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Sheepkilla's hitler thread

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4 hours ago, Voidler said:

I don’t understand why you righ wingers would EVER identify with Hitler. Somebody please explain it to me



People aren't identifying with him, we just realize that things aren't as black and white as we were told, and that the Germans were right about some things.


Regardless Nazis are irrelevant. This is all about the far left now and the commies and the socialists and the globalists and the world they are trying to create and at what expense.

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It's in a mass grave

Because the policies you pushed on us are so horrifying that it's become appealing. 

4 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:



Look at Europe now, it's in absolute shambles, multiculturalism is rotting it from the inside out. We as Americans see this happening from across the pond, do not want it to happen here and are taking a stand. There's nothing that says multiculturalism works, that it's better, that it's some kind of moral issue, that it's the way we should move forward, the experiment is failing horribly.




Over 1 million young girls across the country, raped, groomed and drugged city by city by muslim gangs. The councils cover it up, the politicians cover it up.  Anyone who raised the issue was sent on a diversity training course and were shunned as racists.


You think that shit would have been happening under the Nazis? no, because they would stand up for their own.


Definitely more appealing than what is being offered these days.

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45 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

People aren't identifying with him, we just realize that things aren't as black and white as we were told, and that the Germans were right about some things.


Regardless Nazis are irrelevant. This is all about the far left now and the commies and the socialists and the globalists and the world they are trying to create and at what expense.

Sums it up. I remember learning in school that the whole 'Jews' thing was a delusional fantasy on the part of Hitler. Now I've learned better.  


What do you think happened in Germany in the previous 10 years before 1933? The greatest depression and inflation known to man in the country. And who do you think controlled the banks in that country while all that was going on? Hitler didn't have some delusional fantasy; there was a grain of truth in what he said.  


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10 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

Sums it up. I remember learning in school that the whole 'Jews' thing was a delusional fantasy on the part of Hitler. Now I've learned better.  


What do you think happened in Germany in the previous 10 years before 1933? The greatest depression and inflation known to man in the country. And who do you think controlled the banks in that country while all that was going on? Hitler didn't have some delusional fantasy; there was a grain of truth in what he said.  


Not to mention all the degeneracy in the Weimar republic

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When you kill millions of ppl based on race you sort of lose the 'not everything was bad' defense. It doesn't matter what the situation was prior or what facets you agree with prior. The result is what matters. Stop the Nazi sympatising bullshit. You can argue your points without any of it. 

This coming from someone born in Europe, who cares about Europe greatly and is one of the biggest critics of Islam here. There are many problems atm, none of them need you to result in 'but Hitler wasn't all bad'.



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11 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

When you kill millions of ppl based on race you sort of lose the 'not everything was bad' defense. It doesn't matter what the situation was prior or what facets you agree with prior. The result is what matters. Stop the Nazi sympatising bullshit. You can argue your points without any of it. 

This coming from someone born in Europe, who cares about Europe greatly and is one of the biggest critics of Islam here. There are many problems atm, none of them need you to result in 'but Hitler wasn't all bad'.



Hitler's method of dealing with this was wrong (killing people). 


However, the reason we keep mentioning him is because it seems that certain people are pushing for this mass migration. These people are known as Jews. Their IQs are recorded as being higher than average. They own a lot of media companies, and have been filling the head of our youth with utter poison (there are multiple genders, etc). 


So the logic is simple. People keep saying there was only 1 side to WW2 - the good side - but we are discovering this other side now and it's making people re-evaluate a lot of things. 


Nobody is saying kill people. Nobody is saying become a Nazi. We are saying to begin questioning the mono-narrative. Because there are a lot of suspicious things that have been going on in society, and it sure as hell doesn't seem to be purely random chance. 

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12 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:


Hitler's method of dealing with this was wrong (killing people). 


However, the reason we keep mentioning him is because it seems that certain people are pushing for this mass migration. These people are known as Jews. Their IQs are recorded as being higher than average. They own a lot of media companies, and have been filling the head of our youth with utter poison (there are multiple genders, etc). 


So the logic is simple. People keep saying there was only 1 side to WW2 - the good side - but we are discovering this other side now and it's making people re-evaluate a lot of things. 


Nobody is saying kill people. Nobody is saying become a Nazi. We are saying to begin questioning the mono-narrative. Because there are a lot of suspicious things that have been going on in society, and it sure as hell doesn't seem to be purely random chance. 

None of that matters when the end result was one of the greatest genocides in human history. 


Same way no one goes around talking about the 'good intentions' of Jim Jones in fighting against racism and oppression and wanting to make a better place for minorities with Jonestown because the end result was fucking mass murder/suicide. 

'The ends justify the means' works both ways. When the ends are so horrific then nothing leading up to it matters. There is no sliver or ifs or buts because that road led to this.


You can complain and make arguments about current issues without ever needing to mention Germany, Nazis or Hitler. That entire event could not exist and it wouldn't influence how many points or factors you can bring up now. If you have an issue with current issues talk about them currently with bringing up Hitler/Nazi/ Nazi Germany.

