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I agree with AOC about billionaires

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30 minutes ago, ghostz said:

You are telling people that worked their asses off they don’t deserve the money they worked for




There's a limit to how much they deserve. Why do I even have to explain this it's basic economics. You can't have trillionaire oligarchs simply because they worked the hardest. 


Edited by Vini
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Poor people should just die to be honest 

It's like ghostz just woke up today and learned that Tax codes exist 


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5 minutes ago, ghostz said:

Oh there it is, that person doesn’t know or deserve more than me, THEY JUST GOT LUCKY WAAAAAH


coming from a guy with not one fucking skill. Just stop you fucking LOSER

I didn't say that.


I said that a person earning $10,000,000 isn't 125x more skilled, 125x more capable, 125x more educated, 125x more harder working than a person on a $80,000 salary.


Once again, you have trouble reading.

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Just now, jehurey said:

I didn't say that.


I said that a person earning $10,000,000 isn't 125x more skilled, 125x more capable, 125x more educated, 125x more harder working than a person on a $80,000 salary.


Once again, you have trouble reading.

How the fuck would you know? 

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Jerry thinks ur bill gates lost all of his money, picked up a staffing job at 80k, he’s never see more money bc he’s only as smart as someone making 80k and outside of luck that’s all he ever deserved because he didn’t work any harder than anyone else



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How many times is a multi millionaire or more a college or even high school drop out? Degrees are meant to HELP people, but the smartest people don’t need that shit. It’s a waste of time. Life’s a game and so is business, if u can’t find out how to win... you are either STUPID or LAZY 

Edited by ghostz
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2 minutes ago, ghostz said:

How the fuck would you know? 

Because I've never seen a CEO of any corporation that tool 125x amount of the college hours that the average $80,000 worker did.


Because I don't see a CEO work 125x amount of hours per week than the 40 hours per week that the $80,000 worker did. (Since its impossible)


Because I've never seen the $10,00,000 worker have 125x the IQ score of the $80,000 worker.

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@ghostz  You're just rambling now incoherently


I'm gonna repost what I already said and I need you to read it carefully. 



One of the lessons of the 20th century is economic systems like Capitalism are a game that people CHOOSE to keep playing, not one that they are obligated to play. 


In order to keep the game worth playing you must have people happy at every level of the game.


The poor need to be able to make ends meet by working full time without having ambitions of getting rich, the ambitious ones need to have upward mobility, the middle class needs to be working but also enjoying some spoils of their life and the rich need to be able to be frivolous and enjoy all the spoils.


At no point does hoarding billions of dollars go into that equation. If you can't ball out and build a legacy with $100 million you're an asshole.

Edited by Vini
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Woooo boy, ghostz is REEEEEEEEEEEE'ing like there's no tomorrow.


5 minutes ago, ghostz said:

Jerry thinks ur bill gates lost all of his money, picked up a staffing job at 80k, he’s never see more money bc he’s only as smart as someone making 80k and outside of luck that’s all he ever deserved because he didn’t work any harder than anyone else




4 minutes ago, ghostz said:

I’ll say it again, anyone who is poor is either STUPID or LAZY and it’s a fact. 100% 


3 minutes ago, ghostz said:

How many times is a multi millionaire or more a college or even high school drop out? Degrees are meant to HELP people, but the smartest people don’t need that shit. It’s a waste of time. Life’s a game and so is business, if u can’t find out how to win... you are either STUPID or LAZY 


Rich people love suckers who carry water for them.

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24 minutes ago, Vini said:

There's a limit to how much they deserve. Why do I even have to explain this it's basic economics. You can't have trillionaire oligarchs simply because they worked the hardest. 


Even working the "hardest" is a trick of language.  There is no way Jeff Bezos is working harder than the average Amazon warehouse pleb.  Bezos' net worth increases 28 million every single day, and his workers get 15/hr.  There simply isn't enough time in a day for Bezos to work proportional to warehouse workers that his wealth is fully justified.


Now, not to Deeno-math this, but if we just pretend that all of that wealth is income (it's not), and we run it through AOC's proposal, then Bezos would be taxed on his 10.21 billion a year:


10 million (because i don't know the tax rate on the first 10 million, but for this purpose it doesn't matter), plus 30% on 10.21 billion (his total minus the 10 million), leaves his net income for the year at 3.063 billion dollars.  A year.  And AOC's proposal won't even tax this full amount because it's not all flat income.


