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34 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Bragging about emulators. :kaz: Just the shittiest, most ghetto way to enjoy console games. 


This is coming from the same retard who brags about getting 120FPS in some multiplat games. Breath of the Wild with fluctuating 30FPS all over the place, bugs and constant crashes? Good enough.


Oh wait, the crashes that happens every two minutes was actually due to having the wrong textures pack. Better make sure to get the right one this time.


*after two hours of downloading crap on some malware infested website and fiddling with emulator settings*


Ah fuck, the game stills crashes! At least it happen every 5 minutes instead of 2. The console plebs have been owned! :tom: 


Hermits are non gamers. No one in their right mind would deal with this trash just to play an old ass game.

PosC gaymers BTFO :tom: 


The sound of how easy it is to own hermits

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Even Persona 2 on PS1 emulation still has lock ups for many users. I don't want to imagine how you spend 10 hours on a game, then even with specific emulation configuration on a game to base it still locks up because it can't render on specific effect that you see once in a game and can't progress further. 


Post SNES emulation is dogshit. Even PS2 games have bugs, broken physics, and other shit when the emulation doesn't run game logic at the right framerate and other ghetto shit. 

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4 hours ago, Team 2019 said:

Even Persona 2 on PS1 emulation still has lock ups for many users. I don't want to imagine how you spend 10 hours on a game, then even with specific emulation configuration on a game to base it still locks up because it can't render on specific effect that you see once in a game and can't progress further. 


Post SNES emulation is dogshit. Even PS2 games have bugs, broken physics, and other shit when the emulation doesn't run game logic at the right framerate and other ghetto shit. 

This is complete bullshit.  PS1 emulation is pretty much perfect for most games, and PS2 and Gamecube and Wii are also pretty much perfect.  It's hilarious how hard you guys try to make it sound like ANYTHING on emulation is unplayable or broken.  Completely ridiculous :hest: 

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yah you people are salty as shit. ps2 emulation sucks for a few games but ps1 games? never had a problem.  But that's as far I want go with emus.


Roommate played OoT on his PC it was 100% working but other games had weird graphics glitches and artifacts. 

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5 hours ago, Remij_ said:

most of that shit has been fixed :juggle: 


Link that page for me though.. I'd like to read which version it's about...




Zelda is BY FAR.... best on PC :juggle: 

Emulation is great and all but I will buy a switch to play the game. The game is still new, i'm not a criminal. :D 

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