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50 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

When you kill millions of ppl based on race you sort of lose the 'not everything was bad' defense. It doesn't matter what the situation was prior or what facets you agree with prior. The result is what matters. Stop the Nazi sympatising bullshit. You can argue your points without any of it. 

This coming from someone born in Europe, who cares about Europe greatly and is one of the biggest critics of Islam here. There are many problems atm, none of them need you to result in 'but Hitler wasn't all bad'.



Dude, if you wear a MAGA hat you get labelled as a Nazi.


Might as well own it :shrug:

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1 hour ago, TLHBO said:

Not to mention all the degeneracy in the Weimar republic

Lmao I just read a bit more about this period on Wiki. 


Prostitution, homosexuality, endless supplies of drugs, massive organized crime rings, people demanding sexual novels about murders, etc. 


 Sounds exactly like what they're turning today into. 

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3 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

Dude, if you wear a MAGA hat you get labelled as a Nazi.


Might as well own it :shrug:

Yeah and I'm just as harsh on that type of stupidity too but if you flip to 'owning it' then it turns from them being morons to them being justified (since you're actually now legitimately Nazi sympathising)

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12 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

Lmao I just read a bit more about this period on Wiki. 


Prostitution, homosexuality, endless supplies of drugs, massive organized crime rings, people demanding sexual novels about murders, etc. 


 Sounds exactly like what they're turning today into. 

That's what they want, a degenerate world where 10 year old boys dress up in drag and dance for money in gay bars. (Yes this actually happened).


That's the kind of world the left wants. All the right wants to do is go back to good, wholesome traditional values. I can see why the Nazis clamped down on all the degeneracy. 

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51 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

Yeah and I'm just as harsh on that type of stupidity too but if you flip to 'owning it' then it turns from them being morons to them being justified (since you're actually now legitimately Nazi sympathising)

That's not how reality works, you're not lumped into one bin and that's the sole and end all be all of everything. I have no sympathy for Hitler or the Nazi's but I do however understand him and them, and I do agree with certain parts of his and their motivation and ideology. Life is nothing but different shades of gray and so are people, they can be deconstructed, you can find good aspects of or aspirations within a person or movement even if the outcome is atrocious. 


What you're saying is a cop out, it's saying that your ideology takes precedence over mine and that I should morally adhere and accept Hitler and his Reich as being nothing more than a group of monsters. I reject that, I reject the intolerance for people which choose to think for themselves, who choose to see the parts of a sum and not just the sum of its parts.


My Chevy Silverado is a truck, but it's also more than that, it's the culmination of many moving parts and systems which form together to create a truck. Choosing to remain ignorant to the intricacies and inner workings of something is willful ignorance. We all know what the Nazi's and Hitler did, it was horrible but get the fuck over it okay.. We're all adults, we should be able to talk about this stuff without being blindsided and trying to be forced into ideological submission. 


TLHBO is a guy who through and through hates Xbox, but I guarantee and know for a fact there are certain aspects which he can objectively look at and say are good or well thought out, or there are things he wishes others in the industry would do or would have done. He can still hate Xbox but veiled within hate or detestment you're generally going to still be able to find qualities which while not redeeming are at least good or agreeable. 


Do you see us advocating for genocide or socialism? No, and why is that? Because those are aspects we do not agree with.







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I feel like the immigration of different cultures is just for show. It makes life more interesting having different types of people.


White people would never disappear because that would ruin the elegance of colour. 


This is is coming from someone who used to have dirty blonde hair and has a auburn beard.

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45 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

That's not how reality works, you're not lumped into one bin and that's the sole and end all be all of everything. I have no sympathy for Hitler or the Nazi's but I do however understand him and them, and I do agree with certain parts of his and their motivation and ideology. Life is nothing but different shades of gray and so are people, they can be deconstructed, you can find good aspects of or aspirations within a person or movement even if the outcome is atrocious. 


What you're saying is a cop out, it's saying that your ideology takes precedence over mine and that I should morally adhere and accept Hitler and his Reich as being nothing more than a group of monsters. I reject that, I reject the intolerance for people which choose to think for themselves, who choose to see the parts of a sum and not just the sum of its parts.


My Chevy Silverado is a truck, but it's also more than that, it's the culmination of many moving parts and systems which form together to create a truck. Choosing to remain ignorant to the intricacies and inner workings of something is willful ignorance. We all know what the Nazi's and Hitler did, it was horrible but get the fuck over it okay.. We're all adults, we should be able to talk about this stuff without being blindsided and trying to be forced into ideological submission. 


TLHBO is a guy who through and through hates Xbox, but I guarantee and know for a fact there are certain aspects which he can objectively look at and say are good or well thought out, or there are things he wishes others in the industry would do or would have done. He can still hate Xbox but veiled within hate or detestment you're generally going to still be able to find qualities which while not redeeming are at least good or agreeable. 


Do you see us advocating for genocide or socialism? No, and why is that? Because those are aspects we do not agree with.







