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Path of Exile PS4 is launching in Feb it seems

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PoE is fuggin' great, but I'd still grab it on PC due to the loot filters.  It makes all the shit that drops so much easier to sort through.

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3 hours ago, McWicked said:

PoE is fuggin' great, but I'd still grab it on PC due to the loot filters.  It makes all the shit that drops so much easier to sort through.

yeah. and people already have trouble going through the items as it is. I'm sure they allow loot filter on console somehow because nobody wants to play with a screen filled with garbage whites


the game looks dead awful on console tho, like i said taking your time and "selecting" items on the ground looks like a pain in the ass :D 

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42 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

Since it F2P, no PSN Plus required.


Also its a fresh start, on PC all the players are decked out in Epic gear. Now is a chance to start the game and be competitive.





You don't understand how the game works. There are leagues for 3-4 months that are released with the new content GGG is working on.


The leagues always have a story theme, like the last one betrayal, in this league you get intel by interrogating characters (you can execute them too) to find out the bad guys headquarters. (think about it as a side story in the games lore)


It's always a fresh start, you start in a fresh economy where everyone is level 1.  after the league ends all your items and characters move to standard which is the permanent league but this isn't the place where most people play.


It won't be different for consoles, except the console controls are horrible for this game.



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6 minutes ago, kaz said:


You don't understand how the game works. There are leagues for 3-4 months that are released with the new content GGG is working on.


The leagues always have a story theme, like the last one betrayal, in this league you get intel by interrogating characters (you can execute them too) to find out the bad guys headquarters. (think about it as a side story in the games lore)


It's always a fresh start, you start in a fresh economy where everyone is level 1.  after the league ends all your items and characters move to standard which is the permanent league but this isn't the place where most people play.


It won't be different for consoles, except the console controls are horrible for this game.



Thats interesting. So what carries over with each leeague?

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8 minutes ago, Team 2019 said:

Thats interesting. So what carries over with each leeague?

The characters and the items. And then you have remove only stash tabs for the league items, meaning you can only take the items out but can't put them back (to store etc.).


That's because you pay real money for stash tabs. You get 4 by default and it's playable like that but inconvenient. If you want to try more than one character (or the story) you will buy stash tabs sooner or later.


It's not expensive though, the game is playable without paying anything. I spent maybe 300€ for stash tabs and some mtx like wing attachments/helmets/etc..

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1 hour ago, Team 2019 said:

Any tips for a beginner like me that will start it next month?

That depends on what you expect from the game. The game has 10 acts, the story is told by characters throughout the world. Mostly in towns (one town in each act) and through boss fights. 


The game heavily relies on lore in form of metaphors alongside the told stories and the way characters talk to you and react. It's all about the place Wraeclast and Thaumaturgy (it's like a foul source of magic).


Let me tell you the story is godlike and especially the bosses are really cool. This game is dark as fuck trust me, I know you played a bit of PC version on release but it didn't even have half the content it has now, it was like beginning of act 3 around that time.


And by dark I mean really dark. So, my advice is to take your time and just enjoy the game and figure stuff out. But that said, maybe you don't want to spend much time with it so there are these options:


1. Story: look up a guide to build a character and just follow it. Allocate the passive nodes, get used to movement to dodge spells/attacks etc. Get some good items and finish the story.


2. Take your time: I play this game on and on for years now and I never followed a build. You have to play the game to understand the mechanics. If you build your own character you will fail, maybe a lot but you will learn from your mistakes.


This game is hard as fuck, even if you want to play the story (finish act 10) you will die countless of times as a beginner. (to the point where it gets frustrating because you don't know how a specific mechanic works etc.).


It takes roughly 20-50 hours to finish the 10 acts. I really don't know for noobs because it can be a grind to get overleveld so it's a bit easier to actually finish the content if you get owned by bosses.




Like I said take your time and build your own character and if you want to do that my best advice is:


go for the major passive nodes (Sphere grid from FF10)

you need offense just as much as defense:

- you need life nodes

- you need armour and evasion nodes (unless you build a spellcaster/or a pure dodge/evasion archer etc.)

