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Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within (1995) - the greatest game that you never heard of

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This point-and-click FMV adventure game is a masterpiece. You play as Gabriel Knight arriving in Germany to investigate a series of murders that villagers believe was committed by a werewolf, but that local police blame on missing wolves from a zoo. As you keep playing, the story slowly unravels as Gabriel investigates, talks to various people, and eventually discovers a small, secret cult.


It's safe to say: This is the #1 greatest story I've ever seen in a game. It rivals novels, and definitely surpasses movies. Everything comes together in the ambitious plot and makes perfect sense by the close. The main characters are unforgettable; the story is jaw-droppingly rich. Characters here don't feel like they exist for a game, but as if they're actual people with backstories. Even the dialogue is so well-written that it made me break out laughing a few times at the jokes.  


To top it off, the original soundtrack is, without exaggeration, one of the greatest I've heard in a game. 


The cons are that the puzzles are cryptic sometimes and you will need a walk through guide. You can also watch a 9-hour YouTube playthrough (which I really recommend), if you want to watch it like a movie instead of play.  


I SERIOUSLY recommend this old classic. And NONE of that AdrianWerner 1992 Polish bullshit here; this is SHEEPKILLA recommended with nearly a 100% rating. Warm, fun, philosophical, deep, mysterious and rich are some adjectives that describe this game. Some screens: 











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1 hour ago, SheepKilla said:

The best intro I've ever seen to a game. If you completed the story you'd realize how touching it is, too: 




hot garbage. I tried to watch it but I couldn't so I watched the ending. The game IS TERRIBLE. Everything about it is. The story is dumb, the main character is the most boring turd ever, he's also ugly as shit.


The item/puzzle/investigating looks awfully easy - no idea about if there's a hard part at all. The thing is the stupid movies, the acting is so fucking bad.... 


just wtf is this shit at 3:00  




:D garbage game, so touching. :D  . the asian is hot tho.


go play broken sword or black mirror noob 

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LMAO bro you can't just watch the ending without ANY context. :D There's like 9 hours of buildup so you understand what happens. The ending, with 0 context, DOES look like B-movie garbage. But actually understanding what's taking place and why, you realize it's a masterpiece. 


Since you're trying to spoil the game for yourself, watch this: 






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16 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:



LMAO bro you can't just watch the ending without ANY context. :D There's like 9 hours of buildup so you understand what happens. The ending, with 0 context, DOES look like B-movie garbage. But actually understanding what's taking place and why, you realize it's a masterpiece. 


Since you're trying to spoil the game for yourself, watch this: 






so touching :D the story and acting :rofl:

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19 minutes ago, kaz said:

so touching :D the story and acting :rofl:

My tastes are infinitely rich. 


I wouldn't say: 


"This game is the best story evar!! durr" :lemming: about a steaming pile of GARBAGE 


I know what I'm talking about. You have NO idea what you are missing. 




The reason I said that the  vid I posted was touching was because it depicts the werewolf's childhood. His dad was a murderer/werewolf, discovered and killed by the villagers in the 1750s. The law at the time was to burn the werewolf's whole family alive as well, but his mother manages to smuggle him out to live. He lived till present day due to the werewolf curse from his father. The ending you posted is him being lured to a trap - a lost opera that can force him to transform to a wolf from human form, so he can be shot in wolf form in front of everyone.  


This is a character driven story. The story of the werewolf is so haunting once you meet him in the game and peel back his story. And I don't give a FUCK about monster-based stories. Like, at all - and it still moved me. One of the best game stories I ever played. 


You are a clown for dismissing this based on watching an ending alone.  

Edited by SheepKilla
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9 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

My tastes are infinitely rich. 


I wouldn't say: 


"This game is the best story evar!! durr" :lemming: about a steaming pile of GARBAGE 

blabla etc

:D i watched it. the story is awful :D 


you should put it in spoiler


character driven story, yeah. but i don't like a single character, they are all awful. my opinion. if it weren't for the movie scenes i'd play it myself. I love p&c adventures


so touching :D  

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Just now, SheepKilla said:



I love this game so much that I edited my post to put spoilers on a 1995 game :ben:  


Diplo you should either play this or watch the youtube vid  

lol i mean doesn't matter when this game released maybe you can convince some1 to play it

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1 hour ago, bhytre said:

These "games" are so poverty-ridden that they actually manage to be charming in their own shitty way :tom: 

It's not at all poverty ridden. 


They actually stopped making it as full motion video for the 3rd game, and switched to 3D graphics because it was too expensive to produce in the same way. 


It's only the 90's video quality that makes it seem campy/poverty ridden. It's not. Many of these actors actually went on to blockbuster Hollywood film careers. 


I will admit the ending kaz posted had me laughing though, because without any context it looks like utter garbage. But with full context of the story, it's an incredible ending.

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