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Digital Foundry discusses how Xbox One/S performance is degrading over time, PS4 SDK is a lot better than Xbox SDK, etc.

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They talk about how developers just don't care to put resources into the original Xbox One / S version of games which over time results in games getting worse. The major reasoning behind it is because

It's weird that Lemmings so readily flipped their position.   Last gen one console was a technological marvel and the other was a worthless piece of shit.    Now however the weaker

You thinking anyone cares what you think especially after your CPU IPC comments.  You should be banned from ever talking about technology again     RTX is the future  

1 minute ago, Goukosan said:

Look at DynamiteCop arguing that 360 was more powerful than PS3 :rofls:

And claiming base PS4 falling in the same black hole of irrelevance as Xbox One / S. :rofls:

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Xbox One S is struggling, and you got to remember that the One S had a minor performance advantage over the original One, which is what the majority of Xbox gamers are. So they’re at rock bottom right now. Fucked unless they pay to upgrade.


meanwhile OG PS4 owners still get a system that performs pretty well

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Who would have thought MS would lie this badly when it came to Boner X? They had zero intention of supporting this console with any AAA exclusives or graphically intensive games.


they should have just axed the Boner X and ivested into 2-3 mega hit AAA Exclusives NOT AVAILABLE ON PC.


Dumb ass Phil.


X was a mistake!

It's a Monster! :scared: 

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