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Those old adventure FMV point-and-click PC games from the 90s are seriously impressive

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They're better than actual movies.


Just watched Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon on youtube. :happysad:                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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I love point and click adventures but this looks like garbage. I don't like day of the tentacle and all the shit either. 


Revolution Software is the king in the genre. lure of the tempress, beneath a steel sky, broken sword series. I like the kings series too and lyrandia but nothing beats broken sword.

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4 minutes ago, kaz said:

I love point and click adventures but this looks like garbage. I don't like day of the tentacle and all the shit either. 


Revolution Software is the king in the genre. lure of the tempress, beneath a steel sky, broken sword series. I like the kings series too and lyrandia but nothing beats broken sword.

Not even mentioning Gabriel Knight.


ROFL :hest: 

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3 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within is one of the best games ever made. 

never heard of it. :ben:

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1 minute ago, SheepKilla said:

I first played it in adulthood. :ben: 

I'm sorry then because these RL video cutscene adventures suck ass. cheap garbage, no story, nothing. I'd be embarrassed if I bring that shit up in a discussion about adventure/point and click adventure games. 

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2 minutes ago, kaz said:

I'm sorry then because these RL video cutscene adventures suck ass. cheap garbage, no story, nothing. I'd be embarrassed if I bring that shit up in a discussion about adventure/point and click adventure games. 

"no story" ? 


Game has the most enthralling story I've ever played. :| And the cutscenes are totally fine. You should do yourself a favor and watch the youtube playthrough. 

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1 minute ago, SheepKilla said:

"no story" ? 


Game has the most enthralling story I've ever played. :| And the cutscenes are totally fine. You should do yourself a favor and watch the youtube playthrough. 

no respect for ya left, mate. I will never watch a "video game" you fucking noob, don't recommend it. :mj: 

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1 minute ago, kaz said:

no respect for ya left, mate. I will never watch a "video game" you fucking noob, don't recommend it. :mj: 

I mean, you can play it too. 


I don't know what exactly you're getting at. :D It's one of the greatest games I've ever played - legit. 

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1 hour ago, SheepKilla said:

I mean, you can play it too. 


I don't know what exactly you're getting at. :D It's one of the greatest games I've ever played - legit. 

it looks awful.you should give me a reason why I should play it. story wise without spoiling too much and then I'll try it. but I know already these games have 0 story. :D 

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4 minutes ago, roflpwnedz said:

Return to Zork

garbage. you guys are sick. I get it you are old as shit but that doesn't justify hyping garbage games 

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