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Why are fucking games 100gb+???

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Seriously this trend needs to stop.  I am tired of buying a game that is on a 65gb disk.  Having to install nearly half of that and also download another 40 of 50 gigs just to play.  I am lucky i have 256mg download otherwise I would have to wait hours just to play a game.  It's ridiculous and for some reason nobody is talking about this.   Also why are so many games half done?  

Edited by lostfool
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yeah it's stupid. consoles aren't consoles anymore. 


different graphics modes, unearthly amount of updates, storage space acrobatics..... the future sucks. plug in and play is LOONG gone. 



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2 minutes ago, kaz said:

yeah it's stupid. consoles aren't consoles anymore. 


different graphics modes, unearthly amount of updates, storage space acrobatics..... the future sucks. plug in and play is LOONG gone. 



I've played all 5 of my Switch games within 20 seconds of putting the cartridge in. 


non-Switch peons can't even fathom it:will:

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51 minutes ago, kaz said:

yeah it's stupid. consoles aren't consoles anymore. 


different graphics modes, unearthly amount of updates, storage space acrobatics..... the future sucks. plug in and play is LOONG gone. 



Thanks Microsoft :|

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26 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

Thanks Microsoft :|

no, sony is the same shit. I wanted to get a ps4 but the stupid graphics modes piss me off. consoles aren't consoles anymore. 

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2 hours ago, Bodycount N said:

so nice to not have to worry about this ghetto PC-lite shit oN Switch. :glad: Pop in your AAAAE cart and it just damned works, no bullshit, like it used to be.

lol some of the installs or whatever are too big for the built in storage on the Switch.  What's it got?  32 gb? :D 

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32 minutes ago, kaz said:

no, sony is the same shit. I wanted to get a ps4 but the stupid graphics modes piss me off. consoles aren't consoles anymore. 

get a OG ps4. there's no graphics mode. 

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1 hour ago, kaz said:

yeah it's stupid. consoles aren't consoles anymore. 


different graphics modes, unearthly amount of updates, storage space acrobatics..... the future sucks. plug in and play is LOONG gone. 



Exactly. Conseles are like PCs now having to juggle memmory and visual settings for the best experience.  

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1 minute ago, lostfool said:

Exactly. Conseles are like PCs now having to juggle memmory and visual settings for the best experience.  

it's disgusting. I'm not sure if I ever buy console again. I skipped the entire gen and I want a ps5 if it has BC to play all the ps4 exclusives I missed but if this trend continues I won't bother. 

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