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Just now, Goukosan said:



Almost the same amount of time passed from the GameCube launch to the Wii and they were different gens, the leap in computational power was about the same from the GC to Wii as it was for the Wii U to Switch...


So, how is it not?

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Last gen, sales don't matter    This gen , sales all that matters (if they are above Xbox , it's ok to not outsell ps4)   Last gen we don't need 3rd party    This gen OMG

Oh boy are you setting yourself up badly.    

It was just an accessory for the wii

Just now, madmaltese said:

Well done Dyno. Great standard you have set up for the next Xbox to compete against now. Only has to beat the fastest selling system in US History (Switch) next gen or the Sheep now get to claim all that ownage on you all over again.

You literally just created the scenario to get destroyed twice by the exact same sales figures lol 


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1 minute ago, madmaltese said:

Well done Dyno. Great standard you have set up for the next Xbox to compete against now. Only has to beat the fastest selling system in US History (Switch) next gen or the Sheep now get to claim all that ownage on you all over again.

You literally just created the scenario to get destroyed twice by the exact same sales figures lol 

It doesn't matter what generation the Switch exists in.


8th generation? Nintendo lost.


9th generation? Nintendo still lost the 8th. 


They lost regardless of where it resides. 

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Just now, madmaltese said:

Well done Dyno. Great standard you have set up for the next Xbox to compete against now. Only has to beat the fastest selling system in US History (Switch) next gen or the Sheep now get to claim all that ownage on you all over again.

You literally just created the scenario to get destroyed twice by the exact same sales figures lol 

I never understood this.


Why do lemmings GO OUT OF THEIR WAY.................nobody is forcing them to make these threads........they're going out of their way to type these threads.


They go out of their way to INVENT LOGIC to make themselves feel good for a VERY SHORT period of time, and they do it at the expense of fucking themselves and having themselves beaten with their OWN LOGIC months and years down the line.


How desperate do you have to be to give up far more than what you temporarily get?

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Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

8th generation? Nintendo lost.


9th generation? Nintendo still lost the 8th. 





This has got to be one of the saddest pair of sentences I have ever read in the history of this entire forum.


Do you think there's sheep going around saying "Sony lost the PS3 generation. PS4 generation? SO what, they lost they PS3 generation."


Not even bodycount would get caught typing something like that. LOL

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2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

I never understood this.


Why do lemmings GO OUT OF THEIR WAY.................nobody is forcing them to make these threads........they're going out of their way to type these threads.


They go out of their way to INVENT LOGIC to make themselves feel good for a VERY SHORT period of time, and they do it at the expense of fucking themselves and having themselves beaten with their OWN LOGIC months and years down the line.


How desperate do you have to be to give up far more than what you temporarily get?

Because Jerry, none of this dumb shit actually matters. It's jimmy rustling.

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Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

Because Jerry, none of this dumb shit actually matters. It's jimmy rustling.

Except yours is rustled the MOST............because you typed this thread out of nowhere.


Who, exactly..............was trying to lord the Wii U over you??????


Is it picture settling in for you, yet?:tom:

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1 minute ago, jehurey said:

Except yours is rustled the MOST............because you typed this thread out of nowhere.


Who, exactly..............was trying to lord the Wii U over you??????


Is it picture settling in for you, yet?:tom:

No one was, Goober was trying to lord the Switch over me as an 8th gen system and I needed to bring him back down to reality as to who was actually in last place.

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5 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

It doesn't matter what generation the Switch exists in.


8th generation? Nintendo lost.


9th generation? Nintendo still lost the 8th. 


They lost regardless of where it resides. 

Or the entire concept of generations just doesn't exist in the same way anymore. MS and Sony went from iterative upgrades in the generation while Nintendo abandoned the hardware and made a new one. Nothing is going to align again between the 3 moving forward. The point is that now for the '9th Gen' as you put it, the Xbox has to best the best the fastest selling system in US history because by your own standard that is their direct comparison. Why would sheep care about the Wii U now lol 

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Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

No one was,

:tom:He just completed his own self-ownage.


And he is now trying to say that the point of this whole thread was to argue about defining a console generation.


