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Nvidia making 6 RTX 1060s

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2 6gb , 2 4 gb and 2 3gb :/


I'm considering getting a 6gb 2060 if it's priced competitively with a 1070 but its looking like it's gonna be 400 dollars for the 6gb version and will be worse or equal to a 1070.


Ray tracing is not an option for the 2060 and not sure why even to realease a 3gb card . My 1060 runs most modern games at high settings at 60 fps but I have to turn down settings that effect vram . In some games textures down to low ( here's looking at you FH4) and if you're buying a card to play 2d games or Indies the much cheaper 1050 4gb is a much better option .


Strange choices with the 2060 

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can't wait for bodycount running back to xbox when they get their shit together and dish out some exclusives (+ a cod deal)


it's funny how some people do drugs, alcohol or beat other people and others just need the power of as a coping mechanism




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4 hours ago, -GD- said:

and mala bought a ps4 and gt. the lemming faction died. 

I use Xbox to play games I use PC to play PS4 games , so it's a DQ box for the most part

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4 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

"I use PC to play PS4 games"


PS4 has no games. :diplo:

I play one game LOL 


my bad PS4 has one game (best on PC and better than PS4 , on Ditch ) 



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