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I agree with AOC about billionaires

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Poor people should just die to be honest 

It's like ghostz just woke up today and learned that Tax codes exist 


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2 minutes ago, ghostz said:

You’ve yet to tell me why bezos being rich stops you from making your own money


if anything, thank him for showing you a fucking way you ungrateful fuck

I gave an example. And I never made that point to begin with. I said more money for the lower class is better for the economy than a handful at the top

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28 minutes ago, Voidler said:

Because I’m being taxed more I have less money. Duh


But here is another way of putting it. I’ve run online e-commerce stores for the past couple of years, I and all other small vendors are competing for people’s money against the monopoly of Amazon. I make full profit selling on my own site but I have to play by Amazons rules and lose a cut of profit to sell on Amazon because they have the monopoly on online shopping.


Bezos earns $22,000 per second by other people’s efforts in sourcing, creating, manufacturing products. Tell me how that is balanced? What is he doing to earn $22k a second at this point?

He is in charge of one of the most successful companies , ever ? 

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Its amazing how ghosts questions the pay rate for middle-class workers.


But he has absolutely no questions over the pay rate of millionaires and billionaires.


Carrying that water.


I've talked about this before. Suckers have been TAUGHT......it didn't come naturally, this was actually TAUGHT to them.


They have been taught to hate downwards.


If you are in the 80% that only holds 7% of the nation's wealth, and you are fighting the other 80%........then you're a sucker.


Its very simple. If the Rich are getting 93% of the wealth.............why aren't they paying 93% of the taxes??????????????

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6 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Its amazing how ghosts questions the pay rate for middle-class workers.


But he has absolutely no questions over the pay rate of millionaires and billionaires.


Carrying that water.


I've talked about this before. Suckers have been TAUGHT......it didn't come naturally, this was actually TAUGHT to them.


They have been taught to hate downwards.


If you are in the 80% that only holds 7% of the nation's wealth, and you are fighting the other 80%........then you're a sucker.


Its very simple. If the Rich are getting 93% of the wealth.............why aren't they paying 93% of the taxes??????????????

Two things you’ll never have, money or a woman


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2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Ah, so people who have money and women tend to scream alot and meltdown on internet forums. Interesting.:patrice:

No, people who have money don’t beg for others to pay for things for them because “life’s unfair”



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1 hour ago, Voidler said:

I gave an example. And I never made that point to begin with. I said more money for the lower class is better for the economy than a handful at the top

Notice how Ghosts magically seems to mis-read and mis-interpret people's posts...........at rather SPECIFIC times during an argument.


Almost like as if he needs a Deus Ex Machina in order to get out of a jam, so he just goes ahead and pretends that you typed something else, and argues off of that.

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Just now, jehurey said:

Notice how Ghosts magically seems to mis-read and mis-interpret people's posts...........at rather SPECIFIC times during an argument.


Almost like as if he needs a Deus Ex Machina in order to get out of a jam, so he just goes ahead and pretends that you typed something else, and argues off of that.

Notice how you’re a fucking loser who has no life, money, or women 

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