And he also just DECLARED that the Switch is the first next-gen console, above the PS4 and XBO/XBOS/XBOX


:blessed:Oh my god. He's trading in one stupid argument, for two stupid arguments that he has a lesser chance of winning:blessed:

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3 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

Or the entire concept of generations just doesn't exist in the same way anymore. MS and Sony went from iterative upgrades in the generation while Nintendo abandoned the hardware and made a new one. Nothing is going to align again between the 3 moving forward. The point is that now for the '9th Gen' as you put it, the Xbox has to best the best the fastest selling system in US history because by your own standard that is their direct comparison. Why would sheep care about the Wii U now lol 

Well upgrades which are still the same platform, the Switch isn't. I think there's a pretty clear cut divide but people don't want to accept it most of all the sheep because their 8th gen was total shit.


No gen has gotten some reset button with a new platform, the Switch hits all the criteria for being 9th gen.

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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He's trying to find a technicality to declare that Xbox One cannot be in third place...........because he's ruled out the Switch as being part of this console gen.


Yes............he's really trying to say that.:tom:


Oh man, this has got to be one of the saddest threads I've seen in quite some time.

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Just now, jehurey said:

He's trying to find a technicality to declare that Xbox One cannot be in third place...........because he's ruled out the Switch as being part of this console gen.


Yes............he's really trying to say that.:tom:


Oh man, this has got to be one of the saddest threads I've seen in quite some time.

It doesn't matter what place the Xbox One is in going up the totem, it can never be in last place, that is reserved for Nintendo.

Edited by DynamiteCop!
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1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Well upgrades which are still the same platform, the Switch isn't. I think there's a pretty clear cut divide but people don't want to accept it most of all the sheep because their 8th gen was total shit.


No gen has gotten some reset button, the Switch hits all the criteria for being 9th gen.

That's fine but by doing this you're only setting yourself up to lose long term and for what? Wii U is ancient history on SW now. Why would sheep care about the Wii U sales now especially after the hit that the Switch is?  That's like if the next Xbox destroys the PS5 next gen and all the cows start saying 'yeah but ps4 won gen 8'....um ok, so?

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1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

It doesn't matter what place the Xbox One is in going up the totem, it can never be in last place, that is reserved for Nintendo.

Nope its in last place in sales.


And its going to be permenant 3rd place when the Switch surpasses it during 2019.


The Xbox One had a 3.5 year head start....................and still lost.:kaz:

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Just now, madmaltese said:

That's fine but by doing this you're only setting yourself up to lose long term and for what? Wii U is ancient history on SW now. Why would sheep care about the Wii U sales now especially after the hit that the Switch is?  That's like if the next Xbox destroys the PS5 next gen and all the cows start saying 'yeah but ps4 won gen 8'....um ok, so?

Man with any luck I will be well away from this junk by the time any of that noise comes to fruition. The Wii U may be ancient history but it's history nonetheless and it's Nintendo's 8th generation entry, and it's in last place.

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Just now, jehurey said:

Nope its in last place in sales.


And its going to be permenant 3rd place when the Switch surpasses it during 2019.


The Xbox One had a 3.5 year head start....................and still lost.:kaz:

You can't undo the Wii U, Nintendo lost the generation. 

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1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

You can't undo the Wii U, Nintendo lost the generation. 

Nope, you can't define generations.


I love that you just got caught TRYING to find a way out of Xbox One being 3rd place.


Like.............nobody did this to you, you literally created a thread and set yourself up for this.:tom:


"just rustlin' jimmies" = the guy who made his own thread to try and establish his own pathetic logic.


Somebody already had their jimmies rustling for quite some time, it appears. LOL

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3 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Nope, you can't define generations.


I love that you just got caught TRYING to find a way out of Xbox One being 3rd place.


Like.............nobody did this to you, you literally created a thread and set yourself up for this.:tom:


"just rustlin' jimmies" = the guy who made his own thread to try and establish his own pathetic logic.


Somebody already had their jimmies rustling for quite some time, it appears. LOL

You can't undo the Wii U Jerry, Nintendo lost the 8th gen two years ago. It can't be redeemed, it's set in stone, the Wii U is forever last place for generation 8.

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