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1 minute ago, Sabo said:


Yup, because it's designed to be as unfair as possible. But that's the point, it's intentional.


I can get to outside the Police Station but that's where I die every single time. 

So do I have to beat one character's A scenario and then beat the opposite characters B scenario to unlock it? How exactly do you get it?

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Mr. X is a lemgod, destroyer of casual gamers lmfao . People are gonna cry about him for years to come     

It’s interesting that the game doesn’t give you much ammo but showers the player with healing items. I just finished the 2nd run as Leon with at least 4 or 5 G+R+B mixtures, like half a dozen green he

REVIEWS:   Gamespot - AAA (9/10) IGN - AAA (9/10) Systemwars - AAA (Even the excluded Sheep give it a BAAAHH as well)   Metacritic - AAA(91)                              

S Rank requirements are super lenient in this game. I think the only thing that matters is Time because I just got an S doing a Leon A run (I wanted to see if there where any significant differences between his A and B routes).


Finished the run a little bit ago with the final results being 3:03 for Time with 17 Saves and I got an S for that which surprised me. The run was pretty sloppy if I'm going to be honest. There were a few spots where I  couldn't remember where to go and what to do next because I don't know the game that well yet. Even fumbled through some of the puzzles because I don't have the solutions memorized yet.  So I wasted quite a bit of time here and there but still managed to meet the S rank requirement? Just seems too lenient to me but whatever, I'll take that infinite Samurai's Edge LOL.  


I don't think number of Saves or using Healing items matters in this game like it did in the original because I know I used a few GRB herb mixes for the Buff bonus.

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4th Survivor gameplay spoilers:


Managed to finish the 4th Survivor mode on my 6th or 7th try, god damn I love game modes like this. Tough as hell though :dame:

You need to run past most enemies when it's possible and not try to kill them and start off eating the red/blue herb in your inventory so you don't start taking too much damage.

And save at least one grenade or flashbang for the last stretch when you get outside, you'll know exactly where if you manage to get there :hest:


The next mode that unlocks after beating 4th Survivor is even worse :dame:



Edited by bhytre
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26 minutes ago, Sabo said:

S Rank requirements are super lenient in this game. I think the only thing that matters is Time because I just got an S doing a Leon A run (I wanted to see if there where any significant differences between his A and B routes).


Finished the run a little bit ago with the final results being 3:03 for Time with 17 Saves and I got an S for that which surprised me. The run was pretty sloppy if I'm going to be honest. There were a few spots where I  couldn't remember where to go and what to do next because I don't know the game that well yet. Even fumbled through some of the puzzles because I don't have the solutions memorized yet.  So I wasted quite a bit of time here and there but still managed to meet the S rank requirement? Just seems too lenient to me but whatever, I'll take that infinite Samurai's Edge LOL.  


I don't think number of Saves or using Healing items matters in this game like it did in the original because I know I used a few GRB herb mixes for the Buff bonus.

Not for S rank, but for S+ rank the number of saves does matter. 

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I wasn't trying to go for a good rank TBH,  I was just playing. My first playthrough clocked in close to 9 hours (I spent a lot of time looking for those damn raccoons LOL)... Still haven't found them all. Apparently there's 15 but I only got 11. So I have no idea where the last 4 are and I was pretty thorough in my search so these last 4 must be hidden very well.

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11 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

Not for S rank, but for S+ rank the number of saves does matter. 

 Ehh, that still seems really lenient. Once I have this game memorized completely it'll be easy to do a run in a single sitting so there would be no need to save.

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5 minutes ago, Sabo said:

 Ehh, that still seems really lenient. Once I have this game memorized completely it'll be easy to do a run in a single sitting so there would be no need to save.

You on hardcore?

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Now, yeah. Not like the game layout changes on Hardcore,  or at least not from what I have seen so far. Still the same enemy layouts, they just have more health and do more damage. Puzzles and the route is still the same as it was on Standard. Let's not act like Hardcore is a completely different game... It's just artificial difficulty just like every other game.

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20 minutes ago, Sabo said:

Now, yeah. Not like the game layout changes on Hardcore,  or at least not from what I have seen so far. Still the same enemy layouts, they just have more health and do more damage. Puzzles and the route is still the same as it was on Standard. Let's not act like Hardcore is a completely different game... It's just artificial difficulty just like every other game.

Never said it was.  In hardcore difficulty you have to beat it in 2h for the S+ rank, not 2.5...  It's not as easy as you think.. and a pretty decent challenge.  How hard are you expecting it to be? lmao  Of course if you keep playing and playing you'll get it... It's not designed to be impossible.


There's certain areas of the game, like the sewers, which can really fuck you over with the G creatures and Ivy if you're not careful.

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If Time and amount of Saves are the only thing that matters then yeah, that's way easier than it should be.


In a game like this you'd figure the game would also rate you on Damage Taken and Items Used? To me that just seems like the most important thing to rate the player on. But those two stats don't seem to matter at all. So I stand by my claim that these requirements are really lenient.


And I have a strong suspicion that you won't be penalized for using Infinite weapons which would just make these requirements even more lenient. I'd have to play through the game using them to find out but I know the game didn't care if you used Infinite weapons in RE4, RE5, and a few of the others so I wouldn't be surprised if REmake 2 doesn't care either.


