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I thought it sucked, but the people that like it really like it and it's such a step forward for gaming production that it's worth at least a rental to see whether you like it or not.


Weird timing though with Q1 being stacked. Shit's like 50 hours.

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Having time removed from it now and looking back I'm probably firm in the 'not a fan' camp. It's a technical marvel and a big step forward for Open world design but for the improvements in those areas it is equally archaic in very key gameplay elements. Everything from shooting to mission structure is incredibly poor. It's worth seeing for it's world but imo was not worth the 50-60 or so hours it took for me to get through it. 


Also you seriously need like 2 hour + game sessions to pretty much do anything in it. So see how that fits your gaming habits. 


Like Hot Sauce said, don't know why you'd want to touch it now given how crazy Q1 is.

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It was a 10/10 for me, I can't think of a single thing I didn't like about it. Story was great, the characters are excellent, the environment and atmosphere is incredible, the games systems are well fleshed out and can be deep depending on how you approach things, the gameplay is quite grounded in reality but worked well for what it was portraying and killing people is satisfying. 


If someone is in a position to play it I think they should. 

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If you don't enjoy just riding around and enjoying the scenery it won't be for you, along the lengthy story this is a big draw of the game and the map is huge. 

Personally I found it one of the best and most relaxing games I've ever played, production values and level of detail are insane. 

Best of all it's not on PC, THHBFR

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way too bloated with very half assed and time wasting features features (base customization/crafting, hunting, resource gathering/mangement in general).


As someone who was a massive fan of the first game, i couldn't help but come away disappointed with RDR2. If I were to rate it i think its deserving of a 7.5 and nothing more.

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I liked bits of it. Mainly when you go off the main path and find interesting things to do. I liked the survival elements, hunting, scavenging, having a lot of character customisation etc. I remember randomly coming upon a washed up canoe and tested getting in thinking it wouldn’t work, next thing I know I’m riding down waterfalls and rapids


But so many elements just get bogged down especially when you’re many hours in. Like forced walking around the camp or the slow ass rides between mission points. I actually ended up turning on cinematic mode after awhile because these parts were so sleep inducing and I’d rather just go on my phone while riding


A lot of the hyped up elements like the antagonise/defuse systems are puddle deep


The core gameplay is bearable but would have been infinitely better with more responsive gameplay. They could have ripped off something like TLOU wholesale and it would have worked well. Or shit even use their own game Max Payne

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I liked it at first but there are many better games out there more worth your time tbh.


Good: Big beautiful  immersive world with interesting characters. Music and visual presentation are top notch.

Bad: Gameplay is where it fell short, along with clunky controls. It also has no respect for the gamer's time.



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