- focus on one  AOE/multiple target skill (skill gem) and combine it with others. (It's like the materia system from FF7)    - it's basically your skill you will use 90% of the time

- get another skill for single target dps

- get skills for defense



as for items:

- you want LIFE (an item without life is GARBAGE, 30 Life ok up to 90-100 life being good)

- if an item has no life, ditch it sell it, throw it away nobody cares

- you want resistances (lightning, fire, ice, chaos resistance) 

- the base cap is 75% - you want to hit this cap as soon as possible or you are dead


ok that's just basic stuff and it depends on your build you can make your character rely on energy shield (another HP source) alone.


For example the key passive chaos inoculation reduces your life to 1 but you are immune to chaos damage. So you have to get energy shield instead of life to survive.


But key passives change the way the game works, they have a positive effect and a negative effect.




If you read all that shit, my best advice is to just play the game and get used to it. Make a few characters, try to make your own builds and after you hit a wall you start a new char (or pussy out and look up guides, they won't make the game easier tho.)


The beauty of this game is the endless customization of your own character and your own builds. That's why I don't recommend guides, but it's a good way to understand the game.




what I'm saying is: make your own damn builds lol I preach it every day. This game is amazing and overwhelmingly complex. ugh... im done

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4 hours ago, Team 2019 said:

So no talent respecs, delete character and start from scratch? What's the end game about. 

Talent respecs can happen if a patch changes the passive skill tree, but that's not something you should rely on.  There is an item that you can farm that grants you one talent skill respec, but that's also tedious.  Overall, respecs are basically discouraged so that if you find yourself in a corner, you have to branch out to make the character work.  This leads to a lot of dud builds, but also creates some very unique builds that wouldn't have normally been found if you could respec so easily.


The best way to build is to look at the major nodes that define your builds, find out the shortest paths to them, then see what you can pick up along the way without wasting points:



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yeah but try to use this one, it also lists the stats you got from passives:




Also, yeah, you can play a character for years but the real fun is creating new characters. The respecc option happens fairly often because they always tweak the passive tree.


And the currency called "orb of regret" is used to undo a few mistakes. You also get like 20 Respec points by default. Don't worry too much about that just try to make your own builds and play a few characters.


Also I forgot to mention:


- there is no gold, store every currency item, you will figure out which ones. Usually you trade with "chaos orb"s.

- there will be  a LOT of item clutter on the ground you can enable a pickup key so you don't accidentally pick up items while running (dunno about console tho) - I guess there's an item pick up mode lol

- usually you can ignore whites and blues for the most part, yellow = rares, pick them up.

- sell items unidentified (you have to identify items with "scrolll of wisdom")

- get every waypoint and do the sidequests. Listen to the characters trust me. Enjoy the story it's pretty cool. after you know where to go you can finish the whole story in a few hours.


Usually in a new league, like i said with a fresh economy where everyone starts at level 1, people play a glass cannon character first.


They won't be able to do endgame content with it but you farm currency and items with it real fast, so you can start a second character with the intention to do all the endgame content.


Btw, endgame content are  maps, think of it as different zones you can join. maps are items you can modify with currency. There's tier1 to tier16 maps. 




-> THE BIGGEST ADVICE: Get some friends to play with you. Seriously if you play alone it's fun for a while but the game is amazing in small groups (2-4 people). 

-playing with randoms is awful, since they don't give a shit and rush through the game. 



ugh... im done. I'm sure beginner guides are always somehwat outdated but most of the info still applies, look shit up. Also, there's an ingame tutorial explaining a lot of the basics, not the best but it gets better with each update.


oh and gameplay wise like I said get an AoE skill and a single target dps skill. Everything else will be buffs/debuffs/dots etc..


and movement is important, you can dodge a lot of spells and projectile attacks by moving. 



also I cant stress this enough: 


this game is hard as fuck. dark souls and let it die is a joke compared to it.


think about it as your first dark souls playthrough and after a few hundred hours you can speedrun the game skipping content etc. and then you get fucked

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