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I agree with AOC about billionaires

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1 minute ago, SheepKilla said:


Again, it was a DIFFERENT time period, different society, different people, different government, different economic conditions. Now you can take a plane and be in another country within a day. What part of that don't you get? You're an idiot if you believe rich won't relocate based on higher taxes. They do it on a massive scale because they're not low IQ like most welfare recipients. 



Are you under the impression that international flights weren't a thing in the 50's? :| 


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Poor people should just die to be honest 

It's like ghostz just woke up today and learned that Tax codes exist 


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1 hour ago, ghostz said:

I’m waiting mike. What does it matter if someone is richer than you?

It doesn't if they pay their taxes.  They're not paying their taxes.


Panama Papers.  Look it up.

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3 hours ago, Ramza said:

10 million a year is nothing among the real rich people.


Why is a rich, successful business man not entitled to his money exactly? What makes you think that Bill Gates don't deserve his share of the wealth he has produced by taking risks and starting his own company/product that is now sold all over the world exactly? Dude probably spends more annually than 10m which goes back in the economy. Most rich people got there because they take huge financial risks, and it wasn't a measly 10m investment that got them there.


What makes you think it's a sound economic policy that won't backfire on the economy?


You want to make economic policies simply based on the fact than more than 10m a year is supposedly immoral in your point of view.

You are paying more taxes for each dollar that you make.......than the rich person pays for each dollar that he currently makes.


Please explain that logic to me. Please explain how the other 90% of society shouldn't be able to change our tax laws to correct that?



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3 hours ago, Ramza said:

What matters is that we live in a society than can allow men to make their own fortunes. Mark Zuckerberg was a nobody, Bill Gates was a nobody, Steve Jobs was a nobody.


Brilliant inventors and innovators of technology became giants. And it wasn't due to Government interference of their finances but an open market capitalist mentality.


Fuck Jehurey and McWicked on this, I respect some of you guys opinions on politics at times but I can't give you this one. Go cry about income inequality some more, the only thing that matters is equality of opportunity. Which doesn't apply to your mentality on economics. Shameful, extreme socialist ideas. 

Bill Gates has given away 28 BILLION dollars to charities . Most of these rich people do the same. 

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3 hours ago, ghostz said:

Imagine thinking if someone has more than you...that you’re entitled to some of it. IMAGINE that thinking... but only if you’re the victim. Anyone poorer than mike and Jerry don’t get a dollar from them, don’t forget that. 

These guys are ridiculously dumb and bitter :D

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5 minutes ago, jehurey said:

You are paying more taxes for each dollar that you make.......than the rich person pays for each dollar that he currently makes.


Please explain that logic to me. Please explain how the other 90% of society shouldn't be able to change our tax laws to correct that?



I didn't say the current tax rates are the right ones to have. I didn't say that there isn't massive tax evasions, frauds and other corruptions.


And your imaginary %70 marginal tax rate passed the 10 million dollar isn't going to fix that.

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3 hours ago, Ramza said:

What matters is that we live in a society than can allow men to make their own fortunes. Mark Zuckerberg was a nobody, Bill Gates was a nobody, Steve Jobs was a nobody.


Brilliant inventors and innovators of technology became giants. And it wasn't due to Government interference of their finances but an open market capitalist mentality.


Fuck Jehurey and McWicked on this, I respect some of you guys opinions on politics at times but I can't give you this one. Go cry about income inequality some more, the only thing that matters is equality of opportunity. Which doesn't apply to your mentality on economics. Shameful, extreme socialist ideas. 

Dude you guys are absolutely blowing my mind on just how big of a chump you guys are.


I've never seen people work harder to CARRY WATER for rich people.


Mark Zuckerberg doesn't accomplish shit without an internet infrastructure that was built by American taxpayers AND regular middle-class Americans who have enough spending money to be connected online and have internet-connected devices to make his website grow.


Steve Jobs and Apple do not have success in the early 80's if there isn't school districts who purchase the Apple II and makes the company profitable. Their biggest customer was TAXPAYER money.


Its very simple..........put them in a part of the world that isn't North America and Europe, and see if they would replicate their success in countries that don't have a thriving middle-class and they don't spend taxpayer money on their own society for schools, roads, infrastructure, etc.


Been using Jeff Bezos as an example multiple times now. Nobody seems to want to answer that hypothetical.

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3 hours ago, Ramza said:

What matters is that we live in a society than can allow men to make their own fortunes. Mark Zuckerberg was a nobody, Bill Gates was a nobody, Steve Jobs was a nobody.


Brilliant inventors and innovators of technology became giants. And it wasn't due to Government interference of their finances but an open market capitalist mentality.


Fuck Jehurey and McWicked on this, I respect some of you guys opinions on politics at times but I can't give you this one. Go cry about income inequality some more, the only thing that matters is equality of opportunity. Which doesn't apply to your mentality on economics. Shameful, extreme socialist ideas. 

Mark, Bill and Steve are exemptions not the rule and even under the tax accountability changes it won't stop people from becoming self made billionaires and millionaires... It's like you guys are purposely missing the point. 


There are tons of millionaires and billionaires that aren't paying their share of taxes.  Some of them literally pay little to no taxes. This puts a bigger burden of taxes on regular folks like all of us on this board. 


No matter how rich you are, you should not be exempt from paying taxes. 



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3 minutes ago, Ramza said:

I didn't say the current tax rates are the right ones to have. I didn't say that there isn't massive tax evasions, frauds and other corruptions.


And your imaginary %70 marginal tax rate passed the 10 million dollar isn't going to fix that.

It would fix alot of it. Because people earning $200,000 a year aren't the one evading taxes. It's the ones who earn money in the multi-millions.


And the 70% marginal tax rate would definitely begin to fix that.


Elizabeth Warren's 1% wealth tax..............Think about that, ONE additional fucking percent applied to the 12,000 richest households in America.......would generate $2.75 Trillion dollars over the course of 10 years.


Think of how much education and infrastructure could be accomplished on just that, alone.

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These guys are literally praising and worshiping the rich.


I literally show them a quote of one of the richest men in the world, and one of the greatest businessmen of the past century in which he is saying "RICH PEOPLE NEED TO PAY MORE TAXES." (Warren Buffet)


Goes completely over their heads, and they pretend that they didn't see.

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15 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

These guys are ridiculously dumb and bitter :D

You are bitter towards people in your OWN class.


It doesn't make sense that you two would be complaining and fighting as much as you are.


The mental gymnastic you (and ghost) make to associate yourself with these rich people makes it seem that you genuinely feel like you will be a rich person someday, and you're trying to stop me from taking your IMAGINARY GOLD!!!!! lol

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1 minute ago, jehurey said:

These guys are literally praising and worshiping the rich.

It's because they think the rich are better people than they are due to the number in their bank account or their stock portfolio.


Ghostz, Ramza, Slow Johnny...none of them will ever be the millionaires that they're fighting for.  They truly have no concept of what making 10 million per year is like because they're too busy arguing about how little that amount is if you're a billionaire.  One of these dudes is arguing this while flipping burgers.


I guarantee you if you said "i'll give you a position where you make more than 10 million per year, but you have to accept a 70% marginal tax rate", they'd take that position immediately.

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3 minutes ago, McWicked said:

It's because they think the rich are better people than they are due to the number in their bank account or their stock portfolio.


Ghostz, Ramza, Slow Johnny...none of them will ever be the millionaires that they're fighting for.  They truly have no concept of what making 10 million per year is like because they're too busy arguing about how little that amount is if you're a billionaire.  One of these dudes is arguing this while flipping burgers.


I guarantee you if you said "i'll give you a position where you make more than 10 million per year, but you have to accept a 70% marginal tax rate", they'd take that position immediately.

They're fighting us.


Because WE, meaning me and you.................are going to take their IMAGINARY GOLD FROM THE FUTURE!!!!!


They truly believe they are:




Millionaires in waiting.

Edited by jehurey
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14 minutes ago, jehurey said:

You are bitter towards people in your OWN class.


It doesn't make sense that you two would be complaining and fighting as much as you are.


The mental gymnastic you (and ghost) make to associate yourself with these rich people makes it seem that you genuinely feel like you will be a rich person someday, and you're trying to stop me from taking your IMAGINARY GOLD!!!!! lol

I'm not concerned about other people's money .  Good on rich people for getting rich tho . 

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15 minutes ago, McWicked said:

It's because they think the rich are better people than they are due to the number in their bank account or their stock portfolio.


Ghostz, Ramza, Slow Johnny...none of them will ever be the millionaires that they're fighting for.  They truly have no concept of what making 10 million per year is like because they're too busy arguing about how little that amount is if you're a billionaire.  One of these dudes is arguing this while flipping burgers.


I guarantee you if you said "i'll give you a position where you make more than 10 million per year, but you have to accept a 70% marginal tax rate", they'd take that position immediately.

Why are you so bitter ?  :D


you guys wake up mad because of other people's lives lol .

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12 minutes ago, jehurey said:



Millionaires in waiting.

This is exactly it.


"One day i'll be rich, just you wait.  I'LL BE RICH, TOO!!! :tear2: "  - Slow Johnny :cruise: 

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1 minute ago, Jon2B said:

I'm not concerned about other people's money .  Good on rich people for getting rich tho . 

And they got rich by bending the tax laws in their favor.


If that's part of the game, then we can bend those laws back in the middle-class' favor.


Republicans in the 1950's didn't have a problem with taxing the rich. This isn't a "liberal" issue because Republicans in the 1950 sure as hell weren't libs.

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