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Mourning the loss of your $500 - Official XBoner X disappointment/hate thread - "It's a monster"

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9 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

Receipts :hest:


This sounds so made up lol

SS board is no more....  but polygon ran a story on the promotion for the bonus if you put it towards a Switch pre order 





Got 195 + bonus trade credit for the hardware + credit for all the games + bonus trade in credit for the games.    (That month they had a bonus trade credit for regular trade ins.... was able to stack it with the Switch pre-order bonus) 








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Use this thread to mourn the loss of $500 wasted on the PS4's Pro's shadow, A.K.A the Xboner X. "It's a monster", indeed. Let's put this monster out of it's hideous, deformed, fauxK, no-exclusives hav

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3 minutes ago, jehurey said:

But Dynocrap just speculated that you only got $120 for your Wii U.......................because of.........reasons.:shrug:

once they told me I could stack the trade in bonuse for games + Hardware (forgot the percentage) + the trade in  bonus for pre-ordering a Switch.... I jumped on the offer. 


My power up membership ended a year after the day I pre-ordered and I didn't renew it after that .....


I'll agree with him that Power up is useless to keep... but once in a blue they have great deals like the one I got and I jumped on it. 

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