There was nothing grey about Hitler. Everything he did was based on hate and race, his hate for jews and his love for what he believed was the 'pure' German. None of that is grey. All the movement and everything around it had that as it's basis which is exactly why it ended in genocide. 

I say over and over you can only judge an ideology from when it is in power and/or has a majority. That is the standard i apply to Islam when all the leftist spew out 'Islamaphobia'. You don't judge islam based on where it is a small minority in the US, you judge it based on the numerous countries where it is very much the vast majority. 
Same goes here, you can't say I agree with this and that but just not up till the genocide part. That is the cop out. Especially considering none of that has to do with the current situation, most especially the current situation in the US. All your usual rhetorics can be made without talking about Hitler or Nazism once, you choose to do so because you admire aspects of it, full stop. 


Stop you stupid ass comparisons to vehicles and game consoles, the xbox didn't result in the genocide of millions of people. 

If a priest spends his entire life preaching good, actually doing good too, helping the poor, the needy but ends up molesting a child then nothing of the 'good' prior matters. You don't say 'oh but you had some decent ideas up until the child molestation part'. You use another example of someone that didn't do those horrible things. If you can't find anyone outside of Hitler to draw parallels to for your current day arguments then maybe you should ask yourself why. 

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1 minute ago, madmaltese said:

There was nothing grey about Hitler. Everything he did was based on hate and race, his hate for jews and his love for what he believed was the 'pure' German. None of that is grey. All the movement and everything around it had that as it's basis which is exactly why it ended in genocide. 

I say over and over you can only judge an ideology from when it is in power and/or has a majority. That is the standard i apply to Islam when all the leftist spew out 'Islamaphobia'. You don't judge islam based on where it is a small minority in the US, you judge it based on the numerous countries where it is very much the vast majority. 
Same goes here, you can't say I agree with this and that but just not up till the genocide part. That is the cop out. Especially considering none of that has to do with the current situation, most especially the current situation in the US. All your usual rhetorics can be made without talking about Hitler or Nazism once, you choose to do so because you admire aspects of it, full stop. 


Stop you stupid ass comparisons to vehicles and game consoles, the xbox didn't result in the genocide of millions of people. 

If a priest spends his entire life preaching good, actually doing good too, helping the poor, the needy but ends up molesting a child then nothing of the 'good' prior matters. You don't say 'oh but you had some decent ideas up until the child molestation part'. You use another example of someone that didn't do those horrible things. If you can't find anyone outside of Hitler to draw parallels to for your current day arguments then maybe you should ask yourself why. 

You're so flippant over this entire thing that you can't even accept relevant analogies which greatly highlight the ridiculousness of your clearly manipulated thoughts. Bad does not displace good when proper context is applied which it has been from the very beginning especially when compartmentalized, but you seem to be under the impression that it displaces it in its entirety. You're a very black and white thinker and it's an extremely flawed way to go about existing, that's not even opinion based it's simply a miserable existence where you actively choose to not read between the lines.


Hitler is the parallel because he is the topic of discussion and what he aimed to avoid in society and broader Europe is exactly what is progressively festering and destroying it. He's the equivalent of a murderer in the broader sense, a person who took thoughts even normal people have throughout the course of their lives and acted on them instead of letting them pass as nothing more than thoughts. That's the difference, action, he took action where most would not have. 


It seems like this is some kind of personal issue for you, I don't know if you're Jewish or not but you should be able to pull yourself away from things and view them objectively but refuse to. The outcome of Hitler's actions were horrible, but that doesn't mean you can't deconstruct reasoning, that doesn't mean you can't logically view aspects of the ideology as being rooted in something more than the outcome. You say "Same goes here, you can't say I agree with this and that but just not up till the genocide part." . Except you can, that's the flaw in your mental state; the complete inability to see that it's not some cut and dry, black and white thing that you just write off as "that is that" and then that's the end of it.


The world only works that way for the small minded. 

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In one thread I got dyno calling me a black and white thinker and in another I have jerry criticising me because im a 'centrist' and not black and white enough :D too good.


You know it's a Dyno post when he calls Xbox to Hitler a relevant analogy. 


Look at how threatened you feel and how angry and passionate you are about only a perceived threat to your race/country. Now imagine if not only that threat existed but gained control and killed millions of 'your people', whether that means nationally or race based to you. Then after said genocide you get morons say how the thing that resulted in said massacre had certain good elements, but you know we don't encourage genocide. I'm sure you'd be all okay with that considering just how threatened you already feel experiencing maybe 0.0000000001% of a perceived threat to you compared to what was actually happening to Jews in Germany during those times. 


But let's go back, where is your line Dyno? So obviously no to genocide.

Okay so we take a step back, maybe just the concentration camps without the death?

Maybe a little further, just the certain races not allowed into shops and establishments?

Maybe a little further where it's heavily condemned to 'cross breed' with a jew if you were German?

Just maybe a little further where it's just hate but no actual restrictions?


What's your line Dyno?  





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