWicked
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well, here's the thing, nintendo and sony both get games (exclusives) that PoC can't run no matter how much you spend on your gay PC. It's Xflop that has literally nothing on PC because all of its games are running better on PC.


so what we've essentially figured out here is that both and Xflop and PC aren't worth shit to hardcore gamers. 



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6 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

well, here's the thing, nintendo and sony both get games (exclusives) that PoC can't run no matter how much you spend on your gay PC. It's Xflop that has literally nothing on PC because all of its games are running better on PC.


so what we've essentially figured out here is that both and Xflop and PC aren't worth shit to hardcore gamers. 



PC has exclusives unlike your beloved xshit. stop hiding

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4 hours ago, McWicked said:

Deeno posted this while singing the praises of the 1X.  Why do none of the lemmings have any self awareness at all?

Damn right. They are just as bad as those very same annoying Hermits he's mocking.


but bu RDR2 at 4K, it's a Xbox One X exclusive :cries:





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5 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Damn right. They are just as bad as those very same annoying Hermits he's mocking.


but bu RDR2 at 4K, it's a Xbox One X exclusive :cries:





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4 hours ago, Bodycount N said:

well, here's the thing, nintendo and sony both get games (exclusives) that PoC can't run no matter how much you spend on your gay PC. It's Xflop that has literally nothing on PC because all of its games are running better on PC.


so what we've essentially figured out here is that both and Xflop and PC aren't worth shit to hardcore gamers. 



PC can't run?  ROFL... this idiot.  Zelda BOTW is by far best on PC... Bayo 1 and 2 are best on PC... Fuck.. even the Switch emulator is coming along faster than ever.  Octopath and Mario Odyssey are coming along nicely.  Basically... you picked THE WORST console to escape from PC getting it's exclusives... because Nintendo consoles ALWAYS get emulated. :reg: 


Same with Playstation... No classic mini console needed :hest:  The PS3 emulator is coming along nicely as well.  Everyday some nerds are determined to make your consoles unnecessary for the Hermlords...  :blessed:  Thanks for the games, cunt. :kaz:  


PS4 we already have the best game Bloodborne on PS Now.  Who gives a fuck about the rest? :hehe: 


So what we're basically left with... is you being owned as fuck, as per usual, as you should be. :juggle: 

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Stupid Cows... your best games are best on PC. No need for Playstation - Lemmings

Dumb Lemmings, your best games are best on PC.  No need for Xbox - Cows

Emulation doesn't count - Sheep 


45499565145_3b7f90e693_o.png - Hermits

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Bragging about emulators. :kaz: Just the shittiest, most ghetto way to enjoy console games. 


This is coming from the same retard who brags about getting 120FPS in some multiplat games. Breath of the Wild with fluctuating 30FPS all over the place, bugs and constant crashes? Good enough.


Oh wait, the crashes that happens every two minutes was actually due to having the wrong textures pack. Better make sure to get the right one this time.


*after two hours of downloading crap on some malware infested website and fiddling with emulator settings*


Ah fuck, the game stills crashes! At least it happen every 5 minutes instead of 2. The console plebs have been owned! :tom: 


Hermits are non gamers. No one in their right mind would deal with this trash just to play an old ass game.

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19 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Bragging about emulators. :kaz: Just the shittiest, most ghetto way to enjoy console games. 


This is coming from the same retard who brags about getting 120FPS in some multiplat games. Breath of the Wild with fluctuating 30FPS all over the place, bugs and constant crashes? Good enough.


Oh wait, the crashes that happens every two minutes was actually due to having the wrong textures pack. Better make sure to get the right one this time.


*after two hours of downloading crap on some malware infested website and fiddling with emulator settings*


Ah fuck, the game stills crashes! At least it happen every 5 minutes instead of 2. The console plebs have been owned! :tom: 


Hermits are non gamers. No one in their right mind would deal with this trash just to play an old ass game.

Someone wears his VR helmet is a little too tight I think :hehe: 


Take it off and come back to the real world you fucking lunatic.. :kaz: 

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