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DMC3 ....

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I remember liking the game back in the day but recently I bought the DMC collection and have played through these games again (not DMC2 though because fuck that game). I enjoyed DMC 1, the game is showing it's age in some ways but it still holds up really well despite that thanks to well thought out game design. Playing through it again just reconfirmed why it's still my favorite game in the series.


DMC3 SE, however, is just not that good.


In fact, I think it kind of sucks. I have never seen a game degrade in quality as fast as this game does. Once you hit Chapter 8, this game plummets into shit.


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you said it yourself DMC is the best game in the series.


DMC3 was never a good game. It's better than 4 yeah okay, but that doesn't mean much. 


2 is garbage everyone knows that, but 4 sucks bc of the backtracking bullshit. 


If I had to rate DMC it goes like this: 1-3-4--------------2 I didn't play the ninja theory game. Looks like hot garbage to me.

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I have no idea what a difference SE makes or what it even means. 


I played all DMC games 1-4. the ninja theory game is when I dropped it. I won't play that game.


And DMCV looks like hot garbage. I know people will play it because they are "game starved" but fuck them. This game looks awful.

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Special Editions made changes to the gameplay systems and added new modes and characters. In DMC4's case the additions were great- new modes, three new characters, retweaked some of the game systems and is just generally an all around much better game than the original.


DMC3 SE didn't really change much from the original. It just added a new checkpoint/orb system (Gold/Yellow), tweaked the difficulty settings (the original's Normal mode was actually the Japanese Hard mode), and added Vergil as a playable characer.



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28 minutes ago, kaz said:

you said it yourself DMC is the best game in the series.


DMC3 was never a good game. It's better than 4 yeah okay, but that doesn't mean much. 


2 is garbage everyone knows that, but 4 sucks bc of the backtracking bullshit. 


If I had to rate DMC it goes like this: 1-3-4--------------2 I didn't play the ninja theory game. Looks like hot garbage to me.


FYI, you backtrack through the second half of the game in DMC3 as well except it's handled much worse than DMC4.


For me, the ranking goes 1>4>3>Who gives a fuck about the rest.

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Is Warlords a collection or just Onimusha 1? Because I'll pick it up if it's a collection. If it's just Onimusha 1 though then I won't bother. I didn't really care for Onimusha 1.


I really enjoyed 2 and 3 though, 2 is easily my favorite game in the series. I even liked Onimusha Dawn of Dreams, I thought the game was fun and don't really understand the hate the game gets.

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24 minutes ago, Bodycount N said:

i'm playing onimusha warlords and it not only holds up, but fucking owns. It's straight up re1/2/3 with samurai's. fucking awesome game.


pre-rendered BGs and tank controls = timeless :glad: 

sounds like you never played Onimusha on PS2. I feel sorry for you, so many years wasted with garbage on xbox lmfao

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18 minutes ago, Sabo said:

Is Warlords a collection or just Onimusha 1? Because I'll pick it up if it's a collection. If it's just Onimusha 1 though then I won't bother. I didn't really care for Onimusha 1.


I really enjoyed 2 and 3 though, 2 is easily my favorite game in the series. I even liked Onimusha Dawn of Dreams, I thought the game was fun and don't really understand the hate the game gets.

For me it's the exact opposite. The first is my fav. It goes: 1-3--------2---------4--- but tbh 4 being a fucking disaster. I like 2 but it's a bad onimusha game in my opinion. 

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4 hours ago, Sabo said:

Is Warlords a collection or just Onimusha 1? Because I'll pick it up if it's a collection. If it's just Onimusha 1 though then I won't bother. I didn't really care for Onimusha 1.


I really enjoyed 2 and 3 though, 2 is easily my favorite game in the series. I even liked Onimusha Dawn of Dreams, I thought the game was fun and don't really understand the hate the game gets.

I got so much shit for saying 2 was my favorite the other day. lmao 1 is easily the weakest in the series, it's too simplistic for it's own good.

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17 minutes ago, Ramza said:

I got so much shit for saying 2 was my favorite the other day. lmao 1 is easily the weakest in the series, it's too simplistic for it's own good.


People hating on 2?


LOL, why?


It easily has the best main character and the combat system was at it's peak with 2.

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14 minutes ago, Sabo said:


People hating on 2?


LOL, why?


It easily has the best main character and the combat system was at it's peak with 2.

Dunno, ask RemiJ and Kaz. I don't bother with the opinions of the unwashed plebeian masses.


And as far as DMC goes, I think the original trilogy aged badly. 1 and 3 were fantastic for their time but not so much anymore. Ninja Gaiden in comparison aged liked a fine wine. 


No time for old games anyway, bring on DMCV and Bayonetta 3.

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6 hours ago, Twinblade said:

Onimusha 2 is awesome. They all have their pros and cons overall, but after playing through warlords again i think its the weakest in the series. Its tough for me to pick a favorite but i think 3 might be the most consistent quality wise.

How's AC7 so far? If you are to compare it to other games in the series.

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1 hour ago, Ramza said:

How's AC7 so far? If you are to compare it to other games in the series.

Its hard to say. AC4 will probably always be my favorite because it was my introduction to the series and the storytelling really impressed me. But after 10 missions I think 7 might be just behind it. It does a lot of things right, and the cloud tech actually has a real effect on the gameplay and how missions play out.

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