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Japanese exclusives played a key role in establishing the XBox brand

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Everything else is as spin, of the current gen nightmare.


Halo aside, the other killer app for OG Xbox was Dead or Alive. Within the first year the OG Xbox relied on Jet Set Radio Future, Sega GT, Panzer Dragoon Orta, some other smaller games like Shenmue 2 ports etc. Ninja Gaiden was so big Ryu essentially because the second Xbox mascot after Chief, and OG NG provided Xbox with a GOTG level game.


360 was defined by a huge Japanese push, early games like Dead Rising, Lost Planet. Followed by exclusives like Lost Odyssey, Ninja Gaiden 2, Tales of Vesperia etc.




There is a reason why Scalebound and Platinum were so hyped. The reality is that the Xbox brand would not be where it is today without Japanese games, and Japanese EXCLUSIVES were always a key part of the Xbox identity until now. Everything else is a modern #BelieveinSpencer spin.


No Japanese exclusives = Shit console, shit brand.

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well duh.  


Microsoft's biggest failures was not making the XBOX brand act like a traditional video game company that's focus on every exclusive they had from 360 and guaranteed sequels on the next generation.  


The reason 360 succeeded was because it had games you could not play on other systems and the games that you could, the 360 had the better port.  Plus all the Xbox Live community focused games they created in 2009-2010.    

The fact that we never got that interactive game show game they advertised when Kinect launched is shameful.  

The XBOX brand seem to been on a downward projectary from 2011 forward.

Edited by The Mother Fucker
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3 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Why are you guys so infatuated with Xbox, I'm not even kidding this shit is absolutely incredible... You literally talk about them more than anything you actually play or have interest in.

I think people are just dumbfounded as to how quickly this brand has deteriorated and how poorly Microsoft has handled the Xbox platform in the last 5 years with no end in sight.

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1 minute ago, lynux3 said:

I think people are just dumbfounded as to how quickly this brand has deteriorated and how poorly Microsoft has handled the Xbox platform in the last 5 years with no end in sight.

Seems fine to me, it ain't perfect but I've got no complaints. I've got tons of games, a great system and great feature both software and hardware related. It's a bunch of hyperbole if you ask me.

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Spencer said they should try to make XBox appealing for Japanese games in terms of multiplats, and Japanese exclusives are pointless. Then the "new gen" One, XBox generation went out to defend this as some sort of visionary comment and decision. Its an insult to any old school XBox owner, nevermind old school fan. 

Edited by Team 2019
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8 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Seems fine to me, it ain't perfect but I've got no complaints. I've got tons of games, a great system and great feature both software and hardware related. It's a bunch of hyperbole if you ask me.

It's the same hyperbole you spew too. For example, the thread with Sony wanting to have their three entertainment divisions collaborating more often (Sony Music/Pictures and PlayStation).

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3 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

It's the same hyperbole you spew too. For example, the thread with Sony wanting to have their three entertainment divisions collaborating more often (Sony Music/Pictures and PlayStation).

Don't act like that couldn't lead to something bad, especially when we know how volatile success is in this industry and we're coming off the heels of a system that had centralist ideals in mind like that and was rejected for it because the focus wasn't just gaming, gaming, gaming.


Sony saying things like that with a new generation on the horizon is cause for alarm, any company or division wide shift distracting focus from the current way things are being handled poses a possible disastrous risk to the next generation.  

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9 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Don't act like that couldn't lead to something bad, especially when we know how volatile success is in this industry and we're coming off the heels of a system that had centralist ideals in mind like that and was rejected for it because the focus wasn't just gaming, gaming, gaming.


Sony saying things like that with a new generation on the horizon is cause for alarm, any company or division wide shift distracting focus from the current way things are being handled poses a possible disastrous risk to the next generation.  

Yeah that's great and all :roll:, but lets take a look at your silly comparison at NeoGAF.


"When they draw focus to things other than PlayStation; PlayStation loses focus. When the Xbox One launch was met with lament due to its universal entertainment focus why was that? Because they tried to spread their resources and focus across multiple things instead of just gaming and it screwed them. It's better to do one thing with excellence than three things in a state of mediocrity."


This is hyperbole in its purist form. What you completely ignored is that Sony already has these three divisions well established from the very beginning while Microsoft was attempting to establish their own out of thin air using Xbox's budget. Each division operates independently of each other, but it makes sense to promote products utilizing resources from all three divisions such as Spider-Man. It puts Sony in a unique position. Obviously this isn't going to work with every single game, movie or new album release, and there's nothing suggesting here that it's a requirement.


Going into next generation with the idea of PlayStation and Xbox being a gateway to other forms of entertainment outside of games is no different than it is today. The major difference between the platforms is that Sony has dedicated divisions for the other forms of entertainment while Microsoft doesn't after failing to establish their own.

Edited by lynux3
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1 hour ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Why are you guys so infatuated with Xbox, I'm not even kidding this shit is absolutely incredible... You literally talk about them more than anything you actually play or have interest in.



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The Dreamcast Sega fanboy is dismissing Yakuza, a game that's the closets you can get to Shenmue his fave game for some weird ass reason. While calling XBox the spiritual successor to the Dreamcast. 


I don't get modern XBox owners/audience at all. It makes no fucking sense. 

Edited by Team 2019
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