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Sea of Thieves killer they said

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  • 20-30 FPS on a 2080 Ti
  • Rubber banding to no end
  • It looks horrendous
  • It's an Ark reskin
  • Crashes across the board, server crashes, client crashes, progress being wiped
  • Absolutely nothing to do but sail massive empty oceans on rafts with nothing in them at all
  • The game launched as version 1.11, it's version 4.2 now and it's only been available for 5 hours






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Well to be fair, Sea of Thieves was the killer of Sea of Thieves.









But yeah, this game is badly a rehash of Ark it uses the same filenames, and the DLC appears in the menus for Atlus :cruise:










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6 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Sea of Thieves shits on this abomination.  Fuck Atlas.


What a clusterfuck of a launch. :hest:


If anything good comes from this, it's that it will make Rare put out content faster.

It's horrible, even though this is early access it's shocking how bad it is with the knowledge that it's basically just a mod of their existing game lol

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1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

It's horrible, even though this is early access it's shocking how bad it is with the knowledge that it's basically just a mod of their existing game lol

I started watching a stream of it, and I'm like wtf.. it's exactly Ark but with ships.  Way too much micro managing tons of unnecessary shit.


Sea of Thieves is just perfectly balanced and focused.  The core game of Sea of Thieves might be one of the best this generation.. and that's no fucking lie.  I kinda pisses me off that Rare didn't have enough content at launch and most people turned against it.. many not even willing to give it a chance.  My hope is that when the arena comes and there's more content, people will start to notice just how fucking awesome it is and it will gain more traction again.


I'm guilty of it too though.  I played too much of the Alphas and by the time the game launched.. there wasn't enough new shit.  I had other shit to play.  So instead of burning myself out trying to get Pirate Legend, I just decided to wait until there was more.  I'm gonna be ready to go back soon though. :whew: 


Also, Sea of Thieves legit has my favorite aesthetic of any game this gen.  I love the world they created and the feeling of it.  The graphics are just stunning too.  The game deserves so much better. :francis: 

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lol making threads about garbage games to keep sea of tears relevant actually says it all. good games don't need  such threads

Edited by kaz
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40 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

I don't get the bitching it reuses assets, isn't the dev team a small indie one? It's not an AAA budget production.

So you see no problem with one completely separate game using the assets of another one, especially when the game being copied was a disaster? ok

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How can you kill what is already dead?


But really why are you bragging about this? Why did we need a sea of theives killer? Its a fucking 6.0 forgotten flop ffs. Nobodg cares :D it's as irrelevant as Sudeki or Brute force. Just another flop in a long lineup of xbox flops and its only purpose will be to be used as a punchline to own the lemmings with many years from now.

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41 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

How can you kill what is already dead?


But really why are you bragging about this? Why did we need a sea of theives killer? Its a fucking 6.0 forgotten flop ffs. Nobodg cares :D it's as irrelevant as Sudeki or Brute force. Just another flop in a long lineup of xbox flops and its only purpose will be to be used as a punchline to own the lemmings with many years from now.

But JonB has 300 hours logged on it...

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