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If you could only have one console, what would it be?

Which console would you choose?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Which console would you choose?

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You get what that system has, nothing more and nothing less. No bending your knee to other platforms for games not available to yours, no hiding behind other systems. 


This would be your platform and you have to live with it for both the good and bad.

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4 minutes ago, MalaXmaS said:


I would pick nothing from that list.

Each console is lacking something that the other one has that it makes picking only one impossible.

Just pick one, if you had no choice and this is what you had to game on. 

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At this point in time, excluding lifestyle, I'd go with the PS4.  By the end of the Switch's lifespan, it'll probably have enough content to sway my opinion the other way, but as it stands right now, it's PS4.

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PS4 is the most well rounded platform. Fact.


All the Playstation consoles were the most well rounded console every gen. Fact.


Always bet on Playstation. :juggle: 

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Seems like this is an arbitrary poll made to exclude the Switch.


Here's the reality: The Switch has exclusives not on PS4. The Switch has features and functions not possible on PS4. Two different experiences, two different platforms, both with AAAEs.


The PS4 literally has *all* the games Xcock Done/Boner X have, plus more. Even if you want to count the fauXclusives (which are all 5 or 6.0 shit-tier games nobody wants to play) PS4 doesn't just win, it completely assrapes the 'Boner.


POINT IS, Xcock Done occupies a fucking black hole in the marketplace. Your console is so pathetic you're trying to jerry rig a poll to showcase that the Switch misses out on multiplatform games that the Xcock Done shares with the PS4. Great. What does that do to make the 'bone a more attractive option to consumers? How does this help the 'bone in a 1 on 1 with the PS4?


"Sheepets" they say. huh. :patrice:This whole poll is orchestrated by Boners to shy away from a 1:1 comparison to the PS4. That's just pathetic, that's not the xbox I know, that's not the platform I backed last gen and that's not faction I led gallantly in battle with the XBOX 360.




You've been cucked by Phil Spencer. 

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20 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:




Seems like this is an arbitrary poll made to exclude the Switch.


Here's the reality: The Switch has exclusives not on PS4. The Switch has features and functions not possible on PS4. Two different experiences, two different platforms, both with AAAEs.


The PS4 literally has *all* the games Xcock Done/Boner X have, plus more. Even if you want to count the fauXclusives (which are all 5 or 6.0 shit-tier games nobody wants to play) PS4 doesn't just win, it completely assrapes the 'Boner.


POINT IS, Xcock Done occupies a fucking black hole in the marketplace. Your console is so pathetic you're trying to jerry rig a poll to showcase that the Switch misses out on multiplatform games that the Xcock Done shares with the PS4. Great. What does that do to make the 'bone a more attractive option to consumers? How does this help the 'bone in a 1 on 1 with the PS4?


"Sheepets" they say. huh. :patrice:This whole poll is orchestrated by Boners to shy away from a 1:1 comparison to the PS4. That's just pathetic, that's not the xbox I know, that's not the platform I backed last gen and that's not faction I led gallantly in battle with the XBOX 360.




You've been cucked by Phil Spencer. 

This sounds like someone trying to explain how voter ID laws are racist lol. This has no discrimination, it's leveraged across the board evenly for every platform. If you feel this way you're clearly feeling a deficiency in the platform you so valiantly defend.


This ties into what I've told you before, you weigh too heavily on the thoughts and views of others and let it dictate your happiness with a platform. You get offended easily and put on a front, you're very insecure with the platforms you support, you want people to like what you like. I'm sure you actually liked Xbox One, but you let people telling you it sucked weigh on you and effect you so heavily that you questioned your own feelings and turned on it. You're reacting to this poll the same way but with the Switch, you care way too much what other people think and jump to insane conclusions like it's a conspiracy against you.



Edited by DynamiteCop!
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