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Joe Rogan | When Did SJW Culture Start?

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20 minutes ago, jehurey said:

I mean we should start calling these people "Movie Theaters"


...........because you already know what time they're going to be turning on their projectors.:blessed:






Edited by Saucer
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Kind of like how the immigration crisis started.   ..................when xenophobes started trying to make a push for power and relevancy.   Same thing with this "SJW culture war"

It will be hard for our sjw friends to come up with a rebuttal for this video. So, I feel like this thread won't go far. 

it would involve them listening to another point of view and they can't do that

7 hours ago, jehurey said:

they aren't a new thing.


see, you're proving me right. By you acting like its a NEW threat effectively means that the thing that changed were those who become threatened.






Look at that scene, its got EVERYTHING you claim is "new". The SJW is literally there in the middle. The ANONYMITY among the males who are bitter is there.


In fact the only thing that's different is that those men are already married and had gotten pussy in their life..............and in today's case, the bitter men who are angry at women haven't gotten pussy yet in their lives..........and they're EXTRA angry.


Even a tv show that was well-catered to blue-collar men, the creators of this tv show purposely make it a point to show that Al Bundy is dumb in this pursuit and is destined to lose. They were making this message 30 years ago, dude.

Your proof that the immigration crisis and generation snowflakes not being a new thing is some 30 seconds comedy video about some men against feminism? :D 


Feminists in the 70s =/= feminists now. Just like how political correctness in the 70s =/= PC in 2018.


The climates have changed considerably but you want to picture everyone has sexist and xenophobic. Sad.

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Lol.  Of course SJWs are a thing, but at absolute worst they're an annoyance.  Most of the people labelled as SJWs aren't.  BLM isn't complaining about microaggressions.  They're complaining about getting shot because they're black.  It's a legitimate complaint.


Meanwhile, Trump's about to spew a whole lot of lies about terrorists coming across the border en masse because he knows alt-right dumbasses will believe everything he says, despite the fact that it's objectively bullshit to distract from the fact that he shut down the US government because his manhood felt threatened.  The issue here isn't microagressions, it's the lack of scope that people who are worried about microaggressions have.  We're about to see yet another power grab by a president that placates dictators like Erdogan, Putin, Kim Jong Un ('member that nuclear deal?  lol), and Bolsonaro, and this isn't even on alt-righters' radar.  That tells you where their priorities are: in the shitter.


The sad part is that the absolute biggest victory that "teh SJWs" have managed to pull off is the #MeToo movement, which by and large attacks liberal men in Hollywood, and somehow that still manages to trigger the shit out of a bunch of insecure white dudes, despite the fact that deliberately false allegations are rare.

Edited by McWicked
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3 hours ago, Ramza said:

Your proof that the immigration crisis and generation snowflakes not being a new thing is some 30 seconds comedy video about some men against feminism? :D 


Feminists in the 70s =/= feminists now. Just like how political correctness in the 70s =/= PC in 2018.


The climates have changed considerably but you want to picture everyone has sexist and xenophobic. Sad.



Is that why you guys created that "3rd wave feminism" bullshit. LOL  No, son. Its still the same. Hell, you'd probably be more enraged at 70's feminists than you would with today's feminist.

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7 hours ago, Saucer said:







7 hours ago, Saucer said:

Jerry jokes are cornier than Boomer memes. 

I like it when they know their first post didn't work out all too well, so they need to go in a second time. LOL

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7 minutes ago, jehurey said:



Is that why you guys created that "3rd wave feminism" bullshit. LOL  No, son. Its still the same. Hell, you'd probably be more enraged at 70's feminists than you would with today's feminist.

I'm not enraged by feminists and I didn't coin the term 3rd wave feminism nor do I use it. Keep labeling people, idiot. Really gets your point across. :facep: 

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1 minute ago, Ramza said:

I'm not enraged by feminists and I didn't coin the term 3rd wave feminism nor do I use it. Keep labeling people, idiot. Really gets your point across. :facep: 

LOL try reading the thread's topic before you go accusing others of half-assed labeling of people.

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2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

LOL try reading the thread's topic before you go accusing others of half-assed labeling of people.

Once again, SJWs spoiled kids in school is a myth, let's just ignore real things life 'safe spaces'. :kaz: PC culture fed by Twitter isn't a thing. :D 


Why the denial? Meanwhile you're accusing everyone else to be sexist, racist, xenophobic, etc. Embarrassing.

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Just now, McWicked said:

This is not a revelation. :cruise: 

You got triggered the moment you saw your best libtard arguing nonsense with me and had to jump in to the rescue. Quick, I'm gonna label him as ignorant and anti feminist.


 Just get out. :pffft:

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11 hours ago, jehurey said:

they aren't a new thing.


see, you're proving me right. By you acting like its a NEW threat effectively means that the thing that changed were those who become threatened.






Look at that scene, its got EVERYTHING you claim is "new". The SJW is literally there in the middle. The ANONYMITY among the males who are bitter is there.


In fact the only thing that's different is that those men are already married and had gotten pussy in their life..............and in today's case, the bitter men who are angry at women haven't gotten pussy yet in their lives..........and they're EXTRA angry.


Even a tv show that was well-catered to blue-collar men, the creators of this tv show purposely make it a point to show that Al Bundy is dumb in this pursuit and is destined to lose. They were making this message 30 years ago, dude.

married with children was ahead of its time. it was definitely one of the most groundbreaking comedies ever. 

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6 minutes ago, Ramza said:

You got triggered the moment you saw your best libtard arguing nonsense with me because I don't pay attention. Quick, I'm not gonna pay attention because I'm anti feminist.


 Just stop making fun of me for not paying attention. :pffft:

Nah. :cruise: 

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Just now, McWicked said:

Nah. :cruise: 

:| Not sure how you can make fun of someone for not paying much attention to what feminists do. Especially for a man.


Or would you prefer if I was the type of guy who FREAKED over every little news, like feminists agenda pushed in video games, and boycott them? Like Bodycount does all the times. :wonder: 

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3 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Or would you prefer if I was the type of guy who FREAKED over every little news, like feminists agenda pushed in video games, and boycott them? Like Bodycount does all the times. :wonder: 

You mean like this?




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17 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Once again, SJWs spoiled kids in school is a myth, let's just ignore real things life 'safe spaces'. :kaz: PC culture fed by Twitter isn't a thing. :D 


Why the denial? Meanwhile you're accusing everyone else to be sexist, racist, xenophobic, etc. Embarrassing.

Dude........what exactly is your definition of somebody demanding a "safe space"........and HAVE YOU SEEN IT HAPPEN?


Like...........what exactly are you even complaining about?  And how outraged are you supposed to be, exactly?


This is what "men" are complaining about? I mean, seriously?

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1 hour ago, jehurey said:

Dude........what exactly is your definition of somebody demanding a "safe space"........and HAVE YOU SEEN IT HAPPEN?


Like...........what exactly are you even complaining about?  And how outraged are you supposed to be, exactly?


This is what "men" are complaining about? I mean, seriously?

I'm not complaining about it. Just because Joe Rogan ask a question where the phenomenon started and invite someone who has studies to back of their claim doesn't make them xenophobes.


The SJW culture is a real thing going on right now, especially problematic in campus. No one is losing sleep over it, doesn't mean that the new phenomenon are just the results of evil white men complaining. Give me a break.

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