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Post your top 10 sci fi movies

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I wont be able to place them in order but 



Children Of Men





Minority Report

Total Recall

Blade Runner

The Matrix (first one)


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2001: A Space Odyssey

Terminator 2: Judgement Day

Empire Strikes Back

The Thing

The Matrix

Invasion of the Body Snatchers


Jurassic Park


Ex Machina


Probably not complete but these are the 10 I can come up with off the top of my head.

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Star Trek

Star Wars


That's all I can think of.  The rest is meh



Ok that's really all I can think of.  

Total Recall

The Martian

Independence Day


Ok, really this time that is all

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12 minutes ago, Ike said:

I also forgot:





Inception (The dream device is Sci-Fi like) 

Wrath of Khan

Galaxy Quest

I forgot about moon

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3 hours ago, Ramza said:

Lol at anyone who didn't list Empire Strikes Back. Fucking kill yourself.


it won't be on my list that's for sure.

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1. Gattaca - best movie ever made  it's my fav movie and most rewatched movie)


everything else is no particular order 


2. Sunshine

3. Children of men

4. A. I. 

5. Minority Report

6. Red Planet

7. The Mist

8. Equilibrium

9. Moon

10. Solaris 

11. A Space Odyssey

12. Armageddon (part of my childhood) My bro fried his computer then we watched that movie with pizza. He was mad as fuck but he fixed it afterwards. :glad: 

13. Independence Day

14. Snowpiercer

15. Europa Report

16. District 9

17. Apollo 18 (this is one of my favs, godlike movie)

18. Pandorum

19. Event Horizon

20. Star Ship Troopers (only the first movie, the 2nd and 3rd movie are fucking trash) 

21. Interstellar (I missed it, this thread reminded me of it. I want to rewatch it right now).

22. Contact. yeah that movie was a disappointment for me but still really good. (or was it Arrival idk)

23. alien 1-3 yeah i like all 3 movies

24. prometheus

25. covenat (this movie fucking OWNS)

26. Akira


BUT ex machina was just boring. sorry. terrible


and matrix sucks. 


I should update it a lot is missing etc etc. the list goes on and on


@SheepKilla Did ya see Moon yet?

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1 minute ago, SheepKilla said:

no I didn't. Too many movies in my backlog 

It's ok. Take a day off and make everything as comfy as possible. First time I watched moon was a shitty stream. I couldn't wait to see it. And I rewatched it like 100 times


Trust me, put it on your number one life experience list because that movie is godlike.

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