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1 minute ago, McWicked said:

There was that one time Trump took out a full-page ad calling for the death penalty of the Central Park Five that had already been exonerated by DNA evidence.  :] 


Also, you ignored this:


Sounds dumb but I have no idea what you're talking about.


MAGA means nothing in terms of actual policies. Building a wall to protect the southern frontier with shithole Mexico? How immoral. :laff: 

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That's joeysalad that dude is known youtube pranker 

You don't see the difference between a non political good guy father ad and the anti "toxic masculinity" #metoo men need to stop being rapists ad?   

How they customize their paint is up to them, it's harmless pride paint for school and sporting events. You're a dumb fuck homeschooled socially inept moron. You faggots literally try to get offended,

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1 minute ago, Ramza said:

MAGA means nothing in terms of actual policies. 

You sure are getting pretty angry at a symbol that doesn't mean anything when it's called the new white hood. :smug: 

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2 minutes ago, McWicked said:

You sure are getting pretty angry at a symbol that doesn't mean anything when it's called the new white hood. :smug: 

It's not called the new white hood, it's called a hat with a slogan. What a group of psycho leftist extremists refer to it as is neither here nor there. 

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Just now, jehurey said:

Nah......you just talked about it for a week and a half, that's all.


A commercial in which it showed regulars guys standing and just contemplating, while a narattor says "be respectful, and teach your children to be the same" and that caused you to type ALL o this stuff that you've typed since.


God on knows how many words went through your head that you DIDN'T type here.


I mean dude............I had forgotten about the GIlette commercial, and now we are talking about it again because YOU BROUGHT IT UP.


:mj:Jesus. I'm not the one making you look this silly.

It's meant to shame men for being men, pretty much implies that we're sexual deviant and violent scum. We don't need that shit and I don't agree with it.


I really need Gillette to teach me how to be a man. Thank god they're teaching us to be respectful, I would have never thought of that on my own... :D 


If it wasn't for Gillette, I'd let my kids violently fight each other in my backyard and harass random women because I'm a man and I can't control myself. 


It's fucking bullshit and the fact I can't react to it is even more bullshit. Fuck off. 

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Just now, Ramza said:

Sounds dumb but I have no idea what you're talking about.


MAGA means nothing in terms of actual policies. Building a wall to protect the southern frontier with shithole Mexico? How immoral. :laff: 

Its not actual protection.


Even Border Patrol knows it isn't:





Border Patrol Union Just Deleted a Webpage Saying a Wall Would Be 'Wasting Taxpayer Money'

Digital archives show that the page was deleted after the union's president supported building a border wall with Donald Trump in the White House Briefing Room.

On January 3, Brandon Judd, the president of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC), stood next to President Trump in the White House Briefing Room and addressed the press: “I can personally tell you, from the work I’ve done on the southwest border, that walls actually work,” he said. “You hear a lot talk that there are experts that say that walls don’t work. I promise you that if you interview Border Patrol agents, they will tell you that walls work.”


After Judd finished speaking, Trump said that Judd and his colleagues “basically said—and I can take the word ‘basically’ out—that without a wall, you cannot have border security.”


At that very moment, however, the official policy of Judd’s organization—a union for employees of US Customs and Border Control—was that it “disagrees with wasting taxpayer money on building fences and walls along the border as a means of curtailing illegal immigration into the United States.”


That statement came from the official website of the NBPC’s “Media FAQ” page which argued at length against the policy of building border walls. The page, originally published in October 2012, was deleted on or after January 4, according to archives obtained through the Wayback Machine. This was the day after the press briefing, and four days before President Trump gave a prime-time television address arguing for Congress to spend $5.7 billion in order to build a larger wall along the US-Mexico border.


“Walls and fences are temporary solutions that focus on the symptom (illegal immigration) rather than the problem (employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens),” the now-deleted page says.


For the seventh year in a row........the majority of immigration offenders are through over-extended visas. Almost DOUBLE of the type of border crossers that the wall is supposedly meant for.




You see, David..............let's be honest here.


