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XBox Scarlett "Arcade" has really changed the next gen narrative

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Brad Sams (SP?) the dude that leaks MS shit basically suggested it's a turbo X. 


A week ago people were bitching 12tflops is the minimum for next gen, and all of the sudden the narrative that an 8tflop console with new RAM/CPU is more than enough for a next gen entry. 


After all the 4K marketing hype, and endless shit people are seemingly going to be fine with what seems to be a borderline 1080p next gen tard pack? 


I'm a bit baffled, I always viewed 4K as a waste of rendering power. But damn the pendulum is swinging a bit too much in the other direction... 

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Who is saying the top system would be 8 teraflops? What are you even saying? What would be wrong with the S level system next gen being X level with modern iterative hardware? Anaconda is likely to be in the 14-16 teraflop range running Navi, and Lockhart is probably going to be 7-8 teraflops running Vega.


I'd imagine Anaconda is going to have faster memory with more bandwidth and a faster CPU, Anaconda will target 4K 60 and Lockhart will target 1080p+ 60. Anaconda will be 4K everything, Lockhart will likely have a lot of dynamic implementations to push resolutions beyond 1080p. Both systems would push identical graphical settings while operating at completely different resolutions so no matter where you play you're getting a next gen experience, display focus will simply be different.

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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It makes perfect sense.............for a platform holder who will be DESIGNING their games for streaming at 1080p.


I already predicted this. The fact that Microsoft was going to rely on streaming as their main source of selling cheaper $100-$200 hardware means that there is no point in 4K, because you can't successfully stream at 4K.


Its barely dependable at 1080p right now, so the CPU/GPU power might as well be used for something else. More characters on-screen, more physics, bigger draw distance. No point in getting a beefier GPU just for rendering at a higher resolution.


So expect Sea of Thieves 2 to just have more foliage and physics. The $600 version of the next-gen Xbox will simply play those games, but have a beefier GPU to render them at a higher resolution, but they are rendering gimped games designed for 1080p.

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Brad Sams is a shill. He sounds stupid and incompetent when talking about hardware in general. It's hard to listen to this guy, seriously. I understand he "leaks" things, but so do a lot of people. I don't think most of it will actually come to fruition. I do, however, foresee there being a standard system and then an OTT box (ala PSTV) with streaming and media playback.

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I agree that a base 1080p machine makes perfect sense since they want to shove that into their streaming server bases. 


I think having a choice is a good thing, the two SKUs should be fine if it's just a resolution difference. If it's a choice that doesn't gimp the high end SKU, it's fine. 


But talk about a change of atmosphere and expectations. 

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2 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Who is saying the top system would be 8 teraflops? What are you even saying? What would be wrong with the S level system next gen being X level with modern iterative hardware? Anaconda is likely to be in the 14-16 teraflop range running Navi, and Lockhart is probably going to be 7-8 teraflops running Vega.


I'd imagine Anaconda is going to have faster memory with more bandwidth and a faster CPU, Anaconda will target 4K 60 and Lockhart will target 1080p+ 60. Anaconda will be 4K everything, Lockhart will likely have a lot of dynamic implementations to push resolutions beyond 1080p. Both systems would push identical graphical settings while operating at completely different resolutions so no matter where you play you're getting a next gen experience, display focus will simply be different.

After your endless 4K spam, I'm having a very hard time understanding how you're selling us a 1080p machine as next gen here. 

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5 hours ago, Team 2019 said:

After your endless 4K spam, I'm having a very hard time understanding how you're selling us a 1080p machine as next gen here. 

Because the resolution has no bearing on the evolution of graphics engines and rendering technology, 4K simply takes what is already there and makes its presentation far better.


I think Rod Ferguson put it best during the Project Scorpio reveal.


"My job as a game maker is about immersion, it's about to put you into an experience and let you live that experience. The richer and more accurate those visuals are the more immersive it is."


The better a game looks presentation wise the easier it is for your brain to get lost in what you're seeing, the cracks in visual presentation are what take you out of that experience. 

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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A lot of people don't care about resolution . Cows , sheep , etc .


A base machine that can do 108060 on AAA games and 4k60 on Indies and probably somewhere between for AA games is a good option if the price is right .


Then you'll have the XMonster for 4k60 

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The perfect next gen balance is improved reconstruction techniques. This way you can balance price, and image quality. 


Improved checkerboarding solutions would be the best thing for next gen. Tard pack is too ghetto, and a high end model is too niche and expensive. I think reconstruction techniques could hit the perfect balance, hopefully 500 bucks isn't the next gen standard price. 

Edited by Team 2019
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On 2018-12-29 at 5:32 AM, Team 2019 said:

After your endless 4K spam, I'm having a very hard time understanding how you're selling us a 1080p machine as next gen here. 

It's because of the logo on the box.

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