Honestly, the only thing in this game that I consider to be crazy hard is completing the game without using the Item Box. Like holy shit... Just thinking about it is making me think, "Goddamn, that's going to be hard". I might end up using a infinite weapon for that run just so I don't need to waste space on ammo.

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honestly, i have to give this game a 10.


Really think about it, what game has done what this has done, what game has brought about the same feelings, recalled the original so well, and brought you back to when you were a kid. It's been 20 years since this game came out, and the remake is not only state of the art, it's fucking terrifying. even the weak parts (mr. X) are fucking terrifying and add to the experience. Every single thing about this game is made 100% for the fans. If this shit isn't perfect, what the hell is?


10. no doubt in my mind, 10 and capcom is the best developer of all time. this fucking game is a dream, nothing will ever top this. Glad I spent the $250 on the collector's edition. I'd buy it again.


10! :bow: 


Finished my first play through in 6 hours 11 minutes. If any of you remember, back in the day on SW. I went by the name Bodycount611. 611 was my lucky number, always i put 611 in passwords and shit.  My calling card, my shit. For some reason, I finished this game in 6:11:11.


This shit is scary. I feel like my whole life was a cruel road led to finishing this game. I almost fainted when I saw the time. 




This shit is spiritual


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Ehh, I like the game but I have issues with it.


-The bullet sponginess of enemies is ridiculous and is my main problem with the game. I still feel like this could've been handled much better. I don't care what apologists say, there is no reason a zombie should be able to take 11 to more headshots and still keep getting up. Makes sense for a stronger enemy but for your standard grunt enemy (which is what the zombie is)? They should not be eating bullets to the face like it's nothing. They're zombies, not the goddamn sons of Krypton.


3-5 is the magic number, that's where I feel it should've been. To counteract this, just give the player less ammo. Simple. If an average ammo pickup gives 10 bullets  now, have it only give like 5.


If mixing powders gives 15 now, have it like half that.


What does the mix for shotgun give you now? 3? Have it only give 1.


Acid Rounds give you two now so only getting 1 really wouldn't solve the problem. I'd leave it at 2 but instead make the recipe more expensive (probably make the recipe require Large Powder and add in a Large High Grade Powder).


Standard enemies take less bullets to take care of but you have very limited ammo to work with. Doesn't really change the game, you still need to conserve resources (possibly even more so now) but I feel the gunplay would benefit greatly from this one simple change.


-Another issue I have with the game is the last third of this game feels unfinished. I swear you blaze through the NEST in like 20 minutes and then that's it- game's over. The NEST clearly didn't get the same love as the Police Station and Sewers.



I have some other minor complaints but most of it is just nitpicking stuff. Overall I did enjoy the game, I love the level design and Capcom did a great job on keeping the game feeling familiar but also very fresh at the same time.


I don't think it's a 10, but I don't feel like it's quite a 9 either. Its feels better than an 8 though so this is one of those rare times I'd use a decimal.


8.5 feels right so I'll just go with that.

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15 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

Yup, 8.5 is actually the score I’d give it as well. If mr x the wasn’t such a pain I would have upped that to a 9. 



Just Flash him. Stuns him for a long time. About the only real good use I've found for Flash grenades (Flash is pretty good for certain G fights as well). They're inconsistent against Lickers which is where the game wants you to use them but I don't bother. I figured out how Lickers AI works so I just walk past them.


 Everyone else can tiptoe around Mr. X but fuck that, I ain't got time for that shit. If he's in my way I just go, "Catch, stupid!" and then proceed to carry on about my business. He's so trivial now it feels kind of pointless for him to even be in the game.

Edited by Sabo
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Alright, did a test run to test my suspicion.


I take back what I said earlier- Ranks aren't lenient, they're just straight up pointless. The game doesn't penalize you for using an Infinite weapon, just got a S rank with Claire and I used the Infinite Samurai's Edge through the whole game.


That's disappointing.

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6 hours ago, bhytre said:

4th Survivor gameplay spoilers:


Managed to finish the 4th Survivor mode on my 6th or 7th try, god damn I love game modes like this. Tough as hell though :dame:

You need to run past most enemies when it's possible and not try to kill them and start off eating the red/blue herb in your inventory so you don't start taking too much damage.

And save at least one grenade or flashbang for the last stretch when you get outside, you'll know exactly where if you manage to get there :hest:


The next mode that unlocks after beating 4th Survivor is even worse :dame:




Yeah, that's where I've died three times because I didn't have any subweapons LOL.


First try I got inside the Police Station but didn't go through the office and continued down the hall only to find it blocked off by a locker. Proceeded to get the shit beat out of me by Mr. X and a pack of zombies.


Second try got to the Ivy hallway and got grabbed by one of them and died. Didn't have no more subweapons and it appears the Ivy's grab attack is an instant kill.


Third try got to outside the Police Station and died at the "Entrance to Hell".


Forth try, same spot...  Died in pretty much the same way.


Fifth time, same exact thing except this time I used Flash. It wasn't very effective. I died.



Haven't touched the mode since that attempt but I'm almost positive Flash isn't going to cut it, you want a Grenade for this spot so save one grenade everyone. This particular spot is just death.

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I’ve only tried it twice but first time I just burned through all my ammo because I assumed it would be more action focused and the game would give me more. Boy was I wrong :D  


2nd time I made it all the way to the outside courtyard before getting wrecked by all the zombies there. I don’t see how it would be possible to get through that part without using a grenade, maybe multiple ones.

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