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I agree with AOC about billionaires

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Poor people should just die to be honest 

It's like ghostz just woke up today and learned that Tax codes exist 


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Just now, ghostz said:

Remember why? Make that bet bet kiddo, but wait,  lol you won’t 

If I don't make that bet...........that means you don't prove your point and have already lost the argument.


If I won, why would I need to do anything after that?


You're the one that needs to redeem their argument, not me. :tom:

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Just now, jehurey said:

If I don't make that bet...........that means you don't prove your point and have already lost the argument.


If I won, why would I need to do anything after that?


You're the one that needs to redeem their argument, not me. :tom:

Bro idgaf about the argument. You’re a fucking loser who lives at home lmfao. This is probably the biggest “win” of your life. LMAO



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23 hours ago, SheepKilla said:

Economic stability doesn't happen via mass welfare. All that is doing is transferring wealth to people at the very bottom, who are then squandering that wealth instead of buying smart things with it. 


I think buying food, clothing, rent and other tax generating necessities, starting small businesses and improving local economies is far healthier for an economy than billionaires pushing money overseas into tax havens in amounts that a million lower class people combined won’t see in their lifetime.


A prosperous lower class is far better than an elite handful of multi billionaires 

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1 minute ago, Voidler said:

I think buying food, clothing, rent and other tax generating necessities, starting small businesses and improving local economies is far healthier for an economy than billionaires pushing money overseas into tax havens in amounts that a million lower class people combined won’t see in their lifetime.


A prosperous lower class is far better than an elite handful of multi billionaires 

If there is 1 billionaire, or 10000 trillionaires... why does this have ANY impact on you making money? 

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1 minute ago, ghostz said:

If there is 1 billionaire, or 10000 trillionaires... why does this have ANY impact on you making money? 

Because there is a limited amount of taxable money in an economy at one time. If billionaires are not being taxed enough it falls to middle and lower class to pick up the tab 

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2 minutes ago, Voidler said:

Because there is a limited amount of taxable money in an economy at one time. If billionaires are not being taxed enough it falls to middle and lower class to pick up the tab 

Bruh, lemme just stop you now.  I've been down this road with Ghostz.  Jerry's been down this road with Ghostz.  Teh_Diplomat's been down this road with Ghostz.  Vini discovered this road with Ghostz.  It all leads to the exact same out-of-service Gas Station in the middle of nowhere.

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1 minute ago, Voidler said:

I think buying food, clothing, rent and other tax generating necessities, starting small businesses and improving local economies is far healthier for an economy than billionaires pushing money overseas into tax havens in amounts that a million lower class people combined won’t see in their lifetime.


A prosperous lower class is far better than an elite handful of multi billionaires 

I agree in theory. But in practice it doesn't work that way. Here's why: 


1) The billionaires own the necessities (as well as other stupid shit) that the people will buy anyway. They are selling it to them.  A good chunk of that money is coming back to them anyway in the form of profits. 


2) Nobody starts a small business while living off welfare. If they somehow manage to, they will be completely annihilated by debt if it fails. Studies show the vast majority of small businesses fail within 5 years. 


3) The people receiving this tax money will use it for stupid shit. MOST of them are severely uneducated with no college education. They will buy lottery tickets, cigarettes, drugs and other stupid crap. Not just necessities. 


4) There will be horrible inefficiency and much of the money will be abused by welfare abuse. Then when/if they are prosecuted, that's more tax money to be used to  prosecute them. Actual millionaires are signing up for food stamps because of how easy it is to abuse. 


5) Which goes to my last point. This all will encourage horrid lifestyles like single motherhood and welfare-rat syndrome. This will ultimately sink far more people in society down than not giving them a single check. 


The re circulation of this money will not, and cannot, help.  

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5 minutes ago, McWicked said:

Bruh, lemme just stop you now.  I've been down this road with Ghostz.  Jerry's been down this road with Ghostz.  Teh_Diplomat's been down this road with Ghostz.  Vini discovered this road with Ghostz.  It all leads to the exact same out-of-service Gas Station in the middle of nowhere.

Funnny how you’re all poor and begging for other people to pay your debt


really funny actually. You’re a fucking loser, point blank dude, I hope you never forget you’re worthless 

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7 minutes ago, ghostz said:

And how does that stop you from making money? 

Because I’m being taxed more I have less money. Duh


But here is another way of putting it. I’ve run online e-commerce stores for the past couple of years, I and all other small vendors are competing for people’s money against the monopoly of Amazon. I make full profit selling on my own site but I have to play by Amazons rules and lose a cut of profit to sell on Amazon because they have the monopoly on online shopping.


Bezos earns $22,000 per second by other people’s efforts in sourcing, creating, manufacturing products. Tell me how that is balanced? What is he doing to earn $22k a second at this point?

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