Ghostz's response to this is that 3 billion/year not enough for Jeff Bezos.

Edited by McWicked
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4 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Because I've never seen a CEO of any corporation that tool 125x amount of the college hours that the average $80,000 worker did.


Because I don't see a CEO work 125x amount of hours per week than the 40 hours per week that the $80,000 worker did. (Since its impossible)


Because I've never seen the $10,00,000 worker have 125x the IQ score of the $80,000 worker.

And that’s why you’re a loser jerry. You don’t see anything, but it doesn’t mean they don’t work harder, smarter, and are 125x the value with the company that someone like ur dumbass has


thanks for playing,  And well losing, the game of life

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1 minute ago, McWicked said:

Even working the "hardest" is a trick of language.  There is no way Jeff Bezos is working harder than the average Amazon warehouse pleb.  Bezos' net worth increases 28 million every single day, and his workers get 15/hr.  There simply isn't enough time in a day for Bezos to work proportional to warehouse workers that his wealth is fully justified.


Now, not to Deeno-math this, but if we just pretend that all of that wealth is income (it's not), and we run it through AOC's proposal, then Bezos would be earning about 10.22 billion a year.


10 million (because i don't know the tax rate on the first 10 million, but for this purpose it doesn't matter), plus 30% on 10.21 billion (his total minus the 10 billion), leaves his net income for the year at 3.063 billion dollars.  A year.  And AOC's proposal won't even tax this full amount because it's not all flat income.


Ghostz's response to this is that 3 billion/year not enough for Jeff Bezos.

Working smart > hard


work your ass off the rest of your life digging a hole to China you fucking idiot


ill take a plane and be there in 12 hrs

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1 minute ago, McWicked said:

Even working the "hardest" is a trick of language.  There is no way Jeff Bezos is working harder than the average Amazon warehouse pleb.  Bezos' net worth increases 28 million every single day, and his workers get 15/hr.  There simply isn't enough time in a day for Bezos to work proportional to warehouse workers that his wealth is fully justified.


Now, not to Deeno-math this, but if we just pretend that all of that wealth is income (it's not), and we run it through AOC's proposal, then Bezos would be earning about 10.22 billion a year.


10 million (because i don't know the tax rate on the first 10 million, but for this purpose it doesn't matter), plus 30% on 10.21 billion (his total minus the 10 billion), leaves his net income for the year at 3.063 billion dollars.  A year.  And AOC's proposal won't even tax this full amount because it's not all flat income.


Ghostz's response to this is that 3 billion/year not enough for Jeff Bezos.

How are you going to tel someone else they aren’t worth more than 3 billion when they started something that revolutionized the way the world works? Who the fuck are you to tell them they aren’t worthy of that extra money bc Jerry doesn’t work? Like I said, these are the proposals that get people killed, and it’s also the reason this shit won’t pass unless it’s seveeal decades later


i swear u all make minimum wage. Lmfao

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What did amazon warehouse workers do to start a fucking billion dollar corporation? Moved some fucking boxes? Why should they get any more money. THEY DONT HAVE TO WORK THERE YOU RETARD ... IF THEY ARENT HAPPY TELL THEM TO START THEIR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS AND STOP FUFILLING SOEMONE ELSES DREAM

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3 minutes ago, ghostz said:

So why limit it there is what I’m saying. 100k per single adult is more than enough. Start taxing them at 70% over 100k, right?

What are you talking about? Do you still NOT KNOW how marginal taxes work?


Ocasio-Cortez's plan is actually EASIER on the rich folks than yours.


What you are saying is that if there is a rich person who earns $10,000,000, then BEGIN TAXING THEM at 70 percent at the $100,000 mark, then they are going to pay so much more in taxes.


Whereas Ocasio-Cortez's plan was to only begin taxing them 70% after the $10,000,000.  Rich people would go absolutely ballistic over YOUR plan .


The only other explanation is...........you just HATE your fellow middle-class man, and you want everybody taxed heavily out of spite.


Taking away 70% of a middle-class earner's salary is much more damaging than taking 70% of somebody who already earned $10 million, and is then EARNING MORE than that in a given year.


The $10 million dollar man is not punished greatly when looking at all of his earning in context.

The $100,000 man was punished greatly, and the rest of his money is gone because of basic living expenses. Which is something that wouldn't happen to the $10 million dollar man.

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