The people have been given this information before. They know the wall doesn't actually work. It doesn't stop people arriving by plane and over-staying their visa


The wall is not a real tool. The wall is a symbol.


The people that want the wall built want it so that it can send a symbolic message. The want a monument that represents the opposite of The Statue of Liberty.


Who here is MAN-ENOUGH to finally admit this? Anybody?

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1 minute ago, Ramza said:


S'ok.  We both know what road that was leading down for you.  I'd have bowed out.


Well, I wouldn't have been caught dead on that road, but if I found myself in your position, I definitely would have bowed out. :francis:

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2 minutes ago, Ramza said:

It's meant to shame men for being men, pretty much implies that we're sexual deviant and violent scum. We don't need that shit and I don't agree with it.


I really need Gillette to teach me how to be a man. Thank god they're teaching us to be respectful, I would have never thought of that on my own... :D 


If it wasn't for Gillette, I'd let my kids violently fight each other in my backyard and harass random women because I'm a man and I can't control myself. 


It's fucking bullshit and the fact I can't react to it is even more bullshit. Fuck off. 

Watch this and you'll know all that you need to.



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If everyone was just nice to eachother the world would be a better place :)  if we stop insulting white people and white men particularly a lot of this maga garbage would disappear. Why poke the bear? I don't get it. Acting racist towards white people isnt going to make them less racist. 

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Telling men that being masculine is toxic isn't going to make them behave better. Perhaps we should learn why men behave this way instead of trying to stifle it. Its obviously something genetic and inherit. Angering men with stupid razor ads is not going to make things better. 

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1 minute ago, jehurey said:

Its not actual protection.


Even Border Patrol knows it isn't:



For the seventh year in a row........the majority of immigration offenders are through over-extended visas. Almost DOUBLE of the type of border crossers that the wall is supposedly meant for.




You see, David..............let's be honest here.


The people have been given this information before. They know the wall doesn't actually work. It doesn't stop people arriving by plane and over-staying their visa


The wall is not a real tool. The wall is a symbol.


The people that want the wall built want it so that it can send a symbolic message. The want a monument that represents the opposite of The Statue of Liberty.


Who here is MAN-ENOUGH to finally admit this? Anybody?

Walls doesn't work now. LOL 


It might not stop all illegal immigrations but it sure as hell is a deterrent and an physical obstacle for people trying to pass the frontier illegally. And it's not just immigration, it's also drug smuggling and other crimes.


The statue of Liberty is a symbol of capitalism/democracy enlightening the rest of the world, not an invitation to any and all immigrants.

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6 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Then I guess it doesn't take much to shame you.


I'll ask you, once again.............[Alec Baldwin] you think this is abuse?

It's not like I'm losing sleep over it and freaking the fuck out. 


I just think it's shit, all of it. But apparently I can't say as much, just because? Hhmm, no reason, it's just an ad, move along, don't look at it, don't criticize it, don't laugh at it. WEAK MAN.


Get over yourself.

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Just now, Cookester15 said:

If everyone was just nice to each other the world would be a better place :)  if we stop insulting white people and white men particularly a lot of this maga garbage would disappear. Why poke the bear? I don't get it. Acting racist towards white people isnt going to make them less racist. 

Because America has a shitload people like Deeno think that black people registering to vote at a movie theater is an extremist action.  These people are very, very angry that a black man got to be president.


Do you think the Tea Party was about deficits?  Do you think they still care about deficits now that the black president is out of office?


...Do you think it's a coincidence that SheepKilla is alluding to "secrets" and "truth" being repressed by locking an "inspirational" Hitler thread?  Or that Ramza can't name a single governmental policy tied to MAGA?


Lot of happy coincidences going on 'round here. :cmpunk1:

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5 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

If everyone was just nice to eachother the world would be a better place :)  if we stop insulting white people and white men particularly a lot of this maga garbage would disappear. Why poke the bear? I don't get it. Acting racist towards white people isnt going to make them less racist. 

The harder the left pushes, the harder the right will react. It's just common sense. They're creating more issues than they are solving.



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