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Lost 15 kilos (40 pounds)

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The Best Diet Plan So Far?   1. Don't exercise  2. Don't eat for a week 3. Eat a ton of Jello Bunt Cake with Pigs Feet 4. Snack on sticks of butter and jars of mayo 5. Re

LMFAO he literally eats meat with an entire stick of butter   

That's exactly what he's doing. Do you know what Joe Rogan and Neil deGrasse Tyson said about Youtube and social media application as a means to live your life?   "The problem with YouTube v

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10 hours ago, SheepKilla said:

He's too fat to understand that 1) exercise and 2) a quality diet is literally ALL that's needed. :hest:it's all simple.  instead he's citing scientific jargon about glucose.  


Empty calories like bread, pasta, rice that contain literally no nutritioning to you are healthy and quality. One stick of butter has more vitamins, nutrients, and minerals than a mini van stuffed with pasta. 


And modern mutated sugar bombed like oranges and bananas are super foods. Thats not counting the anti nutrients in plants, fruits, vegetables and terrible bioavialability of the ones found in them. 


Please never talk again.

Edited by Team 2019
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6 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

It's been debunked by nothing, what you're seeing are fat people not following through, weak people cheating, adults failing because they're lazy fucking idiots who want immediate results; they're fat already for this very reason.


If you regulate your intake and work out you will for a fact lose weight in a healthy and consistent fashion.


People don't lose weight this way by continuing to stuff their disgusting overweight faces and bailing on their work out routines.

Studies have shown that people that get the fastest weight loss, maintain the went lose best. Which makes perfect sense, people that want the weight to go down as fast as possible, are the ones that will be the ones motivated enough to keep it down.


The reason fast weight loss works is because it's very motivating, if you're burning body fat like crazy, you will get to your goal because you're that motivated.


If you just keep sticking to housewife level conventional wisdom of just do it slowly, over time, most people fail on this. It doesn't get results, it's not motivating, it's not sustainable, and more importantly it's a lame comfort zone approach. Just grind through the weight asap.


For example I can't really build muscle till I grind through my weight, and combining weight loss and muscle building together sounds good to the average person, but in reality its a fool's errand. Also the main weight gain cause in my case is antipsychotics not food, so I got to use the strongest methods that counter balance it. Keto, macros leaning toward fat and protien, eating frequency and lastly least important calories.

Edited by Team 2019
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On 2018-12-28 at 8:14 PM, SheepKilla said:

You are arguing against exercise as a means to weight loss. 


You are fucking DUMB. 

You clearly never did any bodybuilding in your life. Trying to gain muscle mass and maintaining your weight/fat ratio can be extremely hard.


You don't have to exercise to lose weight and maintain a good body. %80 of your results comes from the kitchen, not the gym. Fact.

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

You clearly never did any bodybuilding in your life. Trying to gain muscle mass and maintaining your weight/fat ratio can be extremely hard.


You don't have to exercise to lose weight and maintain a good body. %80 of your results comes from the kitchen, not the gym. Fact.

Even fucking bodybuilders have a saying abs are built in the kitchen, not the gym. 


Also this retard doesn't know about bulking and cutting. 

Edited by Team 2019
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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

You clearly never did any bodybuilding in your life. Trying to gain muscle mass and maintaining your weight/fat ratio can be extremely hard.


You don't have to exercise to lose weight and maintain a good body. %80 of your results comes from the kitchen, not the gym. Fact.

No. Just no. 


You'd get laughed at by people that know anything. :hest: 

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2 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

So you replaced healthy natural cheese with a sugar stuffed "cheese product" instead. :D

What sugar? It has 0 sugar. 


Fucking hell this guy gets dumber with each post. 


But I guess non-diet is better because it's more "natural." :rofl: 

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19 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

If you bodybuild you either eat at normal, overeat. Or build while fasted. 


This retard thinks you can bodybuild at constant monthly calorie deficit, and not following any macros. :kaz:

you obviously CAN :hest: otherwise, NO ONE would gain ANYTHING by exercising :hest: fucking Aza logic. 

also, exercising =/= bodybuilding only you tard. ever hear of cardio? :cosby2:

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