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I agree with AOC about billionaires

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Just now, jehurey said:

What are you talking about? Do you still NOT KNOW how marginal taxes work?


Ocasio-Cortez's plan is actually EASIER on the rich folks than yours.


What you are saying is that if there is a rich person who earns $10,000,000, then BEGIN TAXING THEM at 70 percent at the $100,000 mark, then they are going to pay so much more in taxes.


Whereas Ocasio-Cortez's plan was to only begin taxing them 70% after the $10,000,000.  Rich people would go absolutely ballistic over YOUR plan .


The only other explanation is...........you just HATE your fellow middle-class man, and you want everybody taxed heavily out of spite.


Taking away 70% of a middle-class earner's salary is much more damaging than taking 70% of somebody who already earned $10 million, and is then EARNING MORE than that in a given year.


The $10 million dollar man is not punished greatly when looking at all of his earning in context.

The $100,000 man was punished greatly, and the rest of his money is gone because of basic living expenses. Which is something that wouldn't happen to the $10 million dollar man.

Nope, over 100k is rich enough! Tax them!!! !!!!!

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Poor people should just die to be honest 

It's like ghostz just woke up today and learned that Tax codes exist 


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20 minutes ago, Vini said:

There's a limit to how much they deserve. Why do I even have to explain this it's basic economics. You can't have trillionaire oligarchs simply because they worked the hardest. 


Holy duck how did I miss this. Ok You fucking loser, I think 12$ a hour is what you deserve. The rest will be taken away, don’t care how hard you work


see how that’s fucking insulting?

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8 minutes ago, ghostz said:

And that’s why you’re a loser jerry. You don’t see anything, but it doesn’t mean they don’t work harder, smarter, and are 125x the value with the company that someone like ur dumbass has


thanks for playing,  And well losing, the game of life



This is now the FOURTH TIME I am having to explain that specific detail to you.


No one is saying that they SHOULDN'T GET PAID MORE...............BUT THE RATIOS HAVE GONE OUT OF WHACK.


You are either really dumb to still not understand that point..........or you just really hate other people in your class.

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Just now, jehurey said:



This is now the FOURTH TIME I am having to explain that specific detail to you.


No one is saying that they SHOULDN'T GET PAID MORE...............BUT THE RATIOS HAVE GONE OUT OF WHACK.


You are either really dumb to still not understand that point..........or you just really hate other people in your class.

Jerry thinks amazon is warehouse workers deserve a million a year. Lmfao. Jerry - start a business and pay your workers that then







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8 minutes ago, ghostz said:

How are you going to tel someone else they aren’t worth more than 3 billion when they started something that revolutionized the way the world works? Who the fuck are you to tell them they aren’t worthy of that extra money bc Jerry doesn’t work? Like I said, these are the proposals that get people killed, and it’s also the reason this shit won’t pass unless it’s seveeal decades later


i swear u all make minimum wage. Lmfao

We can tell Jeff Bezos to fuck off and go see how many people in South America are going to buy things online........and let's see how much money he makes.


If Jeff Bezos doesn't want THAT BUSINESS at that take-home pay..............somebody else WILL BE OKAY with walking home with 3 billion dollars per year.


Ghost, let's make this very, very, very simple.


Let say somebody meets you outside of your job and says "SON!!! I want to hire you. I run my own business and I am willing to PAY YOU $10,000,000 a year for a job, its got some more responsibility, its got more pressure, you might have to work on weekends.


Will you say...........FUCK NO, I'd have to pay higher taxes, I'll only walk away with about $4.5 million.


I'd rather keep my middle-class job and salary, thank you very much!! Its a SWEETER GIG!:idid:

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4 minutes ago, ghostz said:

You can tell the losers of SW, @Vini, @Goukosan, @jehurey, and @McWicked never did any work in group projects, but surely complained If they didn’t get an A



Lmao I coded over 40% of my senior capstone project out of a group of four people.


What you're asking for is the rich kid who paid some guy from india to write his shit for him get an A+ and a job offer because he worked smart, not hard.

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1 minute ago, McWicked said:

Lmao I coded over 40% of my senior capstone project out of a group of four people.


What you're asking for is the rich kid who paid some guy from india to write his shit for him get an A+ and a job offer because he worked smart, not hard.

And you’re probably the reason you got a f you fucking loser :kaz:

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2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

We can tell Jeff Bezos to fuck off and go see how many people in South America are going to buy things online........and let's see how much money he makes.


If Jeff Bezos doesn't want THAT BUSINESS at that take-home pay..............somebody else WILL BE OKAY with walking home with 3 billion dollars per year.


Ghost, let's make this very, very, very simple.


Let say somebody meets you outside of your job and says "SON!!! I want to hire you. I run my own business and I am willing to PAY YOU $10,000,000 a year for a job, its got some more responsibility, its got more pressure, you might have to work on weekends.


Will you say...........FUCK NO, I'd have to pay higher taxes, I'll only walk away with about $4.5 million.


I'd rather keep my middle-class job and salary, thank you very much!! Its a SWEETER GIG!:idid:

No I’d kill my self bc it would be too immoral


Then I’d have losers like you claiming I’m a terrible person because I have more money than you :kaz:

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Just now, ghostz said:

80% of the population (and humans) are lazy and stupid. Not too hard to grasp. 

Ghostz actually thinks he's on THE OTHER SIDE with the mllionaires and billionaires.


Oh man, he really is a sucker.


He thinks he's a "Temporarily Embarrassed Millionaire" and he's fighting for them because he's be joining them soon.

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Ask anyone that isn't rich if they're willing to give 70% of their money away to those less fortunate than them, let's even throw a  bonus where all your food will be free as well. Still wanna do it? I don't think so :laff: 

Expecting people to give over half their money away under any circumstance :tom: 

God poor people are pathetic. Beg beg give give, it's not your money period.


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