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I agree with AOC about billionaires

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1 minute ago, Jon2B said:

Why are you so bitter ?  :D


you guys wake up mad because of other people's lives lol .

You're not smart enough to see cause and effect between rich people's campaign donations or corporate lobbying and how that affects middle and lower class people.  Trying to explain it to you would be like trying to explain it to a cat.

Edited by McWicked
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Poor people should just die to be honest 

It's like ghostz just woke up today and learned that Tax codes exist 


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Just now, McWicked said:

You're not smart enough to see cause and effect between rich people's campaign donations or corporate lobbying and how that affects middle and lower class people.  Trying to explain it to you would be like trying to explain it to a cat.

Forgot , the alt left genius is here everyone . It's funny you sheep think you are so smart . Then I think reality kicks in and that's why you are so bitter about successful people.


It's should have been me ! McGates :tear:


stop hating yourself , you're too smart for that LOL .  

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1 minute ago, McWicked said:

This is exactly it.


"One day i'll be rich, just you wait.  I'LL BE RICH, TOO!!! :tear2: "  - Slow Johnny :cruise: 

They get P-I-S-S-E-D when we point this out.


I am amazed that our culture has been able to convince everybody that thinks they have a legit shot at getting rich.


Which is ironic because we're trying to improve the wealth GAP so that people DO HAVE the education, DO HAVE the extra money so that they CAN TAKE A RISK and maybe be an entrepenuer some day, and who knows, MAYBE start making some money and climbing upwards.


But we need infrastructure and support for middle-class people to attempt this.


They truly don't understand: WE ARE TRYING TO IMPROVE THE CONDITIONS FOR GHOST AND JONB to possibly have a chance at making it big. We're trying to HELP them, along with ourselves.

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21 minutes ago, McWicked said:

It's because they think the rich are better people than they are due to the number in their bank account or their stock portfolio.


Ghostz, Ramza, Slow Johnny...none of them will ever be the millionaires that they're fighting for.  They truly have no concept of what making 10 million per year is like because they're too busy arguing about how little that amount is if you're a billionaire.  One of these dudes is arguing this while flipping burgers.


I guarantee you if you said "i'll give you a position where you make more than 10 million per year, but you have to accept a 70% marginal tax rate", they'd take that position immediately.

We're not fighting against it because we love the rich. 


We're fighting against it BECAUSE IT DOESN'T WORK. 


You're the one who sees everything in terms of the opposition Rich vs. Poor. Behind that worldview is envy.  If taxing the rich actually worked, we'd be arguing for it. It doesn't work. It will just create a bureaucracy and support welfare scum. It will cause mass flight to leave the country. Companies in California are fleeing the state so much that they tried to sign in a law prohibiting companies from leaving. :D 

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8 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

I'm not concerned about other people's money .  Good on rich people for getting rich tho . 

Rich people are concerned about other people's money.


That's why they push so hard to change the laws so that more of the tax burden falls on YOU than it does on them.


Once again............Warren Buffett says that his effective tax rate is 14 to 16 percent.  And the regular middle-class person is 24 to 36 percent.


You think that happened by accident?


You seem to think that you aren't doing anything to rich people...........while not noticing that rich people have already been DOING THINGS to you for decades.


There's a NAME for that: A Chump.


It doesn't matter how COOL and non-chalant the chump wants to  think he is, it doesn't stop him from the fact that he got played like a Chump.

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4 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

We're not fighting against it because we love the rich. 


We're fighting against it BECAUSE IT DOESN'T WORK. 


Except for all the other western democracies where it does work.


And it worked in America, as well.

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8 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

We're fighting against it BECAUSE IT DOESN'T WORK. 

We have decades of American history telling you otherwise, despite your claims of (((globalism))).  Eat it, sweetie. :cruise: 

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2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

Rich people are concerned about other people's money.


That's why they push so hard to change the laws so that more of the tax burden falls on YOU than it does on them.


Once again............Warren Buffett says that his effective tax rate is 14 to 16 percent.  And the regular middle-class person is 24 to 36 percent.


You think that happened by accident?


You seem to think that you aren't doing anything to rich people...........while not noticing that rich people have already been DOING THINGS to you for decades.


There's a NAME for that: A Chump.

First of all, LMFAO at copying my posting-style of capitalizing letters to emphasize keywords. 


Second of all, Buffett pays that much because most of his wealth is in stocks and because an army of lawyers makes sure to use every legal advantage. Of course his taxes are low. He will move OFFSHORE if you try to tax him more, because that's what SMART people do. He will NEVER pay a dime, make the tax 88% or 100% if you want. It won't make a real difference in the country's economy. 


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11 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

Forgot , the alt left genius is here everyone . It's funny you sheep think you are so smart . Then I think reality kicks in and that's why you are so bitter about successful people.


It's should have been me ! McGates :tear:


stop hating yourself , you're too smart for that LOL .  

What line of work are you in, sweetie?  I'm in software development.  There's a good chance I make more than you.


In your world view, this makes me both smarter and better. :cruise: 

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3 minutes ago, McWicked said:

We have decades of American history telling you otherwise, despite your claims of (((globalism))).  Eat it, sweetie. :cruise: 

Liberals lack any mental power. This is your argument: "It happened in the past so it should happen today even though the conditions are completely different." 


"Mass migration from Europe happened in the 20th century, so mass migration from the 3rd world should happen today." 


"The rich were taxed by competent leaders and for good goals in the 1950s, so it should happen today with the Democrat Swamp."




ROFL :D low IQ shit 

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1 minute ago, SheepKilla said:

First of all, LMFAO at copying my posting-style of capitalizing letters to emphasize keywords. 


Second of all, Buffett pays that much because most of his wealth is in stocks and because an army of lawyers makes sure to use every legal advantage. Of course his taxes are low. He will move OFFSHORE if you try to tax him more, because that's what SMART people do. He will NEVER pay a dime, make the tax 88% or 100% if you want. It won't make a real difference in the country's economy. 


Umm, yeah, sure you invented the style of capitalizing key words that you want to emphasize, I'm sure the forum would agree with you on that one. LOL


And you are still proving my point.


"did that happen by accident"


Buffett has lawyers to take advantage of tax laws because the RICH HAD THE TAX LAWS CHANGED TO ADD COUNTLESS LOOPHOLES.


One of my favorite Jon Stewart quotes: "POOR PEOPLE did not force politicians to create complicated tax laws"


This has already been explained to you, if he makes money within the United States, he will be taxed.  We can increase the Capital Gains tax, and boom there you go.  if he wants to do business in the United States, his money can be taxed.


Offshore havens are for money obtained outside the United States, and they don't want to transfer it to the US.

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Just now, jehurey said:


This has already been explained to you, if he makes money within the United States, he will be taxed.  We can increase the Capital Gains tax, and boom there you go.  if he wants to do business in the United States, his money can be taxed.



Capital gains won't tax him. Capital gains occurs only when the stock is sold. Buffett practically NEVER sells his stock. He is given loans by banks and his stock is used as collateral. 


Loopholes exist because the financial system is COMPLICATED, not because rich people magically rigged it. These people have hundreds of investment vehicles, banks, armies of lawyers and paperwork.  

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Just now, SheepKilla said:

Capital gains won't tax him. Capital gains occurs only when the stock is sold. Buffett practically NEVER sells his stock. He is given loans by banks and his stock is used as collateral. 


Loopholes exist because the financial system is COMPLICATED, not because rich people magically rigged it. These people have hundreds of investment vehicles, banks, armies of lawyers and paperwork.  

He will not keep his stocks forever, it will eventually be sold.


So i got no problem waiting 6 months or 30 years. Stocks are bought and sold every day.


Buffett buys stocks, therefore the seller would be taxed.  You are pointing out something that is completely irrelevant.


And secondly.

-Lawyers don't work to change tax laws..........for free

-Investment "vehicles" don't work to change tax laws..........for free

-Lobbyists don't work to change tax laws.............for free

-Banks don't work to change tax laws............for free

-Think tanks down work to change tax laws...........for free


They are get paid to do that work, and that work is done in the interest of rich people and corporations. There's no point in trying to play stupid.

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19 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

"It happened in the past so it should happen today even though the conditions are completely different." 

You made a thread praising Hitler. :] 

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3 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

 History books did lie about him as well and covered up his true motivation. Massively.  

"I'm not defending him, I'm just saying historians, and the actions of his regime painted him all wrong, dawg.  Now let's talk about that picture i pm'd you about all that globali...jew-media..."  :lawl: 

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Just now, McWicked said:

"I'm not defending him, I'm just saying historians, and the actions of his regime painted him all wrong, dawg.  Now let's talk about that picture i pm'd you about all that globali...jew-media..."  :lawl: 

"History is written by the victors." 


And look who the most vilified man in the entire history of the world is. How naive and dumb you are. 

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11 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

"History is written by the victors." 

That's sure is one way of saying "I'm mad that the victors state that the man responsible for the execution of 5 million Jews has gone down in history as being responsible for the execution of 5 million Jews."

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Because you'll never be a millionaire, we should start a policy that tax the rich to an extreme level. -McWeak main argumentation


There a rich business men out there investing hundred of million of dollars in various projects, you think those people don't deserve their fair share of profits passed a ridiculously low threshold like 10 million annually. :D 


Good luck with fighting free market capitalism and all that. 

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3 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Because you'll never be a millionaire, we should start a policy that tax the rich to an extreme level. -McWeak main argumentation

What is an acceptable level of taxation for the rich, for you?  Be specific, and